batsurvey - perform BAT survey imaging analysis
batsurvey indir outdir
The task batsurvey performs basic analysis of BAT "survey" data, also
known as detector plane histograms or DPHs. As opposed to event data,
BAT survey data is accumulated in histograms on-board the spacecraft,
with typical integration times of 300 seconds. An 80-channel binned
spectrum is recorded for each of the 32768 detectors and saved in the
DPH files.
The batsurvey task reduces a set of "raw" observed DPHs. Most
importantly, it performs data screening that the BAT team has found
vital for obtaining good quality results. It produces sky images and
source fluxes for each independent "snapshot," corresponding to a
single pointed visit by Swift. Users may choose a set of independent
energy bins, and the batsurvey will record the images and fluxes in
each of those bands separately. A practical number of energy bands is
eight to twelve.
batsurvey operates on a single Swift observation. It relies on the
"bat" and "auxil" data. If you wish to reduce multiple observations,
then you must call batsurvey once for each observation.
By default batsurvey will detect any new sources above the specified
blind signal-to-noise threshold. However, you may wish to enter an
analysis catalog which specifies any additional sources that you
expect *might* be detectable, regardless of the blind threshold. The
format of this catalog is defined in the help-file for batcelldetect
and batclean. Upon completion, the fluxes of all known and newly
detected sources will be recorded in the *.cat output files.
batsurvey places its results in the directory specified by the
'outdir' parameter. The results can be divided into two categories:
global results which apply to the entire analysis, and
exposure-specific results.
The global results are stored in subdirectories underneath the
'outdir' directory. The important global results are:
- gti - contains various good time intervals identified by the
prcessing script. Most of these intervals are derived by the various
tests of batsurvey-gti. The combination of all temporal filters is
stored in gti/master.gti.
- dph - contains the energy-corrected survey DPHs, as produced by
batsurvey-erebin. There should be two files in this subdirectory for
each DPH file: a corrected DPH file named like swNNNNNNNNNNN_erebin.dph,
and a detector quality mask file.
- outventory.dat - an ASCII text file containing the summary of the
processing for each eposure.
The exposure-specific results are stored in subdirectories
underneath the 'outdir' directory. In the case of batsurvey, an
exposure is considered to be one contiguous exposure of minimum
duration. While one Swift snapshot might be a single exposure, it is
also possible for a snapshot to be divided into two or more exposures
if the script detects something problematic during the snapshot.
The snapshot directory names are formatted like "point_YYYYDDDhhmm"
where YYYY, DDD, hh, mm are the year, day of year, hour and minute of
the start of a snapshot.
There are many outputs within the each exposure subdirectory. The
following outputs are documented to be present. If the output is not
documented here, then you must not assume it will be present in future
releases of the batsurvey software.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_1.dpi - detector plane images, one for each energy band.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_2.detmask - final detector plane quality map for this image. NOTE: currently this is a single map which applies to all energy bands, but in the future, there may be a quality map for each energy band.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_2.bkgdpi - final detector background map for this detector image, one for each energy band.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_2.img - final sky flux map constructed from the above detector/quality maps, one for each energy band. The units are "RATE."
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_2.var - final sky noise map constructed from the sky image, one for each energy band.
- - flux catalog for sources in the sky image. This catalog contains sources listed in the input catalog as well as sources detected by blind search. The flux columns will be vectors, one measurement for each energy band.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_chi.fits - Chi-square value for each detector plane image.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm.occimg - occultation map for this exposure.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm.poivar - sky noise map based on propagation of Poisson errors. This should be the lower limit for sensitivity.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm.att - cleaned attitude file for this exposure.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_pnt.gti - good time interval for this exposure.
- point_YYYYDDDhhmm_status.txt - ASCII file, containing status of processing.
Many of the outputs listed above have a file name like "*_2.*". These
files are the result of two processing iterations, which defaults to
two (ncleaniter=2). If you request more iterations, then this suffix
number will be different. For example, if you choose ncleaniter=3,
then all of the "*_2.*" files listed above will actually be "*_3.*".
