ROSAT Guest Observer Facility
ROSAT Wide Field Camera

The Wide Field Camera (WFC) is an EUV telescope designed and built by the United Kingdom. The WFC has its own 0.525 m focal-length mirror assembly consisting of 3 nested Wolter-Schwarzschild mirrors (co-aligned with the XRT). The focal plane instrumentation consists of a curved microchannel plate (MCP) a carousel containing 8 filters, of which 6 are science filters. The WFC provides a 5 degree field-of-view with spatial resolution 2.3 arcmin HEW. Use of the various filters allows crude spectral resolution.

ROSAT Wide Field Camera For more detailed information see the WFC chapter of the ROSAT Users Handbook.

Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Friday, 22-Jun-2001 14:59:15 EDT

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