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HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.

BeppoSAX U.S. Coordination Facility

BeppoSAX AO2 - List of approved targets in the Core Program

    Pro    Target Name    RA(2000)  DEC(2000)              Title                  PI Name     Exp time Pri   Type
    (#)                  (hh mm ss) (o  '  ")
 553 TYCHO            00 25 21.0  64 08 37 Tycho's SNR                    Vink Jacco         100000 A   STANDARD
 452 RXJ0028+59       00 28 48.9  59 17 21 BSAX OBSERVATIONS OF BRIGHT HA Domitilla de Mar   100000 A   STANDARD
 483 3C18             00 40 50.5  10 03 23 A spectral study of 2 Jy Steep Morganti Raffael    50000 A   STANDARD
 576 SMCFIELD3        00 48 16.3 -73 00 00 A SAX study of HMXBs in the SM Israel Gian Luca    50000 B   STANDARD
 576 SMCFIELD2        00 54 57.3 -72 26 39 A SAX study of HMXBs in the SM Israel Gian Luca    50000 A   STANDARD
 547 GAMMACAS         00 56 42.3  60 43 00 The X-ray counterpart to Gamma Owens  Alan         50000 A   STANDARD
 576 SMCFIELD1        01 03 12.6 -72 09 14 A SAX study of HMXBs in the SM Israel Gian Luca    50000 A   STANDARD
 476 TOLOLO0109-383   01 11 27.4 -38 05 02 THE BROAD BAND SPECTRUM OF COM MATT GIORGIO        80000 B   STANDARD
 493 0120+340         01 23 08.7  34 20 49 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    50000 A   STANDARD
 541 NGC526A          01 23 54.2 -35 03 56 The broad band spectrum of Com Loredana Bassani   100000 B   STANDARD
 605 C0152.7-1357     01 52 42.0 -13 57 00 Measure of temperature in high R  Scaramella      150000 B   STANDARD
 483 3C57             02 01 57.1 -11 32 34 A spectral study of 2 Jy Steep Morganti Raffael    50000 B   STANDARD
 521 PSRJ0218+4232    02 18 06.0  42 32 21 Observation of the ms-pulsar P Teresa Mineo       100000 A   STANDARD
 493 0224+014         02 27 16.6  02 01 58 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    50000 B   STANDARD
 453 CCERI            02 34 22.2 -43 47 33 The coronae of low-mass active Sciortino Salvat   100000 B   STANDARD
 482 AO0235+164       02 38 38.8  16 36 59 A spectral study of 1 Jy BL La Padovani Paolo      30000 A   STANDARD
 479 ALGOL            03 08 10.1  40 57 21 The BeppoSAX view of Algol: Pa Schmitt H M M  J   265000 A   STANDARD
 459 MKN1073          03 15 01.4  42 02 10 Piercing through the torus: co Salvati Marco      100000 B   STANDARD
 591 EFERI            03 14 13.1 -22 35 42 SAX core programme observation Verbunt Frank      100000 A   STANDARD
 590 V0332+53         03 34 59.9  53 10 23 TOO Observation of V0332+53 Du Santangelo Andre   180000 T(***) TOO
 455 HR1099           03 36 47.3  00 35 24 Flares and coronal structures  PALLAVICINI ROBE   160000 A   STANDARD
 552 3C111            04 18 21.1  38 01 33 Broad Band Spectral Study of X Grandi Paola       100000 A   STANDARD
 535 GROJ0422+32      04 21 42.7  32 54 27 BeppoSAX observations of GRO J van Dijk  Rob       50000 A   STANDARD
 539 ABELL3266        04 31 21.1 -61 26 40 Spatially Resolved Spectroscop Silvano Molendi    100000 A   STANDARD
 477 A496             04 33 37.7 -13 15 43 Spat.resolv.spectr.of bright c Kaastra  Jelle S   120000 A   STANDARD
 519 1ES0507-040      05 09 38.1 -04 00 46 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 497 PKS0521-365      05 22 58.0 -36 27 31 Gamma-ray Blazars with Flat X- Laura Maraschi      50000 A   STANDARD