NOTE: if processing succeeded for a given exposure, then the
_status.txt file will contain the string 'status="SUCCESS"'. For a
processing failure, the status file will not contain this string. A
failure will be indicated by a particular reason="XXXX" code.
Unlike most FTOOLS, which are usually intended to be basic "building
block" type tasks, the batsurvey is a complex pipeline task which has
many steps and logical paths. The basic processing steps are: energy
correction (batsurvey-erebin); temporal filtering (batsurvey-gti and
batsurvey-aspect); spatial filtering (batsurvey-detmask); cleaning;
and generation of sky maps.
When not responding to a gamma-ray burst, the BAT instrument monitors
the sky in "survey" mode. In this mode, detected events are binned
into histograms by the instrument flight software, and the histogram
counts are telemetered to the ground periodically (typically with a 5
minute period). These histograms maintain detector (spatial) and
pulse height (energy) information with 80 energy bins. On the ground,
the histograms are further adjusted to place all detectors on the same
energy scale (using batsurvey-erebin), and then re-binned into the
user-requested energy bands (specified by the 'energybins' parameter).
Several quality filters are applied. Temporal filters are applied by
the task 'batsurvey-gti', the operation of which is summarized here.
First, the spacecraft must be in stable pointing mode, which means
that the attitude control "10 arcmin settled" flag must be set, the
spacecraft star tracker must be reporting "OK" status, and the
boresight direction must be at least 30 deg above the earth's limb.
Second, BAT must be producing quality data, which means that the
overall array event rate must not be too high or low (specified by the
'rateminthresh' and 'ratemaxthresh' parameters); a minimum number of
detectors must be enabled (specified by the 'detthresh' parameter);
and no histogram bins reported as missing data. In addition,
histogram time intervals that cross the UTC midnight boundary are
discarded, since the spacecraft has at times been commanded to make
small maneuvers during that time. These temporal filters produce a
set of good time intervals over which the histograms are summed. The
finest time sampling of this survey analysis is approximately a single
pointed snapshot (with ~500-2000 s durations). These intervals
are further checked so that the spacecraft pointing does not change
appreciably during the interval (1.5 arcmin in pointing, 5 arcmin in
roll), and are trimmed accordingly if not. Intervals of 150 seconds
or shorter are discarded.
After temporal filtering, each pointed snapshot has been reduced to a
set of detector count maps, one for each energy band. Since the
systematic noise in the sky images depends on the quality of
detectors, significant effort has been made in spatial filtering of
the data (i.e. masking of undesirable detectors), using the algorithms
in 'batsurvey-detmask'. As a matter of course, all detectors disabled
by the BAT flight software are masked. In addition, a count map is
searched for noisy ("hot") detectors, using the "bathotpix" algorithm,
and those detectors are masked. Finally, detectors with known noisy
properties (i.e. high variance compared to Poisson statistics), are
discarded. It is also possible to subtract a fixed "pattern noise"
from each map (the user is responsible for creating such maps and
specifying them using the 'global_pattern_mask' and
'global_pattern_maps' parameters).
The contribution of bright sources and the bright diffuse background
are subtracted using the "batclean" algorithm. This algorithm fits
the amplitudes of a smooth polynomial function of position to the
diffuse background, plus the amplitudes of templates for each bright
source. The templates are generated by ray tracing the shadow
patterns of the known bright sources onto the detector plane. In
reality, this cleaning process involves two iterations: a first
iteration to detect bright sources (if any), and a second one after
the sources have been cleaned from the detector maps. A source
detected at 'cleansnr' significance or better in any energy band is
cleaned. The user can also specify custom cleaning criteria via the
'cleanexpr' parameter. In the BAT team experience — and based on
the properties of the BAT mask — extending the number of iterations
to three or more does not improve the sensitivity to detecting sources
in a single snapshot pointing.
At the "batclean" stage, the maps are also "balanced," so that
systematic count rate offsets between large scale geographic regions
are removed. This process involves dividing the array into detector
module sides (128 detectors, 16 × 8), which are separated by
gaps of 8.4--12.6 mm from neighboring detector module sides. The mean
counts in both the outer edge detectors (44 detectors), and the inner
detectors (84 detectors), were subtracted for each module separately,
so that the mean rate is as close as possible to zero. Count rate
variations from module to module are believed to occur because of
variations in the quality of CZT detector material used in the
fabrication stage, and also because of dead time variations.
