xtdpipeline - XRISM Xtend reprocessing tool
xtdpipeline indir outdir steminputs stemoutputs entry_stage attitude orbit obsgti housekeeping
The xtdpipeline task duplicates most of the XRISM pipeline for Xtend data (in particular, it does not produce the trend data). It allows the user to run all or part of the pipeline processing, and to vary the calibration files and filtering (screening) criteria used. A number of other pipeline processing parameters can also be changed.
Xtend Pipeline Stages
The xtdpipeline task is divided into 3 stages:
- Calibration
- Data screening
- Product creation
Each stage may be run singly or in combination with the preceding stages. This is controlled by the 'entry_stage' and 'exit_stage' parameters.
Xtend Stage 1 runs the following steps for each event file:
- (optional) Run coordevt on hot pixel file
- Run coordevt
- Run xtdphas
- Run xtdflagpix with 'flickpixfile=NONE'
- Run xtdpi with 'ctigrade=no' and 'usegoffset=no'
- Run xtdpi with 'ctigrade' and 'usegoffset' as specified in call to xtdpipeline
- Create flickering pixel file
- Filter Xtend events STATUS[1]==b0
- Run searchflickpix
- Run coordevt on flickering pixel events
- Run xtdflagpix with flickering pixel file
The data screening (Stage 2) is identical to that in the production pipeline when the default parameters are used. For details on the default screening applied to the Xtend events, see:
- xafilter - Create the EHK from attitude and orbital data, and create the MKF from housekeeping data based on the CalDB 'mkfconf' file
- ahgtigen - Create the GTI from the EHK and MKF parameters based on the CalDB selection file
- ahscreen - Screen the data based on GTI and the CalDB selection file
Default GTI used for screening data are:
Optionally, xtdmodegti can be run ('calc_modegti=yes') to create new GTI specific to the DATACLASSes of the input Xtend event file.
The product creation (Stage 3) creates quick look products in an identical fashion as the production pipeline.
Xtend Stage 3 consists of the following steps:
- Run xamkregion to create the Resolve field of view region for overlay on Xtend images
- Run extractor to create FITS light curve, spectrum, and image files
- Run ximage to create gif image files
- Images created in 3 energy bands (0.5 - 1keV, 0.5 - 2keV, 2 - 10keV)
- 2 images are created for each energy band: 1 with the extraction region overlaid and 1 with the Resolve field of view region overlaid
- Run lcurve to create a gif light curve file
- Run rslmkrmf to create a response matrix
- Run xspec to create a gif spectrum file
The input to xtdpipeline is specified using (at minimum) the 'indir' parameter. This should be specified as the xtend/event_uf level sequence directory, e.g.:
xtdpipeline indir=/path/to/100050020/xtend/event_uf
Paths to specific Xtend housekeeping and satellite data files can be specified using the 'attitude', 'housekeeping', 'extended_housekeeping', 'makefilter', 'orbit', and 'obsgti' parameters. The attitude, orbit, observation GTI, and Xtend housekeeping files are required for Stage 1 calibration.
File names, etc.
The number of output files depends on both the pipeline processing stage(s) and the options selected. All output files are written to the directory specified by the 'outdir' parameter. The archive directory structure is NOT reproduced (i.e. all output files are in a single directory).
The names of files produced are the same as those found in the HEASARC archive. However, the usual xaXXXXXXXXX prefix, where "XXXXXXXXX" is the sequence number, can be replaced by a character string set by the 'stemoutputs' parameter. This defaults to the value set by the 'steminputs' parameter.
- indir = indir/ [string]
- Directory containing the input data. This should be the path to the event_uf
- outdir = outdir/ [string]
- Output directory used for all output data, as well as the report file.
CAUTION: If 'clobber' is set to yes, and this directory already exists, then this task overwrites files as necessary in this directory.
- steminputs [string]
- Base (stem) for FITS input files (e.g., xa100050020). This string is used as the base file name for
finding input files. For example, if 'steminputs=xa100050020', then to find the event file, xtdpipeline matches the regular expression
against all files found in the 'indir' directory.
