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Quick Summary

Useful xselect commands

      clear - Clear input files, filters, selections, or everything
        cpd - Equivalent to set device
       exit - Exit from xselect
    extract - Extract image, spectrum or (light) curve from data
       help - Obtain help on commands and syntax
     filter - Set filters to be applied to the next extraction
       plot - Plot spectrum, light curve, image, HK parameter(mkf), or other
       quit - Exit from xselect
read events - Read in the events data
       save - Save current session, product FITS file, spectrum, light 
              curve, image
 select mkf - Apply Boolean expressions for data selection, for creating 
              GTI intervals from HK or filter files, and for filtering the
              observation catalogue.
        set - Sets the mission, instrument and plot device, and the
              column names, and binsizes for extract.
       show - Show data files, obscat, parameters, selections, or status
       stop - Exit from xselect

ROSAT ftools

        abc - Apply Barycentric Corrections to ROSAT event data.
        bct - Produce a Barycenter Correction Table from ROSAT orbit data
     extpha - [P] Extracts source spectrum files from PSPC _src files
 fixrev0pha - Changes  the  CDELT1 and CDELT2 keywords in a ROSAT PHA file
   gevt2rdf - Converts a German _events dataset to RDF _bas format
     hiback - [P] Creates _qsrc file from _src file
  hriaspcor - Use Morse's method to correct  aspect errors
  hriexpmap - Creates exposure map for given ROSAT HRI observational dataset
    hrifilt - Creates a ROSAT HRI makefilter file
    hrirpsf - Calculates theoretical HRI PSF
     img2us - Converts from German Image file format to US RFITS format
     mkqsrc - Adds extra fields for quality screening to ROSAT source file
  mk_allevt - [P] Combines standard \& rejected events tables of an RDF file
      pcarf - Generates a ROSAT PSPC ARF for an input PHA file
     pcecor - Corrects PI channel in Events file
   pcexpmap - Creates exposure map for ROSAT PSPC observation
     pcfilt - Creates a ROSAT PSPC makefilter file
   pcparpha - Generates a background PHA  spectrum  for ROSAT PSPC
    pcpicor - [P] Corrects PI channel in Events file
  pcsasscor - Corrects PI channel in PSPC events file
     pcrpsf - Calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC
     pctcor - Corrects PI channel in Events file
     pcecor - Applies energy dependant correction to PI channel in Events file
    rosbary - [P] Perform barycentric correction for ROSAT. (Runs abc \& bct)
    src2pha - Creates a PHA file from specified extensions in an RDF src file

        [P] Perl script.  You must have Perl installed to use this tool.

Other FTOOLS for ROSAT Analysis

Some FTOOLs used in ROSAT analysis are applicable to data from other missions, and so reside in a more general FTOOLS package:

     calcrpsf - Calculates a radial point spread function
    caldbinfo - Checks whether a local  CALDB  is  correctly  installed
                for a user
      rbnrpsf - Rebins a radial point spread function
     rpsf2eef - Converts  a  radial  PSF  (RPSF)  dataset  to  a  radial
                encircled energy function (REEF) dataset.
      rpsfqdp - Converts OGIP format radial profile file to ASCII QDP
      st2rpsf - Reads STWFITS file and writes an OGIP RPSF file
      stw2pha - Converts stw PHA file to OGIP FITS format
          bkg - Subtract a background from a binned light curve
      extrpsf - ExtractS radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file.
       grppha - Manipulates OGIP standard PHA FITS file
      mathpha - Performs mathematical operations on PHA files
       rbnpha - Compresses  a  PHA dataset
        burst - Remove bursts of events from time ordered event list
       farith - Perform arithmetic on 2 FITS images
        fdump - Dump contents of a FITS table to an ASCII file
        fhelp - Display help pages for an FTOOL task
    fkeyprint - Display keyword(s) in FITS header(s)
        flcol - List column information in a FITS table extension
        fplot - Plot columns in a FITS file using QDP/PLT package
   fstatistic - Calculate mean, standard deviation, min, and max for a column
      fstruct - List a description of the structure of a FITS file
        plist - List parameters from task parameter files
         pset - Set one or more parameters in task parameter file
     punlearn - Get a copy of the system parameter file (reset task pars)
       sky2xy - Transform from sky to pixel coordinates using WCS keywords
       xy2sky - Transform from pixel to sky coordinates using WCS keywords

Michael Arida 2001-09-20