8 - unsigned (8-bit) byte 16 - short (16-bit) signed integer 32 - long (32-bit) signed integer -32 - single precision floating point -64 - double precision floating point
The KEYNAME token must begin in columns 1-8 and be a maximum of 8 characters long. If the first 8 characters of the line are blank then the remainder of the line is considered to be a FITS comment (with a blank keyword name). A legal FITS keyword name may only contain the characters A-Z, 0-9, and '-' (minus sign) and '_' (underscore). This task will automatically convert any lowercase characters to uppercase in the FITS file. If KEYNAME = 'COMMENT' or 'HISTORY' then the remainder of the line is considered to be a FITS COMMENT or HISTORY record, respectively.
The VALUE token must be separated from the KEYNAME token by one or more spaces and/or an '=' character. The datatype of the VALUE token (numeric, logical, or character string) is automatically determined and the output FITS header record is formatted accordingly. Logical keyword values are represented by a T or F (not enclosed in quotes). The value token may be forced to be interpreted as a string (e.g. if it is a string of numeric digits) by enclosing it in single quotes.
The COMMENT token is optional, but if present must be separated from the VALUE token by at least one blank space. A leading '/' character may be used to mark the beginning of the comment field, otherwise the comment field begins with the first non-blank character following the value token.
ft> ftimgcreate 16 200,300 data.lis outfile.fits headfile=keywords.lis
The design of this task is based on the fimgcreate task in the ftools package.