- stemoutputs = DEFAULT [string]
- Base (stem) output name used for creating output files. If set to DEFAULT, then 'steminputs' is used.
- entry_stage = 1 [integer 1|2|3]
- Entry stage, 1, 2, or 3.
Stage 1: Re-calibrate unfiltered event files.
Stage 2: Start from existing unfiltered event files.
Stage 3: Create quick look products.
- (exit_stage = 2) [integer 1|2|3]
- Exit stage, 1, 2, or 3.
Stage 1: Produces calibrated unfiltered event files.
Stage 2: Produces screened event files.
Stage 3: Produces quick look products.
- attitude [string]
- Attitude file.
- (extended_housekeeping) [string]
- Extended housekeeping file.
- (makefilter) [string]
- Makefilter file.
- orbit [string]
- Orbit file.
- obsgti [string]
- Input GTI file.
- housekeeping [string]
- Xtend housekeeping file.
- (regionfile = NONE) [string NONE|file name]
- Input region file. Region file must be in SKY coordinates. If 'regionfile=NONE', the entire detector will be used for extracting products. This parameter is only used if 'exit_stage=3'.
- (rsl_regfile = REFDATA) [string REFDATA|file name]
- Input Resolve SKY coordinates region file.
- (ra = -999.99999) [double]
- Right ascension [degrees] of the point to appear in
the center of SKY coordinate images. If 'ra' is within the range 0
<= 'ra' <= 360, the value of the parameter is used
and is written to the keyword RA_NOM in output files.
If 'ra' is outside this range, the 'ra' value is read from the
event header of the input file, by searching first for the RA_NOM
keyword and if found using its value, or if not found,
by searching for the RA_PNT keyword and using its value. If neither
keyword is found, the coordevt task, which takes 'ra' as an input
parameter, exits with an error.
- (dec = -999.99999) [double]
- Declination [degrees] of the point to appear in
the center of SKY coordinate images. If 'dec' is within the range -90
<= 'dec' <= +90, the value of the parameter is used
and is written to the keyword DEC_NOM in output files.
If 'dec' is outside this range, the 'dec' value is read from the
event header of the input file, by searching first for the DEC_NOM
keyword and if found using its value, or if not found,
by searching for the DEC_PNT keyword and using its value. If neither
keyword is found, the coordevt task, which takes 'dec' as an input
parameter, exits with an error.
- (roll = 0.0) [double]
- The roll angle [degrees] about the center of
the SKY coordinate system. The roll angle is the angle measured
counterclockwise from Celestial North to the positive SKY Y
- (optdetx = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis DETX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTDETX header keyword.
- (optdety = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis DETY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTDETY header keyword.
- (optfocx = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis FOCX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTFOCX header keyword.
- (optfocy = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis FOCY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTFOCY header keyword.
- (optskyx = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis SKYX coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTSKYX header keyword.
- (optskyy = -999.99999) [double]
- Xtend optical axis SKYY coordinate. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the OPTSKYY header keyword.
- (ra_pnt = -999.99999) [double]
- RA of Xtend pointing [deg]. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the RA_PNT header keyword.
- (dec_pnt = -999.99999) [double]
- DEC of Xtend pointing [deg]. If this parameter is
set to a value other than the default, the value is used only to
set the DEC_PNT header keyword.
- (calc_hotpix = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Run coordevt on hot pixel file.
- (calc_modegti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Whether to execute xtdmodegti to create the segment
and mode GTI for Xtend using the exposure file.
- (teldeffile = CALDB) [string CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for coordevt: Xtend teldef file.
- (leapsecfile = REFDATA) [filename CALDB|REFDATA|file name]
- Name of the leap second file. If set to CALDB or REFDATA, the file in the calibration
database or in the REFDATA area, respectively, is used.
- (selectfile = CALDB) [filename]
- The file containing selection expressions. If 'selectfile' is set to CALDB, the file is
read from the calibration database.
- (badpixfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Bad pixel file for Xtend.
- (maskfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Mask file for Xtend.
- (vtevnoddfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend 'evenodd' file.
- (ctifile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) file.
- (chtrailfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend charge trail ('chtrail') file.
