fimgmerge - Merges any number of images on to a given image, allowing an integer pixel offsets for each merged image.


        fimgmerge infile @list outfile


FIMGMERGE superimposes a no. of images with user defined offsets (x- and y- directions) onto an input image file. The offset of (0,0) indicates that the image is to be merged onto the bottom left corner of the input file. The dimension of output is identical to that of input image file on which images are merged. The higher dimensioned images are chopped to fit the size of this input image file.


infile [string]
The name of the image file onto which other images are to be merged.

list [string]
Image files to be merged onto infile. The input to this parameter can either be a list of files, or can be the name of an ASCII file containing such a list of files (one per line). In the latter case, the name of the ASCII file should be preceeded by a, '@', e.g., @listfile instructs the task to open the ascii file listfile, and read the image filenames and respective offsets from it. Each line of listfile needs to have filename followed by xoffset and yoffset. The separator should be comma. The maximum limit of these image files is set to 100.

outfile [string]
The name of output file. It can be same as input file, but if preceeded by '!', input file is overwritten.

xoffset [string]
This is prompted for when image filenames are given instead of an ascii file. It is the offset for the to-be-merged imagefile in horizontal direction. The (0,0) offset is at the left bottom of the input image file.

yoffset [string]
This is prompted for when image filenames are given instead of an ascii file. It is the offset for the to-be-merged imagefile in vertical direction.

(clobber = no) [boolean])
Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten.


1. To merge onto file infile two image files img1 with offset (100,50) and img2 with offset (0,0), the listfile would be


        prompt> fimgmerge infile @listfile outfile

2. To merge the files without ascii file

        prompt> fimgmerge
        Input image file on which to merge images: infile
        Input image files to be merged: img1,img2
        Output image file: outfile
        X pixel offsets for each image file: 100,0
        Y pixel offsets for each image file: 50,0


The number of ARF files cannot exceed 100.

The filenames, and offsets needs to be separated by comma.


None Known


V1.0 (1997 April)


Banashree M Seifert



April,1997 ftools.fimage