[BeppoSAX Email]
BeppoSAX e-mail
11 May 1998
Dear BeppoSAX user,
the members of the steering committee are preparing
a proposal for the extension of the BeppoSAX mission beyond
the currently funded phase ending on April 30th 1999.
As a related activity we are attempting to collect detailed information
on publications on scientific journals that made use of BeppoSAX data.
We would therefore be grateful if you could send us a list of papers
(both in refereed journals and in conference proceedings) of which you
are the first author. For each publication we would like
to receive the following information:
List of authors,
title of the paper
Please also indicate if the paper has already appeared in print or
it is in press/submitted/soon to be submitted.
It would be best if you could send the list via e-mail to our helpdesk
address (helpdesk@sax.sdc.asi.it) with "BeppoSAX publications" as subject.
Thank you very much,
Paolo Giommi, Fabrizio Fiore