detect --> detects all sources in a given PSPC FITS image having a significance equal to or greater than a user specified significance, and having a count rate equal to or greater than a user specified count rate.
This tool is to be used only for PSPC observations.
detect evtmapfil expmapfil chanmin chanmax sig count_rate
DETECT will identify point sources in the field covered by a single PSPC observation and create a point source mask for that field. It uses SLIDING BOX algorithm with the slight improvement that the box is a circle where the radius is a function of off-axis angle. The source identification threshold can be set for both count rate and significance. The program sets a source radius at 90% encircled energy radius and the background annulus at 2.5 times the 90% encircled energy radius. If fewer than 4 counts are found in the background annulus, the average background for the observation is used. The significance is determined using POISSON statistics, but does not consider the number of trials.
DETECT requires a PSPC image in some energy band along with an exposure map in that energy band; the PSPC image can be constructed for eg. by using XSELECT on the PSPC events file (the *_bas.fits file) for a given observation. The PSPC exposure map can be created by running the FTOOL PCEXPMAP.
DETECT will generate 2 output files:
1. an image file containing the sources circled with 90% PSF
2. an ascii file containg the details of the sources, e.g., RA, DEC, count rate, radial distances from the center of the image file etc.
in which the entry after CHANMIN is the value of PIMIN, and similarly for CHANMAX. Then use the ftool fmodhead to update the header of the broad-band image file and the broad-band exposure map:
% fmodhead rp900176n00_im1.fits+0 chan_bnds.txt % fmodhead rp900176n00_mex.fits+0 chan_bnds.txt
In this example we run detect on rp900176n00_im1.fits, a broad-band image of the Carina nebula. First we updated the headers with the values of the CHANMIN and CHANMAX keywords:
% fmodhead rp900176n00_im1.fits+0 chan_bnds.txt % fmodhead rp900176n00_mex.fits+0 chan_bnds.txt
where the file chan_bnds.txt contains 2 entries
% detect --- Only PSPC is supported for FTOOLS4.0 (June, 1997) ------ Working on HRI support for later release Enter filename for events map:[rp900176n00_im1.fits] rp900176n00_im1.fits Enter filename for exposure map:[rp900176n00_mex.fits]rp900176n00_mex.fits Enter lower PI channel no.:[11] 11 Enter upper PI channel no.:[235] 235 Enter statistical significance:[10] 6 Enter count rate threshold:[0] ** detect 1.0.1 source detection filename = diag_8_7.dat ... ... mask file mask_8_7.fits exists! ... no. of source detected = 101 ** detect 1.0.1 completed successfully
Only PSPC observations are supported for the release in June 1997. There are currently no plans to include HRI observations.
v1.0.0 (June, 1997) created
Banashree M Seifert