MKCALINITSource FilesRelease NotesMKCALINIT (Sep94) ftools.caltools MKCALINIT (Sep94) NAME mkcalinit -- Create a caldbinit file USAGE mkcalinit DESCRIPTION This task will create a caldbinit file which contains the system specific commands necessary to set the CALDB and CALDBCONFIG environment variables or logicals. On UNIX systems the caldbinit file is created in the subdirectory "software/tools" and is called caldbinit.unix. On VMS systems the caldbinit file is created in the subdirectory "[]" and is called caldbinit.vms. Caldb users can execute this file to initialize their session for Caldb access. See the Caldb help page for additional information on how to use the caldbinit file. PARAMETERS (configdir = software/tools) [string] Path to the file defined by the CALDBCONFIG environment variable (or logical). The default value (software/tools) is the standard location within the local CALDB directory tree. This parameter should only be altered by local CALDB managers who know what they are doing as an incorrect value may lead to failure of the task and/or copies of the caldb.config file being installed on their system. (chatter = 9) [integer] Flag to indicate how chatty the task is at execution. A value of 9 is the default, with lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output respectively. A value of chatter=0 gives totally silent running, with the exception of error messages. EXAMPLES 1. Create a caldbinit file. example> mkcalinit BUGS none known SEE ALSO mkcaldb,mkcaldir,stcal LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES v1.0.0 (1994 Sept) First public release PRIMARY AUTHOR Ian M George HEASARC NASA/GFSC (301) 286-6094 Page author:Michael F. Corcoran Last Update: Friday, 06-Dec-2024 11:29:39 EST |