The ROSAT Anonymous ftp Map
--Gail RohrbachThere have been many changes to the ROSAT ftp area in the past few months. New sub directories have appeared, and some old ones have been dissolved. The chart below summarizes the overall structural changes to the ftp area. As before (ROSAT Newsletter #9), directory names have been appended with a slash (/), while individual files are not generally listed except as <files>.
However, there are some changes pertaining to individual files of which you should be aware. The exposure map files that previously were housed in the rosat/exp_map directory have been deleted; a revised, more extensive set of exposure maps is now permanently resident in the HEASARC caldb/ anonymous ftp area on legacy. See caldb/data/rosat/pspc/cpf/ .
Also, there have been recent updates to the RPS5 (new as of 2/22/94) and proscon (2/23/94) executables. The latest version of RPS5 was stored in the rosat/nra_info/rps5 directory, as usual -- pick it up if you are having difficulties. The proscon patch is necessary only under certain conditions; see ROSAT Status Report #86 for details (bulletins are available through ftp from the rosat/doc/rosat directory).
Finally, a massive effort is underway to update all README, FAQ, and message files in the ROSAT ftp area. As a part of this effort, we will be standardizing file names to contain only lowercase letters, except in special circumstances (eg., README files, compressed ".Z" files, etc.) This renaming may result in a some mild confusion for a few months, but our hope is that a better organized, more useful ftp area will be the result.
This map of the ROSAT Anonymous ftp area is current as of March 7, 1994. Note that the parent directory name, rosat/, must appear first in the names of all sub-directories given below.
- FAQ.rosatftp
- <:file>
- ftpmap.txt
- ><file>
- Text version of this chart
- calib_data/
- hri/
- pspc/
- The calib_datatree was not followed, as this directory is a soft link to another location. Use cd rosat to return to the anonymous ftp area.
- data/
- cdrom/
- On-line version of the ROSAT CDROM
- hri/
- cal/
- doc/
- images/
- fits/
- <files>
- ps/
- <files>
- fits/
- test/
- <files>
- sample_files/
- mpe_data/
- <files and sub-directories>
- old_ratfiles/
- <files and sub-directories>
- pros_fits/
- <files>
- rat_fits/
- <files and sub-directories
- mpe_data/
- pspc/
- doc/
- images/
- fits/
- <files>
- ps/
- <files>
- fits/
- test/
- <files>
- sample_files/
- mpe_data/
- <files>
- old_ratfiles/
- <files>
- ratfits/
- <sub-directories & files>
- us_data/
- <sub-directories & files>
- mpe_data/
- doc/
- <files>
- archive/
- <files>
- hri/
- <files>
- hri_report/
- mpe_memos/
- <files>
- pspc/
- <files & sub-directories>
- rosat/
- <files>
- exp_map/
- these files have been moved - see text for details
- nra_info/
- <files>
- appendix_f/
- <files>
- rps5/
- <files>
- problems/
- <files>
- temporal_gain/
- <files>
- publications/
- <files>
- diff_bkgrd/
- <files>
- PostScript version of Snowden et al. paper
- <files>
- partic_update/
- <files>
- PostScript version of Plucinsky &Snowden paper: ApJ, 418, 519, 1993
- <files>
- sol_scat_Xrays/
- <files>
- PostScript version of Snowden & Freyberg paper: ApJ, 404, 403, 1993
- <files>
- survey_ptsrc_anal/
- <files>
- PostScript version of Belloni et al.A&A paper
- <files>
- rosat/
- Soft link for inverse of calib_data/, so FTP user does not become lost
- software/
- fortran/
- off_axis_psf/
- <files>
- proscon/
- <files>
- idl/
- <files>
- pros/
- <files>
- appendix_h/
- <files>
- sass
- <files>
- symposium/
- <files>
- Temporary sub-directory concerning status of the symposium proceedings.
- timelines/
- <files>
Locations of some often-asked for files:
- rosat_data.status - rosat/doc/
- FAQ.archive - rosat/doc/archive/
- FAQ.analysis - rosat/software/
- FAQ.hri - rosat/doc/hri/
- FAQ.pspc - rosat/doc/pspc/
- FAQ.pros - rosat/software/pros/
- FAQ.rosat - rosat/doc/rosat/
- FAQ.rosatFTP - rosat/
- FAQ.archive - rosat/doc/archive/
For help or comments, contact*:
- Gail Rohrbach
- Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
- Code 664, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- Greenbelt, MD 20771
- Ph: 301/286-1516
- E-mail:
- Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
* Note: Eric Schlegel has moved on from ROSAT to the XTE project. We wish him well in his new work.
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