 475 RXJ0531.5-4624   05 31 35.4 -46 24 08 Spectral variability of Polars Matt Giorgio        50000 B   STANDARD
 488 PSRJ0538+2817    05 38 25.0  28 17 11 BeppoSAX observation of PSR J0 Werner Becker       60000 B   STANDARD
 497 PKS0537-441      05 38 50.4 -44 05 09 Gamma-ray Blazars with Flat X- Laura Maraschi      50000 A   STANDARD
 527 LMCX-3           05 38 56.0 -64 05 01 Observations of the Persistent Treves Aldo         50000 B   STANDARD
 493 0548-322         05 50 40.5 -32 16 16 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    25000 A   STANDARD
 493 0548-322         05 50 40.5 -32 16 16 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    25000 A   STANDARD
 463 MCG8-11-11       05 54 53.5  46 26 21 SPECTRAL SURVEY OF BRIGHT SEYF PEROLA GIUSEPPE    100000 A   STANDARD
 523 PKS0558-504      05 59 47.4 -50 26 52 A Study of Ultrasoft Variable  Comastri  Andrea    80000 A   STANDARD
 537 4U0614+091       06 17 07.2  09 08 13 Simultaneous Spectral and Timi Andrea Santangel    50000 A   STANDARD
 495 YYGEM            07 34 37.0  31 52 09 X-ray flares from the late typ Tagliaferri Gian   110000 A   STANDARD
 539 PKS0745-191      07 47 31.0 -19 17 45 Spatially Resolved Spectroscop Silvano Molendi    100000 A   STANDARD
 565 PUPPISAEAST      08 23 35.6 -42 49 25 Oxygen-rich remnants: MSH11-54 Vink Jacco          20000 B   STANDARD
 565 PUPPISASE        08 23 51.9 -43 05 53 Oxygen-rich remnants: MSH11-54 Vink Jacco          20000 B   STANDARD
 497 0836+710         08 41 24.4  70 53 42 Gamma-ray Blazars with Flat X- Laura Maraschi      50000 A   STANDARD
 519 1ES0927+500      09 30 37.6  49 50 26 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 596 NGC2992          09 45 42.0 -14 19 35 Fossil AGN's                   Roberto Maiolino    80000 A   STANDARD
 511 NGC3115          10 05 13.8 -07 43 08 The Hard X-ray emission of ear Ginevra Trinchie    90000 A   STANDARD
 607 GRS1009-45       10 13 36.3 -45 04 32 Testing accretion models with  Guainazzi Matteo    50000 B   STANDARD
 593 A1037            10 35 43.0  68 46 30 The chemical evolution of dist COLAFRANCESCO SE   150000 A   STANDARD
 470 1034+5727        10 37 44.3  57 11 55 The broad band X-ray spectrum  Joachim Siebert     50000 B   STANDARD
 511 NGC3379          10 47 49.4  12 34 57 The Hard X-ray emission of ear Ginevra Trinchie   110000 B   STANDARD
 589 LOCKMANHOLE      10 52 43.0  57 28 48 A SAX Hard X-ray Deep Survey i Truemper  Joachi   150000 A   STANDARD
 470 1055+5644        10 58 37.7  56 28 11 The broad band X-ray spectrum  Joachim Siebert     50000 A   STANDARD
 565 MSH11-54         11 24 33.9 -59 16 29 Oxygen-rich remnants: MSH11-54 Vink Jacco         130000 A   STANDARD
 618 NGC3783          11 39 01.8 -37 44 20 BROAD BAND SPECTRAL VARIABILIT Piro Luigi         100000 A   STANDARD
 475 RE1149+28        11 49 55.7  28 45 07 Spectral variability of Polars Matt Giorgio        40000 B   STANDARD
 491 NGC4258          12 18 57.5  47 18 14 Probing supermassive black hol Fabrizio Fiore     100000 B   STANDARD
 541 NGC4388          12 25 46.7  12 39 40 The broad band spectrum of Com Loredana Bassani   100000 A   STANDARD
 459 IC3639           12 40 52.9 -36 45 21 Piercing through the torus: co Salvati Marco      100000 A   STANDARD
 599 A3528            12 54 32.7 -29 07 18 Spatially Resolved Spectroscop Sandro Bardelli    100000 B   STANDARD
 546 X1254-690        12 57 37.2 -69 17 21 A STUDY OF THE DIPPING SOURCE  Di Salvo Tiziana    60000 B   STANDARD
