FTOOLS: The FIMAGE Sub-package
The FIMAGE sub-package of FTOOLS
contains tasks for FITS image file manipulation that are not specific
to a particular mission or instrument.
The following list of FIMAGE tasks were released in the latest release of the HEASARC's FTOOLS package. Each task is hyperlinked
to the help file distributed with the task. The same information can
be obtained while running FTOOLS by typing the command fhelp
FITS Image Tasks:
- chimgtyp
- Changes data type (BITPIX) of an image array
- f2dhisto
- Make a 2-D histogram from 2 columns in a table
- fadapt
- Convolve a FITS image with an adaptive top hat filter
- farith
- Perform arithmetic on 2 FITS images
- fboxcar
- Convolve a FITS image with a rectangular boxcar filter
- fcarith
- Perform arithmetic on FITS image with a constant
- fgauss
- Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Gaussian function
- fim2lst
- Convert a 2D image to a pixel list (inverse of f2dhisto)
- fimg2tab
- Copies the image pixel values into a (binary/ascii)
table extension.
- fimconcat
- Take 2 images and place them side by side as single image
- fimgbin
- Rebin a FITS image using a rectangular bin size
- fimgdmp
- Dump contents of a FITS image to an ASCII file
- fimgextract
- Extract a (vector) column from a table or a subset
from an array, optionally summing over the rows
- fimgmerge
- Merge any number of images onto a given image
- fimgstat
- Compute statistics (max, min, etc.) for an image file
- fimgpar
- Copy the value of a FITS image pixel to the parameter file
- fimgtrim
- Reset image pixels with values above/below threshold values
- fimhisto
- Creates a histogram of the image extension
- florentz
- Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Lorentzian function
- flst2im
- Create an output FITS image file from input list file
containing a list of the coordinates and respective values
- fmaskfilt
- Filter an event list based on an input mask image
- fmedian
- Convolve a FITS image with a median value within an
user defined rectangular box
- fmrgmsk
- Merge 2 or more spatial masks
- fparimg
- Write a task parameter value to a FITS image pixel
- fregcon
- SAOimage region file converter from one instrument/detector
to another
- fsaoi
- Translate an SAOImage region file to an input file for fselect
- fvec2img
- Create an image from a column of vectors
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.