pcadeadspect2 - Apply PCA dead-time correction to Standard2 spectra


         pcadeadspect infile phafile outfile gtiorfile gtiandfile 
           timecol timemin timemax timeint


pcadeadspect2 applies a dead-time correction to a PCA Standard2 spectrum file.

It is assumed that the user has already run pcadeadcalc2 in order to compute the dead-time related quantities for the observation, and it is also assumed that the user has already extracted a spectrum for the times and detectors they are interested in.

pcadeadspect2 is used to adjust the exposure time of the extracted spectrum so that it reflects the true live time of the instrument. pcadeadspect2 operates on both the "ONE" and "MANY" products of saextrct (i.e. Type I and Type II PHA files).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The user must supply to pcadeadspect2 the *identical* time filtering GTI files which were used to make the spectrum. If this is not done, then the calculated exposures will be less accurate than the original values!

Other selections like which PCUs were extracted, and the type of spectrum file, are determined automatically. It is not necessary to supply energy selection settings because dead-time does not depend on pulse-height.


infile [string - file name or @filename]
Name of a FITS file or @filename.txt file name list, which is identical to the infile passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum

phafile [string - file name]
Name of Standard2 spectrum produced by 'saextrct' using the above 'infile' setting.

outfile [string - output file name]
Name of revised Standard2 spectrum file, whose exposure has been corrected for dead time.

gtiorfile = "APPLY" [string]
Name of GTI "OR" time filtering, which is identical to the gtiorfile passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

gtiandfile = "-" [string]
Name of GTI "AND" time filtering, which is identical to the gtiandfile passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

(gticols = "START STOP") [string]
Name of GTI start/stop column names, which is identical to the gticols passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

timecol = "TIME" [string]
Name of TIME column used for extraction, which is identical to the timecol passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

timemin = INDEF [double precision real]
Minimum start time (MET) used for accumulation, which is identical to the timemin passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

timemax = INDEF [double precision real]
Maximum start time (MET) used for accumulation, which is identical to the timemax passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

timeint = INDEF [double precision real]
Comma-separated list of time intervals (MET), which is identical to the timeint passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.

(deadcorrtype = "LIVE") [string]
Name of live-time correction type to use. Use "LIVE" for the true live-time correction, which results in a true dead-time corrected spectrum. Use "ON" for the on-time column, which results in a standard non-dead-time corrected spectrum (the basic detector on-time exposure is calculated).

(lcbinarray = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. The default value is 400000. Set to a larger value for better performance on larger data sets.

(gtiarray = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. The default value is 30000. Set to a larger value if you exceed the limit.

(maxmiss = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.

(mfracexp = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.

(cleanup = yes) [boolean]
Clean up scratch files?

(chatter = 2) [int] range 0-5
Verbosity level of output

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Overwrite output file?

(history = yes) [boolean]
Write standard HEADAS parameter history into output file?


saextrct infile=FS4a_DT outroot=spect gtiandfile=myfile.gti
Sample 'saextrct' call which creates spect.pha spectrum with a user-generated GTI file (myfile.gti). Note: not all parameters are shown!

pcadeadspect2 infile=FS4a_DT phafile=spect.pha outfile=spect_DT.pha gtiandfile=myfile.gti
Result of step 1 is dead-time corrected using the identical time filtering criteria as used in step 1. Note: not all parameters are shown!


You must use identical time filtering selections for both your run to saextrct and pcadeadspect2.


Please report problems to


saextrct, pcadeadcalc2


Jan95 ftools.xte