Variations between outer edge and inner detectors in each module are
due to cosmic ray scattering and X-ray illumination of detector sides.
The BAT coded mask modulates the count rate of cosmic sources on
essentially detector to detector spatial scales, so the subtraction of
the mean count rates averaged over many tens of detectors does not
stronly affect the coded signal for a point source.
Very bright sources which are partially coded will produce X-rays that
pass through both the coded mask and mask support structures around
the edge of the mask, which physically extend upward from the mask.
These shadows are not coded by the mask, and are highly energy
dependent, and thus the shadows which projected onto the detector
plane must be ignored. This is done by ignoring mask-edge regions for
bright sources via ray tracing (approx. 0.3 Crab or brighter,
specified by the 'brightthresh' parameter).
After subtracting bright sources and background, detectors whose
counts are more than 4 sigma from the mean are discarded (or as
specified by the 'badpixthresh' parameter). After all of the spatial
filtering described above, the number of active detectors may be
significantly reduced. If the number of detectors is less than
'detthresh2' then the snapshot is discarded.
Sky maps are produced using the "batfftimage" algorithm, which
cross-correlates the detector count maps with the mask aperture
pattern. The sky maps cover a solid angle approximately 120°
× 60°, where the BAT has some non-zero response, although
the sensitivity is much reduced at the edges of the field of view due
to geometric projection effects and partial coding. The maps are
corrected for partial coding, geometric projection effects, and
normalized by the number of detectors. Thus, the represent the BAT
count rate per fully illuminated detector, corrected approximately to
on-axis. Sky maps are sampled at 8.6 arcmin on-axis, which is twice
as fine as the natural mask spacing for the BAT coded mask. The
natural sky projection is tangent-plane. Thus, the sky-projected grid
spacing becomes finer by a factor of ~2 at the extreme edges of
the field of view. Partial coding and noise maps are created for each
pointed snapshot which represent the partial exposure of each pixel in
the sky map. The partial coding maps are further adjusted by the
considering that some parts of the sky are occulted by the earth
during the observation. The noise maps are generated by computing the
local r.m.s. of pixel values in small segments across each sky image.
In addition to the sky maps, source intensities are reported in the
output catalog using the 'batcelldetect' algorithm. Sources in the
input analysis catalog, and newly discovered sources, have entries in
the output catalog (as described above in the 'OUTPUTS' section). The
output catalog will have the following output columns, for each
source appearing in the catalog:
- The standard output columns produced by 'batcelldetect' (the reader is referred to the documentation for 'batcelldetect' for more information on these columns).
- Columns supplied by the user in the input catalog will transfer directly to the output catalog.
- CLEANLEV: number of clean iterations applied to all sources in the snapshot. Type=Integer.
- CLEANED: whether this particular source was cleaned or not during processing. Type=Logical.
- VECTSNR: the detection significance for this source in each energy band as reported by batcelldetect. Type=Double, Vector.
- TOTSNR: the total detection significance in all energy bands combined into a scalar quantity, computed as TOTAL(RATE)/SQRT(SUM(BKG_VAR**2)). Type=Double.
- MAXSNR: the maximum detection significance in any of the energy bands or the total, computed as MAX({VECTSNR,TOTSNR}). Type=Double.
Output catalogs will be produced, on for each snapshot. A common
desire of users will be to combine multiple output catalogs and
arrange them by source instead of snapshot. The 'batsurvey-catmux'
task is designed to do this kind of operation. The user is referred
to the separate documentation for that task.
While batsurvey performs many important steps required for the
processing of BAT survey data, there are some issues that need
Default parameters.
This task has many parameters controlling the filtering and adjustment
of the data. Most of the defaults have been set by the BAT team after
some considerable experience with processing much data. Generally,
users should not need to modify these parameters. The most important
parameters are: 'incatalog', which allows the user to specify their a
priori sources of interest; 'energybins', to select the energy bins
(but see below); and 'timesep' to determine the coarseness of time
Check for errors.
