The name of the phase start column. Values in the column are assumed to
be in units of fraction of phase (i.e. between 0 and 1).
- (phstop = "STOP") [string]
The name of the phase stop column. Values in the column are assumed to
be in units of fraction of phase (i.e. between 0 and 1).
- (phdate = MJDREF) [string]
The keyword name containing the zero start date of the time related
keywords in the phase file. If
the value of the keyword phdate is not of the form dd/mm/yy or
yyyy-mm-dd, then the value
is assumed to be in terms of Julian days. A blank or '-' will defeat zero
time checking for the phase file only.
- (phtime = " ") [string]
The keyword name containing the zero start time of the time related
keywords in the phase file. If the
value of the phdate keyword in not of the form dd/mm/yy or yyyy-mm-dd,
this parameter is ignored.
- (outtimecol = ' ') [string]
The name of the output time column. If blank or '-', the name of the
input time column is used.
- (outcol = ' ') [string]
The name(s) of the output curve columns. If blank or '-', the name(s)
will be the same as the input column names.
- (outerr = ' ') [string]
The name(s) of the output error columns. If blank or '-', the name(s)
will be the same as the input column names with _ERR appended. If equal
to NONE, no error columns will be output.
- (outlive = 'Livetime') [string]
The name of the column containing the fraction of live time in each
bin. If blank, no livetime column will be output.
- (copyprime = yes) [boolean]
Whether to copy the primary header and array to the output file.
- (copyall = no) [boolean]
Whether to copy all other extensions from the input file to the output file.
- (history = yes) [boolean]
Whether to output history records to the output file.
- (sensecase = yes) [boolean]
Whether to be case sensitive for the input column names.
1. Sum all the values in the PHAS column in the file input.fits and use
that value to generate a light curve with 5 second bins and write
the light curves to output.fits
ft> bincurve input.fits output.fits '-' '-' '-' PHAS 5.
2. As above, but specify good time interval file gti.fits and phase information
file phase.fits, and only bin elements 1-64 and 128-256 of the input vector
ft> bincurve input.fits output.fits gti.fits phase.fits TIME PHAS[1-64,128-256] 5.
The zero dates must all be of the same format, either julian days or dd/mm/yy
or yyyy-mm-dd, where the two digit year yy means 19yy.
Aug93 ftools.heasarc