These are release notes for FTOOLS v4.0, released 17 June, 1997. In this document we discuss the new tools and scripts in v4.0 and highlight the major changes since v3.6. The FTOOLS now has a full suite of GUI based tools written in Tcl/Tk. One or more of them could make your life much easier, so check them out. Note: the FTOOLS tar file contains everything you need to run these tools (including a specially "tuned" version of Tcl/Tk, you do *not* need to have Tcl/Tk built separately from the FTOOLS). Individual tools include: FLAUNCH - This powerful yet easy to learn customizable graphical interface to all of the FTOOLS is new with this release. It enables the user to call any FTOOL or task, edit its parameter files, and examine the output. FLAUNCH provides extensive on-line help on its own capabilities, as well as providing context sensitive help on any task being examined. There's even an IRAF epar emulation mode for those who want it. FLAUNCH can be called either with a specific task name (e.g. 'flaunch saextrct') providing a parameter editing window for just that task, or as a standalone GUI (e.g. 'flaunch &'). In the latter case, FLAUNCH provides a complete FTOOLs environment allowing the user to run multiple FTOOLs and examine the output from each executed task in real-time, in either their own terminal window or via an output log file. Users may run tools in the background while running others in the foreground, and can input information interactively where necessary (e.g. when calling FPLOT) . Future versions of FLAUNCH will allow users to create and submit interactive scripts. XSELECT2 - Also new to this release, the successor to the command-line driven xselect, the new xselect2 is the primary GUI interface for HEASARC mission-specific data analysis. Currently it only supports XTE but more missions are on the way. See the XTE GOF web pages for more info. FV2.0 - This is a major upgrade over fv1.0 (released with FTOOLS3.6). fv now has a much more capable and intuitive plotting and image display interface (with online help). fv also now allows you to edit table and keyword values from the spreadsheet interface. It's also much faster. For each of the FTOOLS subpackages below we list the tools which are new to v4.0 and briefly describe the major changes to preexisting tools. For more information on any FTOOL type "fhelp" once you've installed the package. "fhelp ftools" will provide a full listing of all the tools available in v4.0, while "fhelp " lists all of the tools in that package. ===== ASCA ===== (*) For complete details and up-to-date information on using FTOOLS v4.0 to analyze ASCA data, please refer to: ===> New since v3.6 <=== ADDASCASPEC -- [PERL] Combine ASCA spectral files ASCARAY -- ASCA mirror ray tracing program CORRECTRDD -- Apply RDD correction to ASCA SIS FAINT, BRIGHT or BRIGHT2 data ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== ASCAARF (*) ASCAEFFMAP (*) ASCASCREEN (*) SISRMG (*) GHKCURVE (*) ===== CALTOOLS ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== GENRSP -- Generic spectral response generator MUDCIF -- Many updates to a Calibration Index File (CIF) ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== ADDRMF Extra option added so that instead of ascii filename user can also type input filenames at the prompt, and if this is the case, then user is asked for weight factors ADDARF Extra option added so that instead of giving file names, user can also input '@filename', where filename is an ascii file containing files to be added and factor(weight) e.g., if file1, file2 to be added with factors 1, 4 (as file1*1 with file2*4) then input file should have two lines as: file1 1.0 file2 4.0 ===== FIMAGE ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== FIMGMERGE -- Merge any number of FITS image files FIMGSTAT -- Compute statistics for a FITS image file FIMGTRIM -- Reset pixels to a constant value relative to a threshold ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== FIMGCREATE Option for input ascii file to be 'none'/'NONE' and the tool creates an empty image file with pixel values 0.0 FREGCON Bugs fixed; the tool now works! ===== FUTILS ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== FDELCOL -- Delete a specified column in a FITS table FDELHDU -- Delete an extension from a FITS file FDELROW -- Delete specified rows in a FITS table FPARHELP -- [PERL] Print help for specific parameter of a given FTOOL FSCRIPT -- [PERL] General script-writing tool FSCRIPT is a flexible tool to assist users in writing their own scripts to run Ftools and/or operating system commands. When run, FSCRIPT prompts the user for commands, and (if a command is an Ftool) for the appropriate parameters. FSCRIPT then generates a child script, also in Perl, which contains the user's commands in a simple, self-explanatory macro syntax. Using these macros, a user may edit the child script, modify or add commands, without any knowledge of Perl. Experienced Perl users may also augment the child script with their own Perl code. When the child script is finally run, it expands the macros into operating system calls, then runs the resulting script. FSCRIPT is in final testing and will be available soon after the release of Ftools v4.0. ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== FTABCOPY Row option is added. That is, user is given option to define row numbers as in other utility tools such as fdump. FFILECAT No longer requires filenames to be < 100 characters. ===== GRO ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== ECONVPHA -- Convert EGRET .spec files to XSPEC .pha files ECONVRMF -- Convert EGRET .resp files to XSPEC .rmf files ===== HEASARC ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== CHKARF -- Check validity of keywords for an ARF FITS file to be input to XSPEC CHKPHA -- Check validity of keywords for a PHA/PI FITS file to be input to XSPEC CHKRMF -- Check validity of keywords for a RMF FITS file to be input to XSPEC MEKAL -- Generates an XSPEC table file for the MEKAL plasma emission model NH -- Return hydrogen column density for a given RA and Dec RAYSMITH -- Generates an XSPEC table file for the Raymond-Smith emission model ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== RBNPHA (*) Now follows the channel numbering convention of the input file ===== ROSAT ===== ===> New since v3.6 <=== AO -- Evaluate geometrical variation of the scattered solar X-ray background DETECT -- Detect sources at or above a given significance and count rate TILT -- Evaluate the nominal scattered solar X-ray background LTE -- Evaluate the polynomial fit made by RATEFIT routine RATE -- Create light curves binned on 30-s intervals for the seven bands RATEFIT -- Fit PSPC light curves in seven broad pulse-height bands SRCDETECT -- [PERL] ROSAT source detection; runs XSELECT and then DETECT ===== TIME ===== ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== DEADTIME 1. gtifile parameter hidden (%) and GTI is searched for in the infile when the gtifile is "%". 