 490 NGC4945          13 05 27.5 -49 28 06 Medium- and long-term variabil Guainazzi Matteo   100000 B   STANDARD
 528 IRAS13197-1627   13 22 24.4 -16 43 43 AGN Unification with Luminous  Giovanna M  Stir    50000 A   STANDARD
 493 1320+084         13 22 54.9  08 10 10 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    50000 B   STANDARD
 625 CENTAURUSA       13 25 28.9 -43 00 59 Simultaneous BeppoSAX and CGR0 Grandi Paola        60000 T   TOO
 541 MKN463           13 55 37.1  18 17 45 The broad band spectrum of Com Loredana Bassani   100000 A   STANDARD
 551 PG1402+261       14 05 15.6  25 55 40 The X-Ray Properties of Optica Fabrizio Fiore      30000 A   STANDARD
 482 OQ530            14 19 46.6  54 23 15 A spectral study of 1 Jy BL La Padovani Paolo      40000 A   STANDARD
 519 1ES1421+582      14 22 39.0  58 01 55 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 493 1426+428         14 28 32.7  42 40 19 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    50000 B   STANDARD
 508 GB1428+4217      14 30 23.8  42 04 36 X-RAY BRIGHT RADIO-LOUD QUASAR Annalisa Celotti   100000 B   STANDARD
 562 CENX-4           14 58 21.9 -31 40 07 BSAX observations of Cen X-4 a Campana  Sergio     70000 B   STANDARD
 497 PKS1510-089      15 12 50.5 -09 06 00 Gamma-ray Blazars with Flat X- Laura Maraschi      50000 A   STANDARD
 505 CIRX-1           15 20 41.0 -57 10 00 The quiet spectrum of Cir X-1  Oosterbroek Tim     80000 B   STANDARD
 519 1ES1533+535      15 35 00.8  53 20 37 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 519 1ES1544+820      15 40 15.7  81 55 06 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 494 X1624-490        16 28 02.4 -49 11 25 Spectrum of the LMXRB Dipping  Parmar  Arvind      40000 A   STANDARD
 551 PG1626+554       16 27 56.0  55 22 30 The X-Ray Properties of Optica Fabrizio Fiore      30000 A   STANDARD
 537 4U1636-536       16 40 55.1 -53 45 05 Simultaneous Spectral and Timi Andrea Santangel    50000 A   STANDARD
 537 4U1636-536       16 40 55.1 -53 45 05 Simultaneous Spectral and Timi Andrea Santangel    50000 A   STANDARD
 470 1642+4552        16 44 19.8  45 46 45 The broad band X-ray spectrum  Joachim Siebert     50000 B   STANDARD
 476 NGC6240          16 52 58.5  02 24 04 THE BROAD BAND SPECTRUM OF COM MATT GIORGIO       150000 A   STANDARD
 564 GROJ1655-40      16 54 00.1 -39 50 45 Phase resolved obs. of GROJ165 FEROCI  Marco       90000 T   TOO
 574 GROJ1655-40      16 54 00.1 -39 50 45 Phase resolved obs. of GROJ165 FEROCI  Marco       90000 T   TOO
 529 1652+398         16 53 52.2  39 45 37 Gamma-ray Blazars with Steep X Chiappetti Lucio    20000 A   STANDARD
 529 1652+398         16 53 52.2  39 45 37 Gamma-ray Blazars with Steep X Chiappetti Lucio    20000 A   STANDARD
 529 1652+398         16 53 52.2  39 45 37 Gamma-ray Blazars with Steep X Chiappetti Lucio    20000 A   STANDARD
 582 HERCULESX-1      16 57 50.4  35 20 24 Probing the 35 day cycle of He Dal Fiume  Danie   140000 A(*) STANDARD
 558 HERCULESX-1      16 57 50.4  35 20 24 Probing the 35 day cycle of He Santangelo Andre   140000 A(*) STANDARD
 504 HERCULESX-1      16 57 50.4  35 20 24 Probing the 35 day cycle of He Oosterbroek Tim    140000 A(*) STANDARD
 569 OAO1657-415      17 00 47.8 -41 40 22 The 48s X-ray pulsar OAO1657-4 Mauro Orlandini     30000 B   STANDARD
 526 GX339-4          17 02 49.5 -48 47 23 Observations of Spectral Trans Chiappetti Lucio    50000 T   TOO
