pcarsp -- construct RXTE PCA response matrix for spectral data (RMF+ARF)
This script runs the various tools necessary to construct response
matrices for XTE PCA spectral data. The user inputs the PCA layers and
detectors which were used in the construction of the PHA file (third and
fifth inputs, below). The script creates .rsp files for these layers and
detectors respectively, and combines them as required by the PHA file
(fourth and sixth inputs, below).
The script creates matrices by first constructing "fundamental" .rmf files
by layer or detector, depending on which is requested. If required by the
data mode, the EDS gain and offset values are applied. The .rmf is then
binned according to the binning in the input .pha file. A corresponding .arf
file is constructed using the pointing information for the observation. The
.rmf and .arf are then multiplied into a .rsp file. Layer .rsp files may be
combined into a detector .rsp file or left separate. Likewise, detector .rsp
files may be combined into a single pca instrument .rsp file or left separate
The name(s) of the final .rsp file(s) are written back to the input .pha file.
Files created by the script are named by pcu number, a layer id ("xe" if entire
detector), and the date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the observation. Through the -n
<filename> command line option, the user may specify an alternate name for the
final output file instead of using the default. Note that this applies only
when the product of the script is a single matrix. The only files needed by
XSPEC are certain .rsp files. The user has the option to retain or delete the
.arf, .rmf, .txt, and unnecesarry .rsp files created by the script.
The user inputs to the script are as follows:
- "Input the PHA file: "
the name of the .pha file, assumed to be the
output of SA/SEEXTRCT. Both Type I and Type II files are supported.
Command line option: -f <pha filename>.
- "Input the Attitude file: "
the name of the file containing the spacecraft
pointings for the observation. This file may be either the XTE FILTER
file, or the estimated quaternions ("FH0e_*"), either of which may be
obtained via the XTE Data Finder (XDF). This may also be of the form
@filename for an ascii file containing the name of the attitude file.
Finally, a value of 'none' may be used when the attitude file is
unavailable or inadequate. With 'none' the resulting rsp file will
assume an on-axis pointing to the target.
Command line option: -a <attitude filename>.
- "Input the layers included in the PHA file [L1,R1,LR1, etc, or all] "
layers included in the input pha file. The user may input halves of
particular layers (e.g. L1,R1) or combined halves (e.g. LR1 for
layer 1). Ignored when using the "-s" option.
Command line option: -l <layer list>.
- "Are the layers added ? [y/n]: "
whether the pcu detector layers
have been added in creating the .pha file. If yes, then detector
response matrices will be constructed. If no, then a separate response
matrix for each requested layer will be constructed. As a special
case, if all layers are included and added, then a single detector
response matrix is created for each desired detector. Ignored when
using the "-s" option.
Command line option: -j <y/n>.
- "Input the detectors included in the PHA file [0,1,2,3,4, or all]: "
detectors included in the input pha file. A range may be given,
e.g. 0-2,4. Ignored when using the "-s" option.
Command line option: -p <pcu list>.
- "Are the detectors added ? [y/n]: "
Whether the detectors have been added
in creating the input pha file. If yes, a single response matrix is
produced from the sum of the requested detectors. The yes option is
appropriate only for Type I pha files containing a single spectrum.
If no, the detector matrices are left separate. The no option is
appropriate for Type II pha files containing multiple spectra.
Ignored when using the "-s" option.
Command line option: -m <y/n>.
Additional command line options:
pcarsp -n <filename> -d <date> -e <e2c_file> -x <ra> -y <dec>
-c <partial charge fraction> -z
- -n <filename>
The user may specify the name of the final response matrix
instead of using the default name. Note that this applies
only when a single matrix results from the script (e.g. when
the detectors are added).
- -d <date>
The user may specify the date for which the matrices should
be created, in the format yyyy-mm-dd. By default, matrices
are created for the observation date contained in the pha
file. This option is superceded by the "-s" option.
- -e <e2c_file>
The user may specify either a local calibration file or
"caldb" (the default) for the energy-to-channel file.
- -x <ra>
The user may specify an alternate right ascension for the
source position. By default, matrices are created using the
object's ra contained in the pha file.
- -y <dec>
The user may specify an alternate declination for the source
position. By default, matrices are created using the
object's declination contained in the pha file.
- -c <fraction>
The user may input the partial charge fraction to be used
when computing the matrix. A non-zero value affects the
shape of lines in the spectrum. As of pcarmf v8.0 the
default value is 0.02 (was 0.0). This script now uses
the value found in the pcarmf par file as the default.
- -z <keep ?>
The user may keep unnecessary intermediate files
created by the script by specifying this option. Default
is to delete the files.
- -s
Indicates that the script should use "Smart Standard2" processing
which uses the ROWID keywords to determine the relevant layer and
detector information and generates a single response file for the
date in the .pha file. This option supercedes the "-l", "-j", "-p",
"-m", and "-d" options.
- -w <weights>
Sum the responses with the requested <weights>. <weights> can
either be a comma-separated list of real values, or "@INFILE".
A list must be five quantities of the form "1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0"
and represent the weighting factors used by 'addrmf' to sum the
responses of the individual PCUs. If "@INFILE" is used, then the
the input PHA file must contain five keywords of the form
PCU_WTn (n=0,1,2,3,4), which gives the same weights.
Default: "-w 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0" (equal summed weights)
Jan95 ftools.xte