Table model for spectropolarimetry exampleWriting a table for a spectropolarimetric table requires providing three spectra for each point in the table. The initial set-up of the table descriptors now becomes:
test.setModelName("SPTest") test.setModelUnits(" ") test.setisRedshift(True) test.setisAdditive(True) test.setisError(False) filters = ["Stokes:0","Stokes:1","Stokes:2"] test.setFiltExps(filters) and the loops setting the example spectra:
for i1 in range(11): for i2 in range(5): flux = empty((99)) for k in range(3): for j in range(99): flux[j] = 0.2*i1+10*(4.6+0.2*i2)+j*0.1+k/3.0 testspec = tableSpectrum() testspec.setParameterValues(np.array([0.2*i1,4.6+0.2*i2])) testspec.setFlux(flux) test.pushSpectrum(testspec)
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