fimgdmp -- dump the values in a FITS primary array or image extension to ASCII format.


        fimgdmp infile[ext#] outfil xlow xhigh ylow yhigh zlow zhigh


This task will print the values in a FITS 1,2 or 3-D image primary array or image extension to either an output ASCII file or to the screen with the specified row (Y, NAXIS2), column (X, NAXIS1) and layer (Z, NAXIS3) limits. If no extension is specified the primary array is displayed.


infile [file name]
Name of the input FITS image and extension. If no extension is specified, the primary array is displayed.

outfil [file name]
Name of the output ASCII file. If STDOUT is specified, the output will be directed to the screen.

xlow [integer]
Lower limit of columns to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS1.

xhigh [integer]
Upper limit of columns to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS1.

ylow [integer]
Lower limit of rows to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS2.

yhigh [integer]
Upper limit of rows to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS2.

zlow [integer]
Lower limit of layers to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS3.

zhigh [integer]
Upper limit of layers to be printed. Corresponds to NAXIS3.

(prflag=no) [boolean]
Print the header keywords too?

(showscale=yes) [boolean]
If true, scaling will be applied to the output. If false, the actual values in the file will be printed.


1. Print columns 1-10, rows 15-17 and the first 3 layers of the file to the output file called dump.lis:

         ft> fimgdmp image.fits dump.lis 1 10 15 17 1 3





Jul92 ftools.fimage