 525 PSRB1706-44      17 09 42.2 -44 28 57 Observation of the gamma ray p Bruno Sacco        100000 A   STANDARD
 465 A2256            17 03 58.3  78 38 31 Hard X-ray emission from clust Fusco-Femiano Ro   100000 B   STANDARD
 452 RXJ1712-24       17 12 36.7 -24 14 44 BSAX OBSERVATIONS OF BRIGHT HA Domitilla de Mar   100000 A   STANDARD
 607 GRS1716-249      17 19 45.0 -24 58 14 Testing accretion models with  Guainazzi Matteo    50000 B   STANDARD
 519 1ES1727+502      17 28 18.5  50 13 11 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 496 TERZAN1          17 35 47.6 -30 28 56 Spectroscopy of Luminous Globu Parmar  Arvind      50000 A   STANDARD
 519 1ES1741+196      17 43 57.5  19 35 10 A Study of X-ray Selected BL L Wolter  Anna        20000 B   STANDARD
 470 1741+1936        17 43 57.8  19 35 09 The broad band X-ray spectrum  Joachim Siebert     50000 A   STANDARD
 598 SGR-A            17 45 37.0 -28 56 10 BeppoSAX WFC Monitoring of the Ubertini Pietro    400000 A (**) STANDARD
 559 SGR-A            17 45 37.0 -28 56 10 WFC Monitoring of the Gal. Bul J  Heise           400000 A (**) STANDARD
 461 GC161E1743-2843  17 46 20.0 -28 44 00 NFI OBSERVATIONS OF THE GALACT MEREGHETTI SANDR   100000 A   STANDARD
 461 GC17SGRB1        17 46 50.0 -28 33 04 NFI OBSERVATIONS OF THE GALACT MEREGHETTI SANDR   100000 A   STANDARD
 603 X1744-265        17 47 55.9 -26 33 49 Observation of Z and Atoll X-r Filippo Frontera    50000 B   STANDARD
 496 NGC6441          17 50 12.6 -37 03 08 Spectroscopy of Luminous Globu Parmar  Arvind      50000 A   STANDARD
 555 XTEJ1755-324     17 55 28.6 -32 28 39 Wide band BeppoSAX observation Sordo Del Stefan    50000 B   STANDARD
 482 S51803+784       18 00 45.7  78 28 04 A spectral study of 1 Jy BL La Padovani Paolo      40000 A   STANDARD
 472 AX1805.7-2025    18 08 39.6 -20 24 36 Monitoring of the persistent X MEREGHETTI SANDR    30000 A   STANDARD
 472 AX1805.7-2025    18 08 39.6 -20 24 36 Monitoring of the persistent X MEREGHETTI SANDR    30000 A   STANDARD
 482 3C371            18 06 50.7  69 49 28 A spectral study of 1 Jy BL La Padovani Paolo      40000 A   STANDARD
 484 SGR              18 14 57.5 -13 39 06 SEARCH FOR X-RAY COUNTERPART O MEREGHETTI SANDR    40000 A   STANDARD
 537 4U1820-303       18 23 40.5 -30 21 40 Simultaneous Spectral and Timi Andrea Santangel    50000 A   STANDARD
 489 PSR1821-24       18 24 32.0 -24 52 11 BSAX Observation of the ms-pul Werner Becker       60000 B   STANDARD
 603 X1837+049        18 39 57.4  05 02 09 Observation of Z and Atoll X-r Filippo Frontera    50000 B   STANDARD
 468 SS433            19 11 49.5  04 58 57 A deep broad-band X-ray view o Wolfgang Brinkma    80000 B   STANDARD
 620 GRS1915+105      19 15 11.6  10 56 45 the GRS1915+105 in particular  ENRICO COSTA       100000 A   STANDARD
 475 RXJ1957.1-5738   19 57 11.5 -57 38 22 Spectral variability of Polars Matt Giorgio        40000 A   STANDARD
 492 CYGX-1           19 58 21.0  35 12 05 Observations of Cyg X-1 in Hig Chiappetti Lucio   100000 T   TOO
 600 CYGNUSX-1        19 58 21.7  35 12 06 THE BROAD BAND SPECTRUM OF CYG BURDERI Luciano     60000 A   STANDARD
 604 4U1957+11        19 59 24.0  11 42 37 The high energy tail of 4U1957 Ricci Donatella     20000 B   STANDARD
 529 2005-489         20 09 25.3 -48 49 53 Gamma-ray Blazars with Steep X Chiappetti Lucio    20000 B   STANDARD
 529 2005-489         20 09 25.3 -48 49 53 Gamma-ray Blazars with Steep X Chiappetti Lucio    20000 B   STANDARD
