econvrmf -- Converts EGRET .resp files to XSPEC .rmf files.
econvrmf file.resp file.rmf
This utility converts FITS formatted .resp files generated from the EGRET data analysis code SPECTRAL into XSPEC .rmf files in FITS format.
The input structure is read by the routine READ_RESP composed of pieces of code written by Keith A. Arnaud (Goddard Space Flight Center), Mark A. Fardal (University of Colorado), Partick L. Nolan (Stanford University), and Thomas A. McGlynn (Goddard Space Flight Center). The output structure is written by the routine WRITE_RSP, which was written by Keith A. Arnaud (Goddard Space Flight Center). The package of routines was assembled by John R. Mattox (Boston University).
1. Convert 2eg2020.resp into 2eg2020.rmf:
% econvrmf 2eg2020.resp 2eg2020.rmf