runpcabackest -- a script to assist users making PCA background files
runpcabackest is a script that queries the user for all required input and runs pcabackest upon a series of input files; the names of the output files are written to a file ready to be input into saextrct. The code queries the user if it should call saextrct.
This code basically allows PCABACKEST to be run upon a series of Standard Mode 2 XTE data files, input via a @filename, where filename contains the names of the files to operate upon. PCABACKEST is then called successively to create a series of output files which have the same name as the input file with _outsuffix appended to the name. These output files are then ready to be processed by SAEXTRCT. The names of the output files are written to a file and are ready to be input into SAEXTRCT via the @filename option.
This is a BETA version of the script and will be refined.
Please report problems to Provide a detailed description of the problem and an e-mail address at which you can be reached if further information is required. Before reporting a bug please check your .PAR file. At the moment all comparisons are CASE SENSITIVE.