xdf -- The GUI XTE data finder
XDF is a tool to navigate the XTE FITS Database (XFDB). Its purpose is to select FITS data tables based on selection criteria provided by the user.
The user interface consists of six 'Selection Boxes', one text widget, and various action buttons.
All boxes contain four or five buttons that operate on them:
Help: Pop up help window for Selection Box. All: Select all items in the Selection Box. None: De-select all items in the Selection Box. Reset: Reset contents of Selection Box to default value. Edit: (for some) Edit the contents of the Selection Box.
The boxes are:
Allows the user to specify particular source names. Wildcard characters are accepted. No selection means 'no constraints'.
The user may specify certain time ranges in the format: yyyyMMMdd at hh:mm:ss.s to yyyyMMMdd at hh:mm:ss.s For instance: 1995Apr07 at 12:00:00 to 1995JUN30 at 22:23:24 No selection means 'no constraints'.
Allows the user to select one or more from the list of 15 XTE subsystems. No selection means 'all'.
Observations are selected from the database on the basis of the selection criteria currently set by the Source List and the Time Range List. The user _has_ to select one or more items from this list.
AppIds (spacecraft data sources) and, for the science data, data modes and configurations are selected from the database on the basis of the selection criteria currently set by the Observation List and the Subsystem List. The user _has_ to select one or more items from this list.
FITS data table files are selected from the database on the basis of the selection criteria currently set by the Observation List, the Subsystem List, the AppId/Configuration List, and the Time Range List. Files may be selected and their names saved in the file ./fits_files.xdf. If none are selected, the Save FileList action will save all names in the list. This is, at the moment, the end product of XDF.