- (spthfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend split threshld ('splitth') file.
- (gainfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend gain file.
- (patternfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Xtend grade pattern file.
- (rmfparamfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Parameter for xtdrmf: Xtend RMF param file.
- (xtd_mkflabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
- Label to use for Xtend MKF (makefilter) GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.
- (xtd_ehklabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
- Label to use for Xtend EHK (extended housekeeping) GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.
- (xtd_evtlabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
- Label to use for Xtend event screening. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.
- (coordevt_startsys = LOWEST) [string LOWEST|RAW|ACT|DET|FOC|SKY|HIGHEST]
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the intitial coordinate system for coordinate conversions.
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the final coordinate system for coordinate conversions.
- (annaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
- Parameter for coordevt: Apply annual aberration correction.
- (followsun = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Recalculate the Sun position for each event.
- (orbaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
- Parameter for coordevt: Apply satellite orbital aberration correction.
- (attinterp = LINEAR) [string LINEAR|CONSTANT]
- Parameter for coordevt: Spacecraft attitude interpolation method.
- (attdt = 32.) [double]
- Parameter for coordevt: Allowed margin for time extrapolation [s] in the input attidue file ('attfile' in coordevt).
- (chkattgap = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Limit attitude interpolation if gaps are present.
- (attext = ATTITUDE) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS attitude file extension containing
satellite attitude data.
- (attcol = QPARAM) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS column containing attitude values as a
vector in the 'attext' extension of the attitude table.
- (attform = QUAT) [string QUAT|EULER]
- Parameter for coordevt: Attitude format.
- (orbext = ORBIT) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt:
Name of the FITS orbit file extension containing satellite
orbit data.
- (orbcol = VELOCITY) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity column name.
- Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity format.
- (coordevt_randomize = TELDEF) [string yes|no|TELDEF]
- Parameter for coordevt: Randomize coordinates when rebinning.
- (randsys = TELDEF) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Starting from coordinate system specified by 'randsys'
(default specified in RANCOORD keyword in teldef file), coordinate conversions are
randomized, up to the highest coordinate system. Possible values are: TELDEF, LOWEST, RAW, ACT, DET, or FOC.
- (randscalesys = TELDEF) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of the coordinate system to determine the scaling factor for the randomization interval,
+/- 0.5 of a pixel in that coordinate system. The default is to get the name from the RAN_SCL keyword in the teldef file.
- (infileext = EVENTS) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Event extension name.
- (inclfloatcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded coordinate columns.
- (inclfloatskycol = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded SKY coordinate columns.
- (floatcolsuffix = _FLOAT) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Suffix for non-rounded coordinate columns.
- (startwithfloat = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Start with non-rounded 'startsys' coordinates.
- (blankcol = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for coordevt: Assign null values to columns not calculated.
- (btnull = 255) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for byte (B) columns.
- (itnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for short (I) columns.
- (jtnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (J) columns.
- (ktnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (K) columns.
- (sbtnull = 255) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for signed byte columns.
- (uitnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned short columns.
- (ujtnull = -999) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned long columns.
- (colbound = -32768,-32767,32767) [string]
- Parameter for xtdphas: TNULL, TLMIN, and TLMAX for PHAS.
- (chipcol = CCD_ID) [string NONE|CCD identification]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Chip ID, or column (or NONE).
If set to NONE, then all events are searched together for flickering pixels.
Otherwise, events are searched separately by 'chipcol' grouping.
- (xcol = ACTX) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: X-coordinate column.
- (ycol = ACTY) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Y-coordinate column.
- (chancol = PI) [string NONE|PI|column name]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Name of output pulse height column.
The column, in the PIXELS extension, contains average pulse
height values of the flickering events for each detected pixel.
Feature disabled if set to NONE.
- (gradecol = GRADE) [string NONE|GRADE]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Name of output event grade column. Only events
with specific grades given in the 'grade' parameter for searchflickpix are used in
accumulating the chip image for the flickering pixel search. If set to NONE,
all grades are used, and the 'grade' parameter is ignored.
