pcaextspect2 - Extract PCA Standard2 spectrum and background, and optional deadtime correction
pcaextspect2 src_infile bkg_infile src_phafile bkg_phafile
gtiandfile pculist layerlist respfile
pcaextspect2 extracts a spectrum from PCA data stored in the
Standard2 format. This task performs spectrum extraction for both
source and background, dead-time correction, and optionally
calculates a PCA response matrix which corresponds to the
pcaextspect2 is a "convenience" script which makes it easier and
less error-prone to extract a spectrum for most users.
A key benefit is that users do not need special knowledge of when
detectors become "dead" for various reasons. Instead, the user
can request *all* of the detectors they are interested in, and
'pcaextspect2' will produce a spectrum which contains the subset
of those detectors which have good live time. For example, users
can request all of the detectors all of the time
(pculist="0,1,2,3,4"), and pcaextspect2 will automatically
de-select the detectors which are disabled, or having a breakdown,
etc. This functionality relies on the "zero_bad" capabilities of
the "pcadeadcalc2" task.
Advanced users can still use the more basic tools for fine-grained
control instead of this task. Because extraction and dead-time
correction require the user to perform several careful operations,
the use of this tool is recommended to make sure that the
operations are done consistently. Generally, the PCA team and the
RXTE GOF recomend to not change the default for the advance
parameters of this tool without specific need.
The input to this tool is a set of PCA Standard2 files. To gain
full benefit of this tool, the user *MUST* provide dead-time
calculated version of the Standard2 file. For beginning users,
the output files of the 'pcaprepfile2' or 'pcaprepobsid' tasks are
sufficient. For advanced users, the equivalent output of
'pcadeadcalc2' is acceptable.
The user must provide *both* the source *and* background Standard2
files. Beginning users can use the output of 'pcaprepfile2' /
'pcaprepobsid'; advanced users may use the output of 'pcabackest'
if desired.
The output of the task is a source spectrum file (.pha file) and a
background spectrum file for the same time interval. These files
are dead-time corrected, and contain only counts and exposure from
live detectors, as described in the help file for the task
The output will be the total counts spectrum of all live
detectors, with an exposure that is the sum of the exposures for
the individual PCU detectors. Thus, the rate spectrum appearing
in software like XSPEC will have units of "counts per detector"
("counts per PCU").
By default, PCA team-recommended systematic error will be assigned
to the spectrum. This can be disabled by setting syserrfile=NONE.
The task can also optionally calculate a response matrix. This
matrix is tailored for the specific observation and weighted
appropriately. In this case, users must specify the filter file
using the 'filtfile' parameter.
If users wish to calculate their own response matrix at a later
time, they can use 'pcarsp' task. Because of the complexity of
selecting the proper detectors and layers, the RXTE GOF and PCA
teams recommend to allow this task to compute the response matrix,
but it can be done "by hand."
The important parameters for calling pcarsp are,
-l (choose same layer list as used to extract spectrum)
-p (choose same detector list as used to extract spectrum)
-w INFILE (applies appropriate PCU weights for observation)
The output spectrum produced by this task contains PCU weighting
keywords than can be used automatically by selecting the "-w"
By default the response is computed at the exposure-weighted
centroid time of the observation but the 'respdate' parameter can
be used to select another time.
NOTE: the PCA response changes over time. This task computes only
one response matrix at a given date. Merging data spanning more
than ~6 months and using a single response may lead to
response-related spectral errors.
If the user wishes to combine spectra produced by pcaextspect2 in
some form of downstream processing, then these instructions may be
of help.
Users should combine the spectra with the following general settings:
* sum the counts
* sum the exposure
* sum the responses weighted by relative exposure
For the task 'mathpha' the settings should be
* expr="spectrum1.pha + spectrum2.pha + spectrum3.pha + ..."
* units='C' (output in counts)
* exposure='CALC'
Of course, this operation needs to be performed separately for
both the source and background files.
To combine the responses, the user should use the 'addrmf' task
and an input file with weights. The weights should be calculated
according to the relative exposure. For example, if spectrum1.pha
has 1000 seconds of exposure and spectrum2.pha has 500 seconds of
exposure then the weighting file should look like this:
spectrum1.rsp 0.6667
spectrum2.rsp 0.3333
Note how 0.6667 equals (1000/1500) and 0.3333 equals (500/1500),
where 1500 seconds is the total exposure of both. By definition,
the weights in the file must sum to 1.0.