Before using any processing results, you must check the status of a
pointing to make sure of the success conditions (as described above).
Also, the point_YYYYDDDhhmm_chi.fits file can be used to filter any
images with poor chi-square value, which indicates a bad-quality fit.
Count rate distortions.
The image and catalog results for off-axis sources will be distorted
by the known effects of passive absorption in the BAT imaging system,
as already documented on the BAT Analysis Issues section of the BAT
Digest web page. Therefore, at the present, the BAT team recommends
users to limit analysis to on-axis sources until a more generic
approach can be made available.
Requested energy bins.
Regarding energy bins, the BAT team recommends either 4 energy bins
("14-24,24-50,50-100,100-195") or 8 energy bins
("14-20,20-24,24-35,35-50,50-75,75-100,100-150,150-195"). Other
energy bin selections are certainly possible, however, the above
selections will allow the most support from the BAT team in the
future. Choosing fewer than four energy bins is not recommended
since, the response of the instrument changes with energy and angle;
lumping all energies together will lower sensitivity. Choosing many
energy bins is also not recommended. With many energy bins, the
number of counts per detector per energy bin becomes small, and the
statistical properties of this condition have not been fully
BAT DPH data with truncated energy bins.
During a few episodes beginning in 2012, BAT data is present with
truncated energy binning. These products have 20 energy bins covering
14-50 keV, instead of the usual 80 energy bins covering 14-200 keV.
The data are otherwise of good quality, except for missing energy coverage.
These data files are recognizable because they will have file names of
the form 'sw*e20.dph' where the 'e20' indicates 20 energy bins instead
of the default number.
By default, batsurvey will not process this type of data, since it is
not compatible in dimension or energy coverage with most of the BAT
data in the Swift archive. In order to process this data, using the
following parameter setting:
This setting will allow processing of all kinds of survey data,
regardless of the number of bins.
Memory usage.
This task is heavily memory intensive! Expect to
require about 50 megabytes of available memory per energy band listed
in 'energybins'.
- indir [directory]
- Name of Swift observation directory. This directory should have
the layout and contents of a single standard Swift observation
segment. The directories "indir/bat" and "indir/auxil" are required.
- outdir [directory]
- Name of output directory where the processed results are stored.
If necessary, this directory will be created. The structure and
contents of the output directory are documented above.
- (incatalog="NONE") [string]
- Name of input analysis catalog. This catalog should be in the
format that batcelldetect accepts.
- (ncleaniter=2) [integer]
- Number of cleaning iterations to perform. Setting ncleaniter=1
will prevent bright sources from being removed. The BAT team has
found that a setting of 3 or more provides no additional benefit over
- (energybins = "14-20,20-24,24-35,35-50,50-75,75-100,100-150,150-195") [string]
- List of energy bins, in keV and comma-separated. The bins must
not overlap. See above for a discussion of limitations regarding
energy bins. Note that if you change the lower- or upper-most bin
then you should also adjust the 'elimits' parameter to match.
- (elimits = "14-195") [string]
- Energy limits for DPI quality checking, in keV. The energy limits
should match bin edges specified by the 'energybins' parameter.
- (timesep = "SNAPSHOT") [string]
- Method of time separation, either "SNAPSHOT" or "DPH". For
"SNAPSHOT", snapshot observations are processed separately,
corresponding to the coarsest possible time sampling. For "DPH", the
individual survey DPHs are processed separately, corresponding to the
finest possible time sampling.
- (keepbits = "7") [string]
- Integer number of bits of precision to keep in the output images.
A value of ALL means keep all bits. A positive value indicates that
'keepbits' bits of precision should be preserved, and the other bits
should be set to zero. See the documentation for 'batfftimage' for
more information.
- (keep_sky_images = "LAST") [string]
- Number of sky images to keep, one of "ALL" "NONE" or "LAST". A
value of "ALL" indicates that sky images from all clean iterations
should be kept. A value of "LAST" indicates that only the last
iteration should be kept (the default). A value of "NONE" indicates
that sky images should be discarded.
