aebarycen -- Barycenter correction for Suzaku EVENT/HK files.


         aebarycen filelist orbit ra dec


The aebarycen is a Suzaku specific Barycenter correction task based on faxbary (axBary), which is originally written for the RXTE. This task always overwrite files specified by the 'filelist' parameter. Note that, should aebarycen fail, it may leave a corrupted file. The source position must always be specified, by design. Note that a 3.5 arcmin error in the source position can cause up to 250 microsecond discrepancy in the corrected time.

Columns of TIME, START, and STOP are usually converted to the Barycentric time, which can be manually changed by the 'time_col', 'start_col', and 'stop_col' parameters. Header keywords of TIMESYS, TIMEREF, TSTART, TSTOP, DATE, DATASUM, CHECKSUM are also modified. Time value of 0.0 is ignored in the Barycentric correction, which is sometimes set when erroneous time conversion.

The JPL 2000 ephemeris (JPLEPH.*) and related files (psrtime.dat, psrbin.dat, tai-utc.dat, tdc.dat) are usually read from the FTOOLS refdata area. However, this can be overridden by specifying an alternative directory using the environmental variable TIMING_DIR.


filelist [filename]
Input/output file or @filelist to be corrected

orbit [filename]
Orbit file of the observation

ra [string]
Right Ascension of target in a format of NNhNNmNNs or NNN.NNN deg in the range of 0.0 to 360.0. Optionally, FITS header keyword, e.g. 'RA_OBJ' may be used if a string starting with an A-Za-z character is specified.

dec [string]
Declination of target in a format of +NNdNNmNNs or +NN.NNN deg in the range of -90.0 to +90.0. Optionally, FITS header keyword, e.g. 'DEC_OBJ' may be used if a string starting with an A-Za-z character is specified.

(leapfile = CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits) [file name]
Name of the leap second file. The default value is set to indicate that aebarycen will search for the file in CALDB first and then in the LHEA_DATA directory if necessary (the actual path for the HEADAS installation in use will be shown).

(time_col = TIME) [string]
TIME column name

(start_col = START) [string]
START column name of GTI

(stop_col = STOP) [string]
STOP column name of GTI

(num_event = -1) [integer]
Number of event (-1=all,0=exit)

(event_freq = 10000) [integer]
Event number printout frequency

(anl_verbose = 0) [integer]
ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum)

(anl_profile = no) [integer]
Enable ANL module profiling

(chatter = 2) [integer]
message chatter level (0:min,2:norm,5:max)


             % aebarycen filelist=crabhxdnor_pin.evt orbit=crabhxdnor.orb \
              ra=83.6308 dec=22.0728
     aebarycen version 2008-03-03
     Written by Y.Terada (Saitama-U), T.Enoto (UT), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU)
     Built on ANL HEADAS converter 1.81 for ANL version 1.81
     aebarycen: *** show parameter ***
                 FILELIST   'crabhxdnor_pin.evt'
                    ORBIT   'crabhxdnor.orb'
                 LEAPFILE   '/caldb/data/gen/bcf/leapsec_010905.fits' (CALDB)
                       RA   '83.6308'
                      DEC   '22.0728'
                 TIME_COL   'TIME'
                START_COL   'START'
                 STOP_COL   'STOP'
     aste_orbit: reading 'crabhxdnor.orb[EXTNAME=PAR_ORBIT,EXTVER=0]' ...
        nrow=28805, nkp=25921, tstart=179452800.0, tstop=181008000.0
      [ 1] Processing 'crabhxdnor_pin.evt'
     NAXIS2=0, TIME=0, START=0, STOP=0
     (RA,DEC)= (83.6308,22.0728) = ( 83.630800 , 22.072800 )
     TIMESYS = 'TDB     '           / Time System (TDB: Barycentric Dynamical Time)
     TIMEREF = 'SOLARSYSTEM'        / Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter
     TSTART  =     180108720.637426 / time start   ( -10.760209 s barycen corrected)
     TSTOP   =     180128988.648570 / time stop    (  -8.746519 s barycen corrected)
     PLEPHEM = 'JPL-DE200'          / Solar System ephemeris used for baryctr corr.
     RA_TDB  =            83.630800 / Target RA of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DEC_TDB =            22.072800 / Target DEC of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DATE    = '2006-07-28T07:44:09' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
     DATASUM = '         0'         / data unit checksum updated 2005-11-15T13:53:45
     CHECKSUM= '9J8GC95G9G5GC95G'   / HDU checksum updated 2006-07-28T07:44:09
           [1] DONE
     NAXIS2=661372, TIME=1, START=0, STOP=0
     (RA,DEC)= (83.6308,22.0728) = ( 83.630800 , 22.072800 )
     TIMESYS = 'TDB     '           / Time System (TDB: Barycentric Dynamical Time)
     TIMEREF = 'SOLARSYSTEM'        / Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter
     TSTART  =     180108720.637426 / time start   ( -10.760209 s barycen corrected)
     TSTOP   =     180128988.648570 