hextebackest -- Estimate background for HEXTE Cluster A.
hextebackest infile outfile [corrfile=filename] [mkarcfil=yes]
On July 13th, 2006, HEXTE Cluster A was moved to on-source permanently. This was necessitated by numerous stoppages and the concern that it may fail permanently in an off-source position. The HEXTE team developed a method for accurately estimating the Cluster A background using the Cluster B background and a measured correlation between Cluster A and B counts on a PHA channel-by-channel basis. This correlation was determined using A09 data when both clusters were rocking. This task estimates the background for HEXTE Cluster A PHA files created from data taken from Cluster B and a parameter file that contains two correlation coefficients for each PHA channel. The Cluster B input background has to have the full 256-channel energy resolution (HEXTE science event mode data). Both 256-channel and 64-channel (archive mode) output background files for Cluster A can be created.
1. Create a Cluster A background PHA file:
> hextebackest input.pha output.pha
2. Create a Cluster A background PHA file and an archive format version of the corrected file:
> hextebackest input.pha output.pha mkarcfil=yes
3. Create a Cluster A background PHA file and an archive format version of the corrected file using a non-default correlation file:
> hextebackest in.pha out.pha corrfile=pf.fits mkarcfil=yes
HEXTEBACKEST does not allow the use of STDOUT.