- (poivarmap = "YES") [boolean]
- Indicates whether a Poisson-based noise map should be created.
The Poisson-based noise map is not used in the analysis, but may be of
interest in post-processing. Regardless of this setting, batsurvey
always creates and uses a noise map from batcelldetect.
- (pointing_check = "YES") [boolean]
- Indicates whether periods of bad spacecraft pointing should be
filtered. Here "bad pointing" means that the spacecraft was drifting
or settling a significant distance from the final stable pointing
direction (as determined by the "point_toler" and "roll_toler"
parameters). Regardless of this setting, batsurvey always excludes
data where the spacecraft declares it is slewing, and where a star
tracker problem is indicated in the telemetry.
- (filter_midnight = "YES") [boolean]
- Indicates whether DPHs which cross the midnight boundary should be
excluded. The purpose of this filter is to remove cases where Swift
executes a "roll-in-place" maneuver at the hand-over from one daily
observing plan to the next.
- (ratemaxthresh = 12000) [real]
- Maximum allowed count rate in a DPH, in units of counts/sec. The
purpose of this filter is to exclude periods of high background.
- (rateminthresh = 3000) [real]
- Minimum allowed count rate in a DPH, in units of counts/sec. The
purpose of this filter is to exclude anomalously low count rates.
- (detthresh = 22000) [integer]
- The minimum allowed number of enabled detectors, out of 32768
total detectors. The purpose of this filter is to exclude periods of
time where much of the BAT array was disabled.
- (detthresh2 = 16000) [integer]
- The minimum allowed number of unmasked detectors. The purpose of
this filter is to exclude data sets where too many detectors were
masked. This filtering occurs after detectors are masked by
various quality checks, whereas the filtering associated with
"detthresh" occurs before.
- (filtnames = "all") [string]
- Comma-separated list of standard time filtering methods to apply.
See the help file for batsurvey-gti for a list of possible methods, or
use 'all' to activate all appropriate filtering techniques.
- (gtifile = "NONE") [string]
- User requested good time interval filter, or NONE. This good time
interval filter is intersected with the standard quality filtering
done by batsurvey-gti. In other words, the user-requested gtifile can
only reduce exposure, not increase it. A value of "NONE" indicates no
extra temporal filtering beyond the standard filtering. NOTE that
small amounts of time outside of the 'gtifile' may be accepted for
processing, as controlled by the parameters 'min_dph_frac_overlap',
'min_dph_time_overlap' and 'max_dph_time_nonoverlap' of the task
- (filtexpr = "NONE") [string]
- Additional filtering expression based on filter file, beyond the
standard methods specified by 'filtnames' and 'saofiltexpr'. A value
of "NONE" indicates no extra temporal filtering beyond what is done by
- (saofiltexpr = "ELV > 30.0") [string]
- Filter expression based on columns in the "prefilter" file, usually
based on spacecraft position or pointing.
- (stlossfcnthresh = 1.0E-9) [real]
- Maximum allowed star tracker "loss function." The loss function
provides an indicator of the quality of the star tracker attitude
- (expothresh = 150.0) [real]
- Minimum allowed exposure per snapshot, in seconds.
- (timeslop = 0.0) [real]
- Amount to enlarge each snapshot GTI. It is not recommended to
change this setting.
- (snrthresh = 5.0) [real]
- Minimum signal-to-noise threshold for detecting new sources in a
sky image.
- (cleansnr = 9.0) [real]
- Minimum signal-to-noise threshold for cleaning. Sources detected
at a greater significance will be cleaned via batclean, while sources
with a smaller significance will not be cleaned.
- (cleanexpr = "NONE") [string]
- Selection expression used to enable cleaning on additional
sources, using standard CFITSIO filtering criteria (see fhelp for
'rowfilter'). This expression is applied to the output catalog from
batcelldetect; any columns produced by batcelldetect - including those
columns supplied by the user in their input catalog - are available to
be filtered on. Sources to be cleaned will have either SNR >
'cleansnr' OR 'cleanexpr' true. A value of "NONE" indicates only
filtering by 'cleansnr'.
- (balance = "ShortEdges,LongEdges,InOut") [string]
- Type of balancing to do when calling batclean. See documentation
for batclean for more information.
- (brightthresh = 0.017) [real]
- Minimum source count rate to activate mask edge removal, in
count/s/det. For sources brighter than this intensity, the shadows of
the perimeter of the mask are removed. The purpose of this spatial
filter are to remove difficult-to-model shadows associated with
passive materials at the edge of the BAT mask structure.
- (pcodethresh = 0.05) [real]
- Minimum partial coding for sources detected in sky images, where
partial coding is measured as a fraction.
- (bkgpcodethresh = 0.01) [real]
- Minimum partial coding for background estimates from sky images,
where partial coding is measured as a fraction.
- (badpixthresh = 4.0) [real]
- Maximum allowed residuals after cleaning, in units of sigma.
Detectors with larger residuals indicate faulty cleaning, and those
detectors are excluded in subsequent cleaning iterations.
- (copy_cleaned_sources = "YES") [boolean]
- After one cleaning iteration, bright sources will have been
removed from the sky images. Setting this parameter to "YES" will
transfer the bright sources from the previous cleaning iteration to
the current image, thus keeping "all" of the source intensity
information. For each source more significant than "cleansnr", a
circular disk of radius "copy_cleaned_radius" is transferred from the
previous iteration to the current iteration. Note that since a bright
source can induce its own noise, setting this parameter to "YES" can
make bright sources appear to have unphysical significances.
- (copy_cleaned_radius = 0.008) [real]
- Radius around each cleaned source to copy, in radians, when
copy_cleaned_sources is set to YES.
- (batclean_backexp = NO) [boolean]
- If set, then the diagnostic 'backexp' output of batclean is saved
for each snapshot. The name of the file is point_YYYYDDDhhmm.backexp.
See the documentation for batclean for more information. If
batclean_backexp=NO (the default), then no batclean diagnostic file is
- (batclean_bkgmodel = "SIMPLE") [string]
- Requested background model used by 'batclean' task. See the
documentation of the 'bkgmodel' parameter for that task. The default
value is "SIMPLE" indicating the default behavior of 'batclean'. The
user can add custom model templates, for example. If effective area
maps are used (see below), it is possible that the bkgmodel file could
have a variable number of entries. In the case where the user
specifies batclean_bkgmodel, but no entries would have been written,
the default will be, "SIMPLE".
- (eff_area_map = "NONE") [string]
- Requested per-detector sensitivity maps used for bright source
cleaning, or "NONE" for uniform sensitivity. This may be a
comma-separated list or an @filename.txt file list. For this
parameter to have effect, the batclean_bkgmodels listing must include
the token string "EFF_AREA_TEMPLATES", which will be replaced by actual
templates for bright sources and bright sky.
- (point_toler = 0.025) [real]
- The "bad pointing" threshold radius, in degrees. When the
spacecraft pointing is more than "point_toler" degrees from the final
pointing direction, it is declared "bad".
- (roll_toler = 0.083) [real]
- The "bad pointing" threshold in roll, in degrees. When the
spacecraft roll is more than "roll_toler" degrees from the final roll
angle, it is declared "bad".
- (pointerr_frac_time = 0.15) [real]
- For a given DPH, if the pointing is "bad" for a fractional
duration that exceeds "pointerr_frac_time" then that DPH is
excluded. For example, if the pointing is "bad" for 14% of the
exposure of a DPH, then the DPH would be kept with the default
setting, and rejected if pointerr_frac_time=0.10.
- (pointerr_abs_time = 35.0) [real]
- For a given DPH, if the pointing is "bad" for a duration that
exceeds "pointerr_abs_time" then that DPH is
excluded. pointerr_abs_time is measured in seconds.
- (min_dph_frac_overlap = 0.75) [real]
- When deciding whether to include or exclude a DPH in a snapshot
based on the GTI filter, the amount of overlap between the DPH and the
GTI are determined. If the fractional overlap exceeds
"min_dph_frac_overlap" then the DPH is kept, otherwise it is discarded.
