cmadead -- corrects EXOSAT CMA lightcurves and images for deadtime
cmadead infile evtfile outfile
This task calculates the deadtime for data taken with the EXOSAT CMA detector and applies the correction to the input file, which is either a lightcurve or an image file. Several effects contribute to the total deadtime correction for the CMA instrument. The most important is a telemetry limitation imposed by the requirements of the other onboard instruments and by the background variability of the CMA itself. As a consequence, not all the events collected by the telescopes in conjunction with the CMA detectors were transmitted on ground. This correction varies enormously and depends on the observation length. A second source of deadtime is due to the electronic but this is typically quite small compared to the 'telemetry deadtime'. 'cmadead' accounts for both. To correct for the telemetry loss, 'cmadead' uses the OBC_PACKET extension in the event file, where the number of samples and the arrival time of each data packet are recorded. Therefore the original event file(s) used to extract the image or the source lightcurve are necessary input file(s) to calculate the correction. The deadtime calculation is based on routines (EXP3 for the lightcurve and EXPP for the image) from the EXOSAT Interactive Analysis software package. For a lightcurve, 'cmadead' calculates the deadtime for each bin, applies the correction to the RATE and ERROR columns, and overwrites the FRACEXP column.The average deadtime correction, due to telemetry losses and electronic, is written in the keyword DEADC. DEADAPP is set to true after correction has been applied. The output lightcurve will contain only bins where fractional exposure is above a minimum threshold. The default threshold is set to 0.3 therefore only bins with at least 30% exposure after deadtime correction are output. The threshold can be changed using the parameter minexpo. For an image file 'cmadead' calculates an average deadtime for the entire time interval. The correction is applied to the EXPOSURE keyword. In addition DEADAPP is set to true and the average value is stored in DEADC.
1- Correct the lightcurve based on the information contained in the event files listed in the ASCII file evtlist. The output corrected lightcurve is
> cmadead evtfile=@evtlist
2- Correct the image file image.img based on the information contained in the event files listed in the ASCII file evtlist. The output image is image_cor.img.
> cmadead infile=image.img evtfile=@evtlist
exopha, exovig