- src_infile [string - file name or @filename]
Name of an input "source" PCA Standard2 file or @filename.txt
file name list. These files should have been processed by
'pcadeadcalc2', 'pcaprepfile2' or 'pcaprepobs2'.
- bkg_infile [string - file name or @filename]
Name of an input "background" PCA Standard2 file or
@filename.txt file name list. Note that this file list
should match one-for-one with the input files specified by the
'src_infile' parameter. These files should have been
processed by 'pcadeadcalc2', 'pcaprepfile2' or 'pcaprepobs2'.
- src_phafile [string - file name]
Name of output "source" spectrum, which will be corrected for
dead-time. The BACKFILE and RESPFILE keywords will be updated
to point to the correct background and response files, if
- bkg_phafile [string - file name]
Name of output "background" spectrum, which will be corrected
for dead-time.
- gtiandfile = "-" [string]
Name of GTI "AND" time filtering, which is identical to the
gtiandfile passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.
See 'saextrct' for more information.
- pculist = "ALL" [string]
A comma-separated list of PCU detector numbers, or "ALL". The
list of detectors should be in the range 0-4. The value of
"ALL" means use all detectors, i.e. ("0,1,2,3,4").
- layerlist = "ALL" [string]
A comma-separated list of PCU anode layer numbers, or "ALL".
The list of layers should be in the range 1-3. The value of
"ALL" means use all layers, i.e. ("1,2,3"). It is also
possible to specify an explicit list of anode symbols, for
example "X1L,X2L,X3L" for all left anodes or "X1R,X2R,X3R" for
all right anodes.
- respfile = "NONE" [string]
Name of output response matrix file, or "NONE". The response
matrix will be tailored for the specific observation. The
'filtfile' parameter must also be supplied when a response
matrix is desired. A value of "NONE" means to not calculate a
response matrix.
- filtfile = "NONE" [string - file name]
Name of RXTE filter file which covers the complete requested
observation duration, and is used for calcalating a response
matrix. This parameter is not required if respfile=NONE. You
may give an @filtfile.lis type file, but the filtfile.lis file
must list only a single filter file (not multiple files).
- (syserrfile = "CALDB") [string]
Systematic error vector to be applied to the resulting
source spectrum. A value of CALDB (the default) causes the task
to retrieve this file from RXTE CALDB (dated 20230501 or later).
A value of NONE disables the application of a systematic
error estimate.
- (deadcorrtype = "LIVE") [string]
Name of live-time correction type to use. Use "LIVE" for the true
live-time correction, which results in a true dead-time corrected
spectrum. Use "ON" for the on-time column, which results in a
standard non-dead-time corrected spectrum (the basic detector
on-time exposure is calculated).
- (ra = "INDEF") [string]
Right ascension of target in J2000 degrees. The value
overrides the RA_OBJ keyword value set in the PHA header. If
a value of "INDEF" is provided, then the source position in
the PHA file is left unmodified.
- (dec = "INDEF") [string]
Declination of target in J2000 degrees. The value
overrides the DEC_OBJ keyword value set in the PHA header. If
a value of "INDEF" is provided, then the source position in
the PHA file is left unmodified.
- (respdate = "INFILE") [string]
Date to use for computing the response matrix, in the form
YYYY-MM-DD. Or use "INFILE" to use exposure-weighted centroid
time of the spectrum.
- (gtiorfile = "APPLY") [string]
Name of GTI "OR" time filtering, which is identical to the
gtiorfile passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.
- (gticols = "START STOP") [string]
Name of GTI start/stop column names, which is identical to the
gticols passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.
- (timecol = "TIME") [string]
Name of TIME column used for extraction, which is identical to
the timecol passed to 'saextrct' to produce the input spectrum.
- (timemin = INDEF) [double precision real]
Minimum start time (MET) used for accumulation, which is
identical to the timemin passed to 'saextrct' to produce the
input spectrum.
- (timemax = INDEF) [double precision real]
Maximum start time (MET) used for accumulation, which is
identical to the timemax passed to 'saextrct' to produce the
input spectrum.
- (timeint = INDEF) [double precision real]
Comma-separated list of time intervals (MET), which is
identical to the timeint passed to 'saextrct' to produce the
input spectrum.
- (accumulate = "ONE") [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Use "ONE" to extract one summed
spectrum (RECOMMENDED), or "MANY" to extract a "Type II"
spectrum for each Standard2 column (NOT RECOMMENDED).
WARNING: setting accumulate=MANY is not compatible with
requesting a response matrix.
- (phazeroexp = YES) [boolean]
If set to YES, then a spectrum is produced even if zero
exposure is detected. This occurs if the combination of GTIs
and PCU on-time produces a valid spectrum but it has no live
time. If phazeroexp=NO, then no spectrum is produced if zero
exposure is detected.
- (respzeroexp = NO) [boolean]
If set to YES, then a dummy response matrix is calculated even
if zero exposure is detected (all PCUs assigned equal weight).
If respzeroexp=NO, then no response is calculated if zero
exposure is detected. You must use special care when setting
respzeroexp=YES. In particular, when combining spectra, the
responses must be weighted according to exposure, otherwise
the PCUs will be weighted incorrectly.
- (lcbinarray = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. The default value is 400000. Set
to a larger value for better performance on larger data sets.
- (gtiarray = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. The default value is 30000. Set to
a larger value if you exceed the limit.
- (maxmiss = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (phasefile = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'.
- (timezero = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (chmin = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (chmax = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (chint = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (chbin = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (ephem = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (period = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (phaseint = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (obsdate = "MJDREF") [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (obstime = "TSTART TSTOP") [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (sensecase = NO) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (negative = IGNORE) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (mfracexp = INDEF) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (tnull = 0.0) [string]
Setting passed to 'saextrct'. Not recommended to change unless needed.
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean]
Clean up scratch files?
- (chatter = 2) [int] range 0-5
Verbosity level of output
- (clobber = no) [boolean]
Overwrite output file?
- (history = yes) [boolean]
Write standard HEADAS parameter history into output file?
- 1. Calling interactively:
[ interactive prompts follow ]
Input Standard2 file name or @file-of-filenames: FS4a_1ee05555-1ee062c0_DT
Input background file name or @file-of-filenames: FS4a_1ee05555-1ee062c0_DT_bkg
Output dead-time corrected source spectrum: spectrum_srcDT.pha
Output dead-time corrected background spectrum: spectrum_bkgDT.pha
Input GTI file to be AND'd with INFILE:[-]
Comma-separated list of PCU detectors to accmulate (0-4): ALL
Comma-separated list of PCU layers to accmulate (1-3): ALL
Name of output response matrix file (or NONE): spectrum.rsp
Name of XTE filter file (or NONE): filtfile=x95422010409.xfl.gz
- 2. Calling from command line:
pcaextspect2 src_infile=FS4a_1ee05555-1ee062c0_DT \\
bkg_infile=FS4a_1ee05555-1ee062c0_DT_bkg \\
src_phafile=spectrum_srcDT.pha bkg_phafile=spectrum_bkgDT.pha \\
gtiandfile="-" pculist=ALL layerlist=ALL \\
respfile=spectrum.rsp filtfile=x95422010409.xfl.gz
- 3. Using "@-files" instead of simple file names:
# Use wild-card to find source files (EXAMPLE ONLY)
ls obsid/pca/FS4a*_DT > source.lis
# Use wild-card to find background files (EXAMPLE ONLY)
ls obsid/pca/FS4a*_DT_bkg > background.lis
pcaextspect2 src_infile=@source.lis bkg_infile=@background.lis \\
src_phafile=spectrum_srcDT.pha bkg_phafile=spectrum_bkgDT.pha \\
gtiandfile="-" pculist=ALL layerlist=ALL \\
respfile=spectrum.rsp filtfile=x95422010409.xfl.gz
Although it is possible to run this task against the "original"
raw Standard2 files, the PCA team cannot attest to its
correctness. Also, the running of this task assumes that
"zero_bad=YES" has been used when running
pcaprepfile2/pcaprepobs2/pcadeadcalc2. If zerobad=NO, then it is
possible for the calculated exposures to be incorrect.
Please report problems to
saextrct, pcaprepfile2, pcaprepobs2, pcadeadcalc2, pcadeadspect2, pcaphasyserr
Jan95 ftools.xte