ftaddarf | - Add input ARF files with specified weights |
ftaddrmf | - Add input RMF files with specified weights |
ftascii2pha | - Creates an OGIP standard PHA file from a text file |
ftchkarf | - Checks the validity of a FITS arf file |
ftchkpha | - Checks the validity of a FITS pha file |
ftchkrmf | - Checks the validity of a FITS response file |
ftcmparf | - Converts a type 2 ARF file to a type 1 ARF file |
ftcmppha | - Converts a type 2 pha file to a type 1 pha file |
ftcmprmf | - Compress RMF by removing response below a threshold |
ftconvoldrsp | - Converts old-style SF format response matrices to FITS | ftdmprmf | - Displays OGIP standard Response FITS file |
ftflx2tab | - Read an input text file with one or more model spectra and convert to an XSPEC table model file |
ftflx2xsp | - Creates spectra and response files from an input text file of fluxes and errors |
ftgcorpha | - Remaps PHA channels from SPECTRUM extension |
ftgcorrmf | - Remaps a detector redistribution matrix in channel or energy space |
ftgenrsp | - Generic spectral response generator |
ftgrouppha | - Modifies the GROUPING column in a pha file using a number of possible criteria |
ftmarfrmf | - Multiplies/divides a detector redistribution matrix by an ancillary response dataset or a scalar |
ftmkfiltrsp | - Read an input text with a filter response to make a single channel response matrix |
ftmkpha | - Converts the test version of the old pha format and converts to standard FITS format. |
ftmkrsp | - Converts the test version of the old rsp format and converts to standard FITS format. |
ftrbnarf | - Rebins an ARF |
ftrbnpha | - Physically compresses (rebins) a PHA dataset in channel-space |
ftrbnrmf | - Physically compresses (rebins) an RMF dataset in channel-space and/or energy space |
ftrgsrmfsmooth | - Smooths an XMM RGS response matrix for an extended source |
ftrsp2rmfarf | - Splits an RSP file into an RMF and an ARF |
ftsdss2xsp | - Creates spectra and response files for XSPEC from an SDSS spectral file |
ftstripnegchan | - Removes negative channel numbers from a response matrix file |
ftVOtable2xsp | - Creates spectra and response files for XSPEC from VOtable spectrum |
FTOOLS HEASPTOOLS addarf -> ftaddarf addrmf -> ftaddrmf arf2arf1 -> ftcmparf ascii2pha -> ftascii2pha chkarf * -> ftchkarf chkpha * -> ftchkpha chkrmf * -> ftchkrmf cmppha -> ftcmppha cmprmf -> ftcmprmf dmprmf * -> ftdmprmf flx2tab * -> ftflx2tab flx2xsp * -> ftflx2xsp gcorpha * -> ftgcorpha gcorrmf * -> ftgcorrmf genrsp * -> ftgenrsp grppha -> ftgrouppha marfrmf -> ftmarfrmf mkfiltrsp * -> ftmkfiltrsp rbnpha * -> ftrbnpha rbnrmf * -> ftrbnrmf rgsrmfsmooth * -> ftrgsrmfsmooth rsp2rmf * -> ftconvoldrsp rsp2rmfarf * -> ftrsp2rmfarf sdss2xsp * -> ftsdss2xsp sprbnarf * -> ftrbnarf VOtable2xsp -> ftVOtable2xsp * This task is now just a wrapper to its HEASPTOOLS counterpart