- (grade = 0,2,3,4,6) [string ALL|grade list]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Event grade(s) for cleaning. This is a list of grade
values used in accumulating the chip image for the flickering pixel
search. If set to ALL, all grades are used.
- (n_division = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Divide total observation time into the given number.
- (cleaning = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Output cleaned image for debugging.
- (cellsize = 7) [integer]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Poisson clean cell size (odd integer > 1), in
units of pixels. If set to 0, this invokes the simple counts-per-pixel cutoff.
- (impfac = 320) [double]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Impact factor for the gamma function used for the Poisson search.
- (logprob1 = -5.6) [double]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Log (base 10) of the Poisson probability threshold for the first step of the
flickering pixel search (using the entire chip).
- (logprob2 = -5.6) [double]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Log (base 10) of the Poisson probability threshold for
the second step of the flickering pixel search (comparing to the surrounding pixels).
- (iterate = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Iterate the second step of Poisson cleaning.
- (flagedge = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: If set to yes, pixels along the chip edge are flagged as flickering for
the entire duration of the observation.
- (bthresh = 3) [integer]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Zero background cutoff threshold, applied when the local mean
background level is zero.
- (duration = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Perform detailed search for flickering pixel duration.
- (sigma = 3.0) [double]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Significance level for flickering pixel duration.
- (firstchip = TLMIN) [string NONE|TLMIN]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum value for chip number in the 'chipcol' column.
- (lastchip = TLMAX) [string NONE|TLMAX]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for chip number in the 'chipcol' column.
- (xmin = TLMIN) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimium value for X-coordinate.
- (xmax = TLMAX) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for X-coordinate.
- (ymin = TLMIN) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum value for Y-coordinate.
- (ymax = TLMAX) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for Y-coordinate.
- (chanmin = TLMIN) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum pulse height value (inclusive) for accumulating image
to search for flickering pixels.
- (chanmax = TLMAX) [string]
- Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum pulse height value (inclusive) for accumulating image
to search for flickering pixels.
- (outbadpix = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: If 'outbadpix=yes', lists of events with bad pixels are output.
Note that in xtdflagpix this parameter is a file name, but here there can be multiple files and the user
cannot specify the file names, only whether or not the files are output.
- (outbadimg = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: If 'outbadimg=yes', bad pixel images are output.
Note that in xtdflagpix this parameter is a file name, but here there can be multiple files and the user
cannot specify the file names, only whether or not the files are output.
- (npixnbr = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Pixel distance defining a neighbor.
- (nboundnbr = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Pixel distance defining a neighbor from a CCD/window/segment boundary.
- (citrailnbr = 2) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Pixel distance trailing CI row.
- (ciprenbr = 1) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Pixel distance preceding CI row.
- (echoflag = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") [string]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Flag cosmic ray echo pixels.
- (echonbr = 2) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Distance in pixels from a cosmic ray echo pixel to flag a neighbor
- (echomin = 6) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Minimum number of events for the cosmic ray echo fraction
- (echospth = 15) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Split threshold for cosmic ray echo fraction calculation.
- (echofrac = 0.7) [double]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Minimum fraction of hits defining a cosmic ray echo pixel. For any
pixel contained in at least 'echomin' events, if at least a fraction 'echofrac' of those
events have a pulse height above 'echospth', that pixel is
considered a cosmic ray echo pixel.
- (echomap = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Output cosmic ray echo pixel fraction map.
- (gtifile = NONE) [filename]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Input GTI file for CR echo pixel flagging.
- (bad_status = 3:9,11:12,16:19,25:28,30,37) [string]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: List of STATUS flags which are considered bad. If any of these
flags are set to 1 for an event, then STATUS flag 1 will also be set to 1 for that event.
Colons can be used to specify a range (e.g., "3:5,7" is equivalent to "3,4,5,7").
- (copyphas = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Copy original PHAS before processing.
- (resetflags = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdflagpix: Reset all xtdflagpix STATUS flags.
- (hkext = HK_SXI_USR_USER_HK1) [string]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Name of HK extension with video temperatures.
- (hkcolstem = SXI_USR_HKTBL_) [string]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Column name stem for video temperatures.
