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This subroutine prints out the descriptive text corresponding to the
error status value and prints out the contents of the internal
error message stack generated by FITSIO whenever an error occurs.
- The FTGERR subroutine returns a descriptive 30-character text string that
corresponds to the integer error status number. A complete list of
all the error numbers can be found in the back of the FITSIO User's
- FITSIO usually generates an internal stack of error messages whenever
an error occurs. These messages provide much more information on the
cause of the problem than can be provided by the single integer error
status value. The FTGMSG subroutine retrieves the oldest message from
the stack and shifts any remaining messages on the stack down one
position. FTGMSG is called repeatedly until a blank message is
returned, which indicates that the stack is empty. Each error message
may be up to 80 characters in length. Another subroutine, called
FTCMSG, is available to simply clear the whole error message stack in
cases where one is not interested in the contents.
subroutine printerror(status)
C Print out the FITSIO error messages to the user
integer status
character errtext*30,errmessage*80
C check if status is OK (no error); if so, simply return
if (status .le. 0)return
C get the text string which describes the error
1 call ftgerr(status,errtext)
print *,'FITSIO Error Status =',status,': ',errtext
C read and print out all the error messages on the FITSIO stack
2 call ftgmsg(errmessage)
do while (errmessage .ne. ' ')
print *,errmessage
call ftgmsg(errmessage)
end do
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