bod2rmf -- Makes XSPEC RMF file for BATSE occultation data.
bod2rmf inrfil datadir outputdir ladnum viewper tjd_start tjd_stop sradeg sdecdg zradeg zdecdg xradeg xdecdg rmffil clobber
This utility creates detector response matrix (in RMF FITS format) for to be used BATSE occultation data (NHIS type), or other non-triggered data types. A separate detector response matrix is required for each CGRO orientation (constant within a given CGRO viewing period), source direction, and BATSE detector (LAD). The response matrix is generated using LAD matrix integrator software (Version 3.0). For Earth occultation data, The corresponding (PHA FITS) spectral data files in XSPEC format are created by FTOOL bod2pha. The observation start and stop times, or alternitively, the CGRO Viewing Preiod number are used to obtain the correct calibration parameters. If the viewing period number is specified, the spacecraft orientation (X- and Z-axis clestial coordinates) are determined automatically.
The FITS file, inst_resp.fits, which contains detector-specific response matrix data, is read in by this utility and is required for it to function. This file lives in /refdata. In addtion, the file "vp_list.fits", also found in that directory is needed if the "viewper" options (see below) is to be used.
The BATSE Earth occultation database, and related information are availble through the HEASARC, or on the web at: <> (also see <>
1. Create the BATSE LAD number 4 instrument response matrix for CGRO Viewing Period 2.0 (==0020). The source of interest is the Crab, and the output file is to be named "Crab_VP0020_lad4.rmf".
bod2rmf viewper=2 sradg=82.63 sdecdg=22.01 rmffil=Crab_VP0020_lad4 ladnum=4
The Viewing Period list file "vp_list.fits",is also required; see <>. This should be placed in data_dir/vp_list.fits. Their are additional calibration files, which should be transparent to the user, and are included with the FTOOLS distribution.
In earlier versions, the energy channel boundaries for a certain epoch (TJD 10179 - 10464) were comuted incorrectly. This was fixed in April 2005 (but subsequent to the HEASOFT 6.0 release).
bodgetvp, bod2pha, bodfluxhis, groview