CIFCADDSource FilesRelease NotesCIFCADD (Jun11) ftools.caltools CIFCADD (Jun11) NAME cifcadd -- add a new column, CAL_ORIG, to a Calibration Index File (CIF) USAGE cifcadd mission instrument instru_alias (calfexp) (chatter) (mode) DESCRIPTION This task is a maintenance task for CALDB managers. It merely adds an extra column, CAL_ORIG, to a caldb.indx file. CAL_ORIG indicates the scientific institute from which each cal file indexed in the caldb.indx originated. The task sets the DEFAULT value of CAL_ORIG for each cal file to 'HEASARC'. As input, the task requires: (i) the mission & instrument whose CIF is to be changed (ii) the name of any alias for the instrument (doesnt matter which is entered) i.e. for ASCA XRT the aliases are XRT1, XRT2, XRT3, XRT4 for ASCA SIS the aliases are SIS0, SIS1 for ASCA XRT the aliases are GIS2, GIS3 for ROSAT PSPC the aliases are PSPCB, PSPCC If an instrument has no alias (i.e. XTE PCA) then just re-enter the name of the instrument (i.e. PCA). The alias info is required by a subroutine which determines the path to a CIF. PARAMETERS mission [character string] The name of the mission instrument [character string] The name of the instrument instru_alias [character string] The name of the instrument alias (calfexp=CALDB) [character string] The name of the environment variable. (chatter = 9) [integer] Flag to indicate how chatty the task is at execution. A value of 9 is the default, with lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output respectively. (mode = "ql") [character string] BUGS None known LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES v1.0.0 (1997 Jun) original version (Lorraine Breedon) SEE ALSO udcif PRIMARY AUTHOR Lorraine Breedon HEASARC NASA/GFSC (301) 286-1364 Page author:Michael F. Corcoran Last Update: Friday, 06-Dec-2024 11:29:25 EST |