clear - Clear input files, filters, selections, or everything cpd - Equivalent to set device exit - Exit from xselect extract - Extract image, spectrum or (light) curve from data help - Obtain help on commands and syntax filter - Set filters to be applied to the next extraction plot - Plot spectrum, light curve, image, HK parameter(mkf), or other quit - Exit from xselect read events - Read in the events data save - Save current session, product FITS file, spectrum, light curve, image select mkf - Apply Boolean expressions for data selection, for creating GTI intervals from HK or filter files, and for filtering the observation catalogue. set - Sets the mission, instrument and plot device, and the column names, and binsizes for extract. show - Show data files, obscat, parameters, selections, or status stop - Exit from xselect
abc - Apply Barycentric Corrections to ROSAT event data. bct - Produce a Barycenter Correction Table from ROSAT orbit data extpha - [P] Extracts source spectrum files from PSPC _src files fixrev0pha - Changes the CDELT1 and CDELT2 keywords in a ROSAT PHA file gevt2rdf - Converts a German _events dataset to RDF _bas format hiback - [P] Creates _qsrc file from _src file hriaspcor - Use Morse's method to correct aspect errors hriexpmap - Creates exposure map for given ROSAT HRI observational dataset hrifilt - Creates a ROSAT HRI makefilter file hrirpsf - Calculates theoretical HRI PSF img2us - Converts from German Image file format to US RFITS format mkqsrc - Adds extra fields for quality screening to ROSAT source file mk_allevt - [P] Combines standard \& rejected events tables of an RDF file pcarf - Generates a ROSAT PSPC ARF for an input PHA file pcecor - Corrects PI channel in Events file pcexpmap - Creates exposure map for ROSAT PSPC observation pcfilt - Creates a ROSAT PSPC makefilter file pcparpha - Generates a background PHA spectrum for ROSAT PSPC pcpicor - [P] Corrects PI channel in Events file pcsasscor - Corrects PI channel in PSPC events file pcrpsf - Calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC pctcor - Corrects PI channel in Events file pcecor - Applies energy dependant correction to PI channel in Events file rosbary - [P] Perform barycentric correction for ROSAT. (Runs abc \& bct) src2pha - Creates a PHA file from specified extensions in an RDF src file [P] Perl script. You must have Perl installed to use this tool.
Some FTOOLs used in ROSAT analysis are applicable to data from other missions, and so reside in a more general FTOOLS package:
calcrpsf - Calculates a radial point spread function caldbinfo - Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed for a user rbnrpsf - Rebins a radial point spread function rpsf2eef - Converts a radial PSF (RPSF) dataset to a radial encircled energy function (REEF) dataset. rpsfqdp - Converts OGIP format radial profile file to ASCII QDP st2rpsf - Reads STWFITS file and writes an OGIP RPSF file stw2pha - Converts stw PHA file to OGIP FITS format bkg - Subtract a background from a binned light curve extrpsf - ExtractS radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file. grppha - Manipulates OGIP standard PHA FITS file mathpha - Performs mathematical operations on PHA files rbnpha - Compresses a PHA dataset burst - Remove bursts of events from time ordered event list farith - Perform arithmetic on 2 FITS images fdump - Dump contents of a FITS table to an ASCII file fhelp - Display help pages for an FTOOL task fkeyprint - Display keyword(s) in FITS header(s) flcol - List column information in a FITS table extension fplot - Plot columns in a FITS file using QDP/PLT package fstatistic - Calculate mean, standard deviation, min, and max for a column fstruct - List a description of the structure of a FITS file plist - List parameters from task parameter files pset - Set one or more parameters in task parameter file punlearn - Get a copy of the system parameter file (reset task pars) sky2xy - Transform from sky to pixel coordinates using WCS keywords xy2sky - Transform from pixel to sky coordinates using WCS keywords