- (hkvideoid = B,B,B,B) [string]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Video card IDs used for the even-odd correction for CCD1, CCD2, CCD3,
and CCD4. This parameter must consist of a comma-separated list of 4 characters
A or B.
- Parameter for xtdpi: Starting point of corrections to calculate PI.
- (vtcor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable the video board temperature correction.
- (evnoddcor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable even-odd correction for Xtend PI calculation.
- (chtrailcor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable charge trail correction for Xtend PI calculaton.
- (cticor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable CTI correction for Xtend PI calculation.
- (gaincor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable gain correction for Xtend PI calculation.
- (ctigrade = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Use grade information in Xtend CTI correction in the second xtdpi pass. The first pass always uses 'ctigrade=no'.
- (usegoffset = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Use grade-based central-pixel offest correction in the second xtdpi pass. The first pass always uses 'usegoffset=no'.
- (copygrade = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Copy existing GRADE and PHA columns to GRADE_COPY and PHA_COPY columns respectively.
- (phcut = CALDB) [string]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Pulse height cut for CTI correction. If set to CALDB,
the value from the header of the CTI CalDB file ('ctifile') is used.
- (badpixopt = 2) [integer 1|2|3]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Options for events with bad pixels: ignore bad pixels (1), null bad pixels (2), or null whole event (3).
- (spthiter = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Enable split threshold iteration.
- (spthcaldb = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Use split thresholds from 'spthfile'.
- (spthoffset = 15.) [double]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Split threshold offset value (if 'spthcaldb=no').
- (spthslope = 0.) [double]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Split threshold slope value (if 'spthcaldb=no').
- (evtthre = DEFAULT) [string]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Event threshold. If set to DEFAULT, the task uses the values in
the input event file ('infile' in xtdpi) header keyword EVENTTHR, which contains a comma-separated list
of values for each CCD_ID and SEGMENT combination.
- (negthre = -5000) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Minimum PHAS value for normal event.
- (deltatime = 8) [integer]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Maximum allowed time gap [s] in HK temp search.
- (debugcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi: Write out the debuging columns.
- (randomize = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Parameter for xtdpi:
If set to yes, randomization is used to convert the input
integer PHAS or PHA column to floating point. If 'startcol' is
ignored, since those columns are floating point values.
- (timecol = TIME) [string]
- Parameter for coordevt: Name of time column.
- (seed = 2) [integer]
- Parameter for coordevt, xtdpi: Random number generator seed; uses system time for 'seed=0'.
- (stemreport) [string]
- File stem for log and temporary files. If this parameter is not set, the script automatically sets the stem to xtdpipeline_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS_ and appends log file and temporary file names as needed. Intended to be set by xapipeline.
- (numerrs = 0) [string]
- Number of errors from xtdpipeline (output).
- (cleanup = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Delete temporary files if 'cleanup=yes'.
- (clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.
- (chatter = 2) [integer 0|1|2|3]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output,
or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
- Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if
preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no
log file is created.
- (debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.
- (history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Records tool parameters in HISTORY.
- The following command recalibrates (Stage 1) and re-screens (Stage 2) all Xtend data for sequence 100050020 that currently resides in the directory /data/100050020/xtend/event_uf. The output is stored in a directory called /data/100050020_reproc/.
xtdpipeline indir=/data/100050020/xtend/event_uf outdir=/data/100050020_reproc entry_stage=1 exit_stage=2 \
steminputs=xa100050020 attitude=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.att \
orbit=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.orb obsgti=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020_gen.gti \
housekeeping=/data/100050020/xtend/hk/ makefilter=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.mkf \
- The following command re-screens (Stage 2 only) Xtend data for the same data set as in the previous example, as well as recalculate the Xtend mode GTI.
xtdpipeline indir=/data/100050020/xtend/event_uf outdir=/data/100050020_reproc entry_stage=2 exit_stage=2 \
steminputs=xa100050020 calc_modegti=yes obsgti=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020_gen.gti \
makefilter=/data/100050020/auxil/xa100050020/xa100050020.mkf \
June 20, 2024