xtederive -- Second half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for an observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data.
xtederive infile
This task represents the second half of XTEFILT, which is designed to be used (with MAKETIME) to select data on the basis of spacecraft-related or orbit-related items. Specifically, XTEDERIVE is starts with the file created by FCOLLECT and uses the collected information to derive other scientifically useful parameters not directly available in the Mission Database.
The user simply provides the name of the file written by FCOLLECT. An output file (<infile>.xfl) is written in the current directory. Generally, users should not invoke this task directly but should instead use the XTEFILT perl script. Among other things, this allows the final filter file to be properly slotted into the XTE FITS Database under the standard products directory and updates all necessary index files, checksums, etc.
1. Finish processing a file written by FCOLLECT
xtederive FP_344a415-344b8f1
The current version of XTEDERIVE (v2.8) computes the following quantities:
The appidlist needed by FCOLLECT to allow XTEDERIVE to generate these can be found by checking the xtefilt help file ("xtefilt -h" or "fhelp xtefilt").
Please report problems to xtehelp@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov.