pcagainset -- insert PCA/EDS gain and offset values into a PCA .pha file.
pcagainset phafile gainfile
This task writes the PCA/EDS gain and offset values into a PCA .pha file for those data modes in which the gain and offset has been applied by the EDS. This customarily includes all PCA/EDS data modes except for GoodXenon, Transparent and Standard Mode 2. The task looks for the GAINAPP keyword. If true, the values from the input gain file are written into the .pha file. Existing values found in the .pha file will be overwritten unless specified otherwise by the user. The values are written as PCUnGAIN and PCUnOFST keywords (n = 0-4), and are later read by the RDDESCR ftool and used by the GCORRMF ftool.
1. Insert the gain and offset values from the file edsgcor_950818.fits into the file sac.pha. Any exisiting PCUnGAIN and PCUnOFST values will be over-written.
pcagainset phafile=sac.pha gainfile=edsgcor_950818.fits