HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.

ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

The Orion Nebula Cluster

This image shows a ROSAT HRI-observation of the Orion nebula region (data taken from the ROSAT data archive; see Gagne et al. 1995, ApJ 445, 280 for a detailed analysis). The field of view is about 40 x 40 arcmin, centered on the Trapezium. The very strong source near the upper edge is the star P1724. This star showed a giant X-ray flare during the ROSAT observation, probably the most energetic X-ray flare ever observed. (For details see the abstract of our A&A paper on this flare).


From Dr. Thomas Preibisch, Astronomisches Institut, Würzburg, Germany.

Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 25-Aug-2020 18:01:41 EDT

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