a2source -- Lists the raw HED & MED rate files for a given sky position.
equinox ra dec srcname (tchat) (lchat) (clobber) (mode)
This program generates lists of the raw rate HEAO-1 A2 raw data to use as input in the A2LCURVE program.
It calculates the longitude of the sun at mid-orbit, the scan angle at which the A2 instrument is closest to the source, and the angular separation between the source and the centre of the instrument response function at the scan angle of closest approach. From these calculations it determines the days (since beginning of 1977) for which the source was most likely to have been scanned. Since each observing day produced one or more raw data files, each raw data filename is given as :
where **** is the raw data file number (accumulated since 1977 day 227, the beginning of the mission). {detector} is either the MED or the HED detector. ### is either 128 or 512 (indicating whether the data is accumulated in 1.28 second or 5.12 second mode).
Output consists of 2 listfiles : {srcname}_hedfiles.lis and {srcname}_medfiles.lis where the first contains a list of the HED raw data files and the second a list of the MED raw data files. The HEAO1 A2 HED & MED raw data files are available in the HEASARC HEAO1 A2 FTP area.
To generate listings for the HED and MED detectors for the source HD_193793 :
a2source equinox=1950 ra=304.6946 dec=43.6953 srcname=HD_193793
this will produce output files HD_193793_hedfiles.lis and HD_193793_medfiles.lis
None known