The Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) seeks a creative, innovative individual with strong teamwork and leadership skills to serve as Director of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC). This will be a permanent civil servant position. + Learn more.

ROSAT Guest Observer Facility
ROSAT GOF on the WWW, by Jane Turner

Most of the ROSAT mission documentation is now available on the World Wide Web. A useful starting point for ROSAT information is the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility (GOF) page

The ROSAT pages are continually updated, and comments or suggestions are welcome. Please email or click on the Feedback button found on many of the pages. Some of the most useful documents available from that page include:

  • The ROSAT Users Handbook

This provides a complete description of the ROSAT instruments and satellite along with details of the mission history and instrument calibration.

  • Software Users Guides

Both the "ROSAT Analysis Using XSELECT and FTOOLS" and the PROS Users Guide are available via links from the GOF page. There are also links to the ftp areas containing software and installation instructions.

  • The Announcement of Opportunity

The "ROSAT Timeline and Proposal Information" section contains information on how to prepare your ROSAT observing proposal; the updated "HRI Report"; statistical information on previous proposal rounds and links to proposal preparation and submission software: RPS; COCO; VIEWING (see Legacy 3, 21) and PIMMS.

  • The complete set of electronic status reports.

  • "Frequently Asked Questions" (and answers)

  • Details on how to arrange a visit to the GSFC Guest Observer Facility

Links to the HEASARC BROWSE facility are available from the "Other Information and Services" section. Mosaic users with forms capability can search the ROSAT, ASCA and other on-line databases by target name, or coordinate searches.

The GSFC ROSAT GOF page also includes links to the ROSAT pages at CfA, MPE and the University of Leicester.

Newsletter Select another edition of the ROSAT Newsletter

ROSAT Return to the ROSAT GOF

Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

Please use the Feedback link if you have questions on ROSAT.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 17-Jul-2001 12:06:02 EDT

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    ROSAT Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre

    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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