fparkey -- Write a parameter value to a FITS header keyword.
fparkey value fitsfile keyword
This task changes the value of a header keyword (in the first FITS extension, by default). If the value of the task parameter 'add' is "yes", the task allows a new keyword to be added to the header, otherwise, attempting to add a new keyword will cause an error. The data type of the keyword value is determined implicitly from the keyword value. The values of T, TRUE, Y, YES, F, FALSE, N, or NO (in upper or lower case) are interpreted as boolean values. Enclosing the value string in single quotes will force it to be interpreted as a string, rather than as a numeric or boolean value.
A keyword many be deleted from the FITS header by prefixing the keyword name with a minus sign (-).
1. Set the header keyword EXTNAME in the 3rd extension in the 'myfile.fits' FITS file to the value of 'RATEFILE', leaving the comment string unchanged.
ft> fparkey RATEFILE 'myfile.fits[3]' extname
2. Add the header keyword NEWKEY to the primary header in the 'myfile.fits' FITS file with a value of 15.25 and a comment of 'New keyword':
ft> fparkey 15.25 'myfile.fits[0]' newkey comm='New keyword' add=yes
3. Delete the header keyword XVALUE in the 1st extension of the data.fits FITS file:
ft> fparkey dummy data.fits -xvalue
fthedit, ftkeypar, ftedit, ftlist, heatools