German, UK Data Available from U.S. Archive
--by M.F. Corcoran
The U.S. data center is responsible for the release of data from PIs in the United States to the US and European public archives. Likewise, MPE is responsible for the public release of data from PIs not from the U.S. to the European and U.S. public archives. In keeping with these responsibilities, the data exchange between MPE and the USRSDC began in December, and is continuing on roughly a bi-monthly schedule.
At present, the USRSDC has received tapes containing all of the data from Germany and the UK that were scheduled to be released through May 1993. All data sets having public release dates between 01 Jan 1993 and 31 October 1993 have been released to the U.S. public archive. MPE data released between October 1992 and June 1993 also have been ingested.
Archive users can query the DistribList database in MIPS and/or the ROSGPSPC and ROSGHRI databases using BROWSE to determine which data sets have been released to the U.S. archive. Please note, however, that ROSGHRI is not available at present because no MPE-processed HRI data have been released.
Only those German and UK datasets that actually have been ingested into the U.S. archive appear in these databases. To determine whether a given observation has been released by MPE, users can examine the files rosat/doc/archive/mpe_archive/public_data.seq or rosat/doc/archive/mpe_archive/public_data.pos (available via anonymous ftp from This query is useful because technical problems can delay the ingest of MPE-processed data into the U.S. archive. As a consequence, data that are available from the MPE archive may not be available as quickly through the U.S. archive.
Incomplete data-set descriptors prevented the U.S. release of MPE-processed data with public release dates prior to 01 Jan 1993. However, this problem has largely been solved and we expect that all data between October 1992 and December 1993 will be released to the archive by the end of December.
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