 465 A3667            20 11 30.0 -56 40 00 Hard X-ray emission from clust Fusco-Femiano Ro   100000 A   STANDARD
 580 CYGX-3           20 32 25.7  40 57 28 Cyg X-3: observations during r Daniele Dal Fium   110000 T   TOO
 548 ATMIC            20 41 50.0 -32 25 50 Coronae of very late type acti Giovanni  Peres     80000 B   STANDARD
 463 MKN509           20 44 09.7 -10 43 24 SPECTRAL SURVEY OF BRIGHT SEYF PEROLA GIUSEPPE    100000 A   STANDARD
 496 NGC7078          21 29 58.3  12 10 03 Spectroscopy of Luminous Globu Parmar  Arvind      40000 B   STANDARD
 499 CYGNUSX-2        21 44 41.2  38 19 18 Cygnus X-2 in Different Intens Parmar  Arvind      20000 B   STANDARD
 499 CYGNUSX-2        21 44 41.2  38 19 18 Cygnus X-2 in Different Intens Parmar  Arvind      20000 B   STANDARD
 499 CYGNUSX-2        21 44 41.2  38 19 18 Cygnus X-2 in Different Intens Parmar  Arvind      20000 B   STANDARD
 499 CYGNUSX-2        21 44 41.2  38 19 18 Cygnus X-2 in Different Intens Parmar  Arvind      20000 B   STANDARD
 499 CYGNUSX-2        21 44 41.2  38 19 18 Cygnus X-2 in Different Intens Parmar  Arvind      20000 B   STANDARD
 556 MR2251-17.8      22 54 05.7 -17 34 54 Warm absorber in AGN - High lu Orr  Astrid        100000 A   STANDARD
 463 NGC7582          23 18 23.5 -42 22 13 SPECTRAL SURVEY OF BRIGHT SEYF PEROLA GIUSEPPE    100000 B   STANDARD
 538 LAMBDAAND        23 37 33.0  46 27 51 SAX X-ray spectroscopy of lamb Favata  Fabio      100000 B   STANDARD
 493 2356-309         23 59 07.7 -30 37 38 Extreme synchrotron BL Lacs    Ghisellini Gabri    50000 A   STANDARD
 563 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 Fast spinning Hard X-ray Trans Campana Sergio     180000 T(***)   TOO
 513 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 Fast spinning HXRTs in quiesce Campana Sergio     180000 T(***)   TOO
 545 RXJ0527.8-6954   00 00 00.0  00 00 00 A close look at a supersoft X- Orio Marina         75000 T   TOO
 592 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 TOO observations of VW Hyi and Verbunt Frank      200000 T   TOO
 554 TOOTARGET        00 00 00.0  00 00 00 BeppoSAX TOOs observations of  Andrea Santangel   180000 T(***)   TOO
 577 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 SAX TOO obs. of new transient  Filippo Frontera   200000 T(****)   TOO
 500 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 Recurrent Black Hole Transient Parmar  Arvind     200000 T(****)  TOO
 566 SGR              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 SAX TOO observations of Soft G Van Paradijs  J    120000 T   TOO
 503 TOO-1            00 00 00.0  00 00 00 Flaring Blazars                Gianpiero Taglia    50000 T   TOO
 503 TOO-2            00 00 00.0  00 00 00 Flaring Blazars                Gianpiero Taglia    50000 T   TOO
 549 TOO              00 00 00.0  00 00 00 TOO of transients in WFC field J  Heise           120000 T   TOO
 587 TOO-1            00 00 00.0  00 00 00 SAX TOO obs. of X-ray bursters Filippo Frontera   100000 T   TOO

  *     The proposals number 504 558 and 582 have been approved
        as "merged proposals"

  **    Proposals 559 and 598 are merged. PIs of these proposals will
        share the data

  ***   Proposals 513 563 554 590 are coordinated proposals. PI's will
        share the data 

  ****  Proposals 500 577 are linked. TAC document needs clarifications. More
        info will be provided asap.