2. allow input for multiple MKF files rather than one ===== XTE ===== For complete details and up-to-date information on using FTOOLS v4.0 to analyze RXTE data, please refer to: ===> New since v3.6 <=== ASMCHANNEL -- [PERL] Separate ASM color file by energy channel FASEBIN -- Bin RXTE observations of a periodic signal into a 2-d histogram (fB) FBADD -- Add several commensurate fB files together FBFSUM -- Average fB files in phase, by summing rows together FBSSUM -- Average fB files in energy and perform phase analysis FBSUB -- Subtract a baseline (unpulsed contribution) from a fB histogram HXTARF -- Compute and apply HEXTE collimator response to produce a .arf file HXTBACK -- [PERL] Separate HEXTE science or hk files by cluster position HXTDEADLC -- Correct HEXTE light curve from clock time to live time HXTDEADPHA -- Correct HEXTE .pha file from clock time to live time MKGTIF -- Create GTI extension file for HEXTE data RECOFMI -- Reconstruct RXTE master index files (FMI) XTECOL -- Create collimator corrected light curve for input XTE light curve XSELECT2 - Perform (standard mode 2) XTE PCA analysis PHASE BINNING TOOLS (fasebin, fbadd, fbsub, fbfsum, fbssum) New tools to bin events from a periodic source in both time (phase) and energy, thus allowing phase-resolved spectroscopy, as well as multi-spectral periodic light curve analysis. These tools can apply barycenter and binary orbit corrections, and can handle PCA data in a variety of data modes, HEXTE data in event mode. The default timing ephemeris is obtained from the radio pulsar database. *fasebin* is the main tool. It extracts the two-dimensional phase-energy histogram from the raw data and formats it into a single .pha file containing multiple spectra (one for each phase bin, preserving the phase information), according to the OGIP Type II Spectral File standard. Spectral files produced by fasebin may be read into XSPEC 10.0 or higher. A suite of additional new tools (*fbadd, fbsub, fbfsum, fbssum*), allows adding observations together, subtracting non-periodic emission, and creating phase-vs-energy histograms, among other options. *XSELECT2* This release includes a first look at xselect2. Xselect2 will help you do Standard mode 2 PCA analysis. It implements the "Reduction and Analysis of PCA Spectra" from the RXTE Data Analysis Cookbook. ===> Major changes since v3.6 <=== PCARSP (v2.31) 1) Three command line options have been added to override some default settings: a) The default naming scheme for the final .rsp file has been altered for cases in which not all detectors are used, but are added together. The default name now explicitly lists the pcu's in such cases. The "pca" designation is reserved for when all 5 pcu's are added. The user may override the default name given to the final .rsp file using the -n command line input. b) The date of the observation is now taken from the header of the input pha file. The user may override this date using the -d command line input. c) Using the -e option, the user may now specify an energy-to-channel calibration file which is resident on a local disk rather than having it fetched from the calibration database (e.g. caldb). 2) The option for using the crab-fixing efficiencies in pcarmf have been removed. In v2.1.2 of pcarmf, this now requires the user to supply his/her own file with modified areas. We now consider this an expert feature. Interested users should contact the GOF or the PCA team. 3) When used with pcarmf v2.1.2, users may now create a matrix for the propane layer. 4) Lower case is now accepted when specifying the layer anodes. 5) Bug fixes include better cleaning up of the unnecessary files, allowing the calls to pcarmf, marfrmf, xpcaarf and gcorrmf to overwrite existing output files, and proper calling of gcorrmf when pcarsp runs pcagainset. PCARMF (v2.1.2) This version of pcarmf includes a number of changes and enhancements. Note that it should be used with the calibration file pca_e2c_e03v03.fits. 1) The supported energy-to-channel model is now 3. This model first translates the energy of the photon into the number of secondary electrons, and then allows a quadratic fit for channel number as a function of number of electrons. The x-axis (number of electrons) is renormalized to be approximately the energy for convenience for plotting inside xspec. 2) Propane matrices may now be created, and are individually generated for each PCU to account for the different PCU gains. The normalization of propane response to xenon response is unexpected (i.e. not 1). Users are advised to let the normalization of the propane layer float relative to other layers for the time being. 3) The default areas have been removed for the crab-fixing efficiency adjustments. Hence, to utilize the scale_hack parameter, the user must now supply his/her own file (using the scale_file parameter) giving the area adjustments. 4) Parameters used to calculate the response matrix are now written as HISTORY keywords to the extension header. These include many of the hidden pcarmf parameters. PCABACKEST (v1.5) - Can really search calibration database for background models. - Some HISTORY records in the FITS header. - Allows filter files to be a little short. - Correctly sets the GAINAPP keyword. - Supports various improvements in the model file format. ===== XSELECT/EXTRACTOR ===== XSELECT (*) Now supports SAX LECS and MECS. Uses new extractor (see below). Does an fmemsort after "extract events" when working with multiple event files to ensure that output events file is time-ordered. New option "set image raw" uses raw coordinates. EXTRACTOR (*) The program that was run by xselect is now available as a stand-alone ftool. A number of bugs have been fixed in region filtering. Dynamic memory is used. (*) For complete details and up-to-date information on using FTOOLS v4.0 to analyze ASCA data, please refer to: