fevpbtoa -- Converts Comptel EVP fits files to an ASCII file.


        fevpbtoa fitfile frec nrec scal


This utility converts Fits formatted COMPTEL EVP data files to an formatted ascii file.

The input fits file is opened. The output ascii file "ascfit.evp" is opened. Beginning at "frec", "nrec" events are transferred to the ascii file. Application of column scaling factors is performed when scal = true and suppressed when scal = false.

(The output structure is based on the routine SEVPBTOA written by Rita Freuder at the University of New Hampshire, that uses the native data on a SUN computer.)


fitfile [evp file name]
Name of EVP file from which event data is to be taken

frec [integer]
Record (event) to begin reading from.

nrec [integer]
Number of records to transfer to the ascii file.

(scal=yes) [boolean]
Flag for applying/suppressing the column scale factors.


1. Transfer records 150 to 1000 from the file M16959_EVP.fits, applying scale factors where appropriate.

               ft> fevpbtoa M16959_EVP.fits 150 1000 yes

2. Transfer records 150 to 1000 from the file M16959_EVP.fits, suppressing scale factors.

               ft> fevpbtoa M16959_EVP.fits 150 1000 no




Jun94 ftools.gro