pcecor -- Corrects PI channel in Events file
pcecor infile outfile alkfile calflag
This tool operates on Rev0, or RDF PSPC events file. The tool also operates on any German PSPC events file converted to RDF format using the 'gevt2rdf' ftool.
pcecor uses calibration data from the PANTER facility in Neuried to correct for the variation in the linearity of the PSPC response with absolute gain. The data were collected several years after the launch of ROSAT using the engineering model PSPC. It was observed that the effective gain in the 0.25 - 1.0 keV energy range was lower than expected after normalizing to the 1.5 keV monitor line, and this effect became worse with lower absolute gain. For example, a 0.75 keV X-ray might be detected as a 0.72 keV X-ray when the PSPC was operating at low gain. Data from higher energy calibration lines were collected at the same time, which allowed a check of response linearity over an extended energy range. Note that this correction was never implemented in SASS.
NOTE: A bug in the PCECOR ftool has resulted in too small a correction being applied to the PI channel. This bug has now been fixed and the alternative correction algorithm, based on Prieto et al. (1996, A&A Suppl., 120, 187), has also been incorporated into the tool.
In the new version, users can choose from one of two options for the PI correction: 1) Using calibration data from the PANTER 2) Using in-flight observations of calibration sources (such as N132D) to determine the PI correction as a function of time. See Prieto, Hasinger and Snowden (1996) for details.
The default setting for the input calibration files is 'CALDB', this facility can only be used by beta-test sites of the calibration database access software. Most users will need to obtain a set of calibration files via anonymous ftp from heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov. The datasets are located in the directory:
Currently only the following OGIP standards are supported by this task
For further details see OGIP calibration memo CAL/ROS/95-010
Note that this example assumes that the user has CALDB access properly configured. The easiest way to do this is to access the CALDB at the HEASARC over the internet - see http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/caldb_remote_access.html
% pcecor Please enter EVENTS filename[] rp900176n00_bas.fits Please enter alk history file[caldb] Please enter output filename[] pcecor_bas_out.fits Which correction algorithm to be used [grnd=1/inflight=2]?:[] 2 ** pcecor 1.2.4 ** pcecor 1.2.4 completed successfully
None known