ftconvoldrsp -- Converts old-style SF format response matrices to FITS.


ftconvoldrsp [infile=]inputfile [outfile=]outputfile (origin=" ") (qregrp=yes/no) [threshold=]# (qcif=yes/no) (rmfversn="1.2.0") (qrmfcomm=yes/no) (qebdcomm=yes/no) (qoverride=yes/no) [telescop =]missionname [instrume=]instname [filter=]filtname [detnam=]detectname [clobber=yes/no]


This should be a long-obsolete task. It converts old format response matrices (as used in xspec versions prior to 8.2) to FITS format.


infile [character string]
The name of the old-style (SF) RSP file to be converted to standard FITS format.

outfile [character string]
The name of the standard FITS file to be created

(origin = 'UNKNOWN') [character string]
The name of the organization and/or author running the task. The default value is ORIGIN=UNKNOWN.

(qregrp = no) [boolean]
Logical as to whether the matrix read in from the RSP file is to be truncated at a higher threshold, or simply written out to the FITS file with the current threshold. The default is QREGRP=N.

threshold [real]
New threshold at which the matrix is to be truncated (only required if QREGRP=Y)

(qcif = no) [boolean]
Logical as to whether the CIF keywords are to be added to the FITS file. The default is QCIF=N. NOTE: NO ALTERNATIVES ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED

(rmfversn = '1.2.0') [charcter string]
The OGIP FITS format version for response matrices in which the o/p FITS is to be writen. The default is RMFVERSN=1.2.0 and is currently the only format allowed.

(qrmfcomm = no) [boolean]
Logical indicating whether comments are to be added to the RMF extension from a previously prepared ASCII i/p file. The default is QRMFCOMM=N. NOTE: NO ALTERNATIVES ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED

(qebdcomm = no) [boolean]
Logical indicating whether comments are to be added to the EBOUNDS extension from a previously prepared ASCII i/p file. The default is QEBDCOMM=N. NOTE: NO ALTERNATIVES ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED

(qoverride= no) [boolean]
Logical indicating whether the user wishes to override the deconvolution of the mission and instrument strings derived from the corresponding string supplied in the RSP file. This is often necessary since the task only performs a rather crude deconvolution itself and since the RSP file often contains non-OGIP-standard strings, and/or insufficient information. The default is QOVERRIDE=N

telescop [character string]
The user-supplied string for the telescope name, required if QOVERRIDE=Y

instrume [character string]
The user-supplied string for the instrument name, required if QOVERRIDE=Y

detnam [character string]
The user-supplied string for the sub-instrument name, required if QOVERRIDE=Y. DETNAM=NONE should be used if the specification of a sub-instrument is unneccessary.

filter [character string]
The user-supplied string for the name of any moveable filter in use, required if QOVERRIDE=Y. FILTER=NONE should be used if on such moveable filter is in use.

(clobber = false) [boolean]
Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten.


January 2018