pctcor -- Corrects PI channel in Events file
pctcor infile outfile
This tool operates on Rev0, or RDF PSPC events file. The tool also operates on any German PSPC events file converted to RDF format using the 'gevt2rdf' ftool.
pctcor corrects for uncalibrated spatial gain variations across the face of the detector. It uses gain maps produced from the on-board Al K alpha calibration data. The calibration data were binned in ~100 day intervals and then fit for the gain on a 2 arc minute grid. In the fitting process, a variable size circular region was taken where the radius was chosen to include ~2500 events. Typical radii were between 3' and 6' so the data samples were not independent. Detector maps with the fitted values for the gain are used by pctcor to scale observational data as a function of detector position and time. The scaling is assumed to be linear in energy.
The default setting for the input calibration files is 'CALDB', which assumes that the user has available access to the HEASARC CALDB. The easiest method for accessing the HEASARC CALDB is remote access over the internet - see
http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/caldb_remote_access.html for more information
Users also have the option of downloading the required Al K-alpha datasets from the HEASARC CALDB at
however, users may need to be able to identify files that are appropriate for their particular observation.
Currently only the following OGIP standards are supported by this task
For further details on the calibration files see OGIP calibration memo CAL/ROS/95-010
%pctcor Please enter EVENTS filename[] rp900176n00_bas.fits Enter Al K calfile[caldb] Please enter output filename[] pctcor_out_bas.fits ** pctcor 1.1.4 ** pctcor 1.1.4 completed successfully
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