fcollect -- First half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for an observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data.
fcollect obsid fdpath appidfile outfile deltat maxgap clobber
This task represents the first half of XTEFILT, which is designed to be used (with MAKETIME) to select data on the basis of spacecraft-related or orbit-related items. Specifically, FCOLLECT is used to search for and collect the specified AppIds from various files and to interpolate them onto a common timescale.
The user provides the ObsId code identifying the observation to be processed, the pathname to the XTE FITS Database (XFD) and the pathname to an ascii file which tabulates the AppIds to be used for the filtering. An optional parameter, deltat, sets the time granularity for the output FITS file (which will be overwritten if the clobber parameter is enabled). Another (maxgap) sets the maximum gap between successive data points over which FCOLLECT will interpolate. If there are larger gaps, the corresponding times are written as INDEF.
The output file (FP_startMET_stopMET if outfile=XFD) is written into the current directory.
fcollect can also read a PCA breakdown history file. This file is stored outside of the observation directory, usually found in the Calibration Database (CALDB).
1. Collect the AppId information tabulated in the ascii file "appidlist" for observation 94018-01-01-00 using a timestep of 1.0 sec:
fcollect 94018-01-01-00 /data/osiris02/xtegof/FITS/FD appidlist 1.0
where each line of "appidlist" contains entries in this format:
AppID# ColumnName
The list of appids currently used in the XTE-GOF is given in the help file for XTEFILT ("xtefilt -h" or "fhelp xtefilt").
Appidlist entries of the form:
AppId# InputColName OutputColName
may be used to specify the output column name in cases where the names in the original housekeeping file would be identical or ambiguous. This SHOULD NOT, however, be used on any of the columns which XTEDERIVE will need to recognize.
While FCOLLECT may be run by the user as described here, the use of XTEFILT to run FCOLLECT and XTEDERIVE is strongly recommended.
Any column which is stored as a scaled "I" type in the original housekeeping files will (as of version 3.1 of FCOLLECT) be written as "E" type in the output filter file. This allows FMERGE (which can run into trouble when dealing with scaled data) to work correctly when applied to XTE filter files.