mxsscandat scanflist outfname pibandfname evtflist bevtflist srcregfile bgdregfile bgdscale mjd_start mjd_end phindx nh src_dcolphi_max src_dcoltha_max bgd_dcoltha_min bgd_dcoltha_max evt_colphi_max effcalc attlist gtifile0 gtifile1
This tool determines the scan history of a source for each SSC detector that views the source.
- scanflist [filename]
This file contains the time-history of the source position relative to each camera. It is the output
file from the tool mxscancur.
- outfname [filename]
Output filename for mxsscandat. This file contains the scan history of the source by each SSC detector exposed to the source.
- pibandfname [filename]
Ascii file which which contains the lower and upper channel of each PI band. The default contents of this
file are as follows:
192 547
548 1917
- evtflist [filename]
Name of source event file, or the name of a file containing a list of names of source event files. Text list files are given as "@event_list.txt", where event_list.txt is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of an event file.
- bevtflist [filename]
Name of background event file, or the name of a file containing a list of names of background event files. Text list files are given as "@event_list.txt", where event_list.txt is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of an event file.
- srcregfile=NONE [filename]
Source region file name. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.
- bgdregfile=NONE [filename]
Background region file name. This is an optional parameter that is used to determine the value of bgdscale if it is not provided.
- bgdscale [double]
Background region / source region scale factor. -1.0 is specified for a LC type background.
- mjd_start [double]
Start time of observation in MJD.
- mjd_end [double]
Stop time of observation in MJD.
- phindx [double]
This is the spectral index of the events assuming a powerlaw spectrum.
- nh [double]
This is the hydrogen column density (10^22 cm^-2) in the direction of the observation.
- src_dcolphi_max [double]
Maximum allowed difference in phi between event position and source region (degree)
- src_dcoltha_max [double]
Maximum allowed difference in theta between event position and source region (degree)
- bgd_dcoltha_min [double]
Minimum allowed difference in theta between event position and background region (degree)
- bgd_dcoltha_max [double]
Maximum allowed difference in theta between event position and background region (degree)
- evt_colphi_max [double]
Maximum allowed value of phi for an event (degree)
- effcalc [boolean]
Determine the transmission efficiency correction for the data? (0: No, 1: Yes)
- attlist=DEF [filename]
Name of the attitude list file (or CALDB). It can be either a fits or text format list. It specifies the spacecraft attitude files
which are used by the task.
- gtifile0 [filename]
Name of the camera 0 GTI fits file.
- gtifile1 [filename]
Name of the camera 1 GTI fits file.
- (leapsecfile = CALDB [filename])
Name of the leapsecond calibration file. Used to apply leapsecond correction to mission time.
- (ssdockinfo = CALDB [filename])
Table which contains the space shuttle docking dates.
- (teldefssc = CALDB [filename])
List of the telescope definition files for the ssc instrument (or CALDB). List files are given as "@teldef_list.txt", where teldef_list.txt is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of a teldef file one for SSC_H and SSC_Z.
- (colssc = CALDB [filename])
List of the collimator slat-plane position files for the ssc instrument (or CALDB). List files are given as "@colssc_list.txt", where colssc_list.txt is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of a file.
- (quanteff = CALDB [filename])
List of the quantum efficienty files for the ssc instrument (or CALDB). List files are given as "@quanteff_list.txt", where quenteff_list.txt is an ascii file in which each row contains the name of a file.
- (clobber = no) [boolean]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes (yes/[no]).
- (chatter = 1) [integer]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output,
or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (history = yes) [boolean]
- Records tool parameters in HISTORY ([yes]/no).
- (mode = ql) [string ql|hl|q]
- Mode to query the parameter file.
Acceptable values include: "ql (query and learn/remember), "hl" (hidden and learn/remember), "q" (query but don't remember), "h" (hidden).(Optional)