- (min_dph_time_nonoverlap = 40.0) [real]
- When deciding whether to include or exclude a DPH in a snapshot
based on the GTI filter, the amount of non-overlap between the
DPH and the GTI are determined. If the non-overlap exceeds
"min_dph_time_nonoverlap" (in seconds) then the DPH is discarded,
otherwise it is kept.
- (bsurseq = "NONE") [string]
- String value to be assigned to the BSURSEQ keyword in output
files. The contents of the BSURSEQ are not used by BAT software; the
user may use this keyword to identify data for their own purposes. A
value of NONE indicates that the BSURSEQ keyword should not be
- (aperture = "CALDB") [string]
- Name of the BAT mask aperture to use, or "CALDB".
- (mask_edge_aperture = "CALDB") [string]
- Name of the BAT mask edge aperture to use, or "CALDB".
- (global_pattern_map = "NONE") [string]
- Name of global detector pattern map to use for bias subtraction of
each image. The revised count rate is computed as NEW_RATE =
(OLD_RATE - PATTERN_MAP). The number of images in the file must match
the number of requested energy bands. A value of "NONE" indicates no
bias subtraction.
- (global_pattern_mask = "NONE") [string]
- Name of global quality map file, to be used for spatial filtering
of known "bad" detectors. This should be a single standard detector
quality map which applies to all energy bands. Note that detectors
already flagged as bad by batdetmask do not need to be re-flagged.
- (alignfile = "CALDB") [string]
- Spacecraft alignment file name, or "CALDB".
- (off_axis_corr = "NO") [boolean]
- Whether to correct for known off-axis effects. This parameter is
not fully implemented, and should always be set to NO.
- (offcorrfile = "NONE") [string]
- Name of off-axis correction file. This parameter is not fully
implemented, and should always be set to NONE.
- (check_centroiding = "NO") [boolean]
- Verify centroiding process. This parameter is not fully
implemented, and should always be set to NO.
- (dph_pattern = "INDIR/bat/survey/sw*g????.dph*") [string]
- Filename wildcard pattern match for BAT DPH files.
This should be a Unix-compatible wildcard string which selects the
required files. The special phrase "INDIR" appearing at the beginning
of the string is replaced by the 'indir' parameter value.
- (attitude_pattern = "INDIR/auxil/sw*sat.fits*") [string]
- Filename wildcard pattern match for Swift attitude file.
This should be a Unix-compatible wildcard string which selects the
required files. The special phrase "INDIR" appearing at the beginning
of the string is replaced by the 'indir' parameter value.
- (sao_pattern = "INDIR/auxil/sw*sao.fits*") [string]
- Filename wildcard pattern match for Swift SAO filter file.
This should be a Unix-compatible wildcard string which selects the
required files. The special phrase "INDIR" appearing at the beginning
of the string is replaced by the 'indir' parameter value.
- (go_pattern = "INDIR/bat/hk/sw**") [string]
- Filename wildcard pattern match for BAT Gain/offset files.
This should be a Unix-compatible wildcard string which selects the
required files. The special phrase "INDIR" appearing at the beginning
of the string is replaced by the 'indir' parameter value.
- (de_pattern = "INDIR/bat/hk/sw**") [string]
- Filename wildcard pattern match for BAT detector disable/enable files.
This should be a Unix-compatible wildcard string which selects the
required files. The special phrase "INDIR" appearing at the beginning
of the string is replaced by the 'indir' parameter value.
- (clobber = YES) [boolean]
- If the output files already exist, then setting "clobber = yes"
will cause it to be overwritten. Note that files will always be
clobbered. Setting clobber=NO will have no effect.
- (chatter = 2) [integer, 0 - 5]
- Verbosity level of output. Note that this setting is of limited
use, since most sub-tasks are run with a standard level of verbosity.
- (history = YES) [boolean]
- Ignored.
1. Run BAT survey processing on observation 00035025015 and place the
results in the 00035025015-results directory. The default energy bins
are used.
batsurvey 00035025015 00035025015-results
Jan 2013