fimgstat - Compute statistics (min, max, mean, etc..) for a given image file within a range of pixel values defined by threshlo and threshup.


        fimgstat infile threshlo threshup 


FIMGSTAT reads an image file and displays the computed mean, standard deviation, number of included pixels, minimum and maximum values of the pixel included along with their locations. The minimum and maximum pixel values can be specified, outside of which the pixels will not be included in the calculation. Option provide so that user can have either the maximum and/or the minimum requested to be INDEF, in which case, it will take all the pixels. The output is written to STDOUT and to the parameter file by default. The output can also be directed to a file.


infile [string]
The name of the image file for statistics.

threshlo [string]
String containing the lower pixel value for calculation. Calculation is done inclusive of this value. A value of INDEF indicates that no lower limit will be used in the calculation.

threshup [string]
String containing the upper pixel value for calculation. Calculation is done inclusive of this value. A value of INDEF indicates that no upper limit will be used in the calculation.

(outfile=STDOUT) [string]
Optional output file name to write the statistics. By default it is STDOUT and also to parameter file.

(sum= ) [real]
Value of the sum of the specified pixels is returned to this parameter.

(mean= ) [real]
Value of the mean of the specified pixels is returned to this parameter.

(rms= ) [real]
Value of the rms of the specified pixels is returned to this parameter.

(num= ) [integer]
The number of values actually used in the calculation is returned.

(min= ) [real]
The minimum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(max= ) [real]
The maximum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(xmin= ) [integer]
Location (x-direction) of the minimum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(ymin= ) [integer]
Location (y-direction) of the minimum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(xmax= ) [integer]
Location (x-direction) of the maximum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(ymax= ) [integer]
Location (y-direction) of the maximum value of the pixels in the requested range is written into this parameter.

(clobber = no) [boolean])
Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten.


1. To compute the statistics for the input image file file.img, including all the pixels,

        prompt> fimgstat infile=file.img threshlo=I/INDEF threshup=I/INDEF

2. To compute the statistics for the input image file file.img, with lower pixel value=lo and upper pixel value=up, and write the output to file.out

        prompt> fimgstat infile=file.img threshlo=lo threshup=up outfile=file.out


None Known


V1.0 (1997 April)


Banashree M Seifert





April,1997 ftools.fimage