arftable - Creates an effective area file and an ancillary response function (ARF) file from the output events from the raytracing code xrtraytrace, not including any detector efficiencies
barycen - Apply barycenter corrections to X-ray timing data
barycorr - Generalized multi-mission barycenter correction tool
dustmodeleffarea - For X-ray point sources with dust halos, makes an effective area correction (or modifier) file, with the option of inputting raytracing event files made by the tool dustyarfmod
dustyarfmod - For X-ray point sources with dust halos, makes an effective area correction (or modifier) file, with the option of running raytracing simulations for the calculations
eeftable - Creates an encircled energy fraction (EEF) file based on the output event file from the raytracing task xrtraytrace
ftadjustgti - Perform filtering and normalization of good time interval (GTI)
mkintensfilt - Calculate GTIs based on a light curve and an intensity selection
rebingausslc - Rebin an irregularly sampled light curve (such as BAT or ASM)
xrtraytrace - Calculates the passage of X-ray photons through a thin-foil type X-ray telescope, treating reflection, transmission, scattering, and absorption
xrtreftable - Calculate the probabilities of reflection and transmission of an X-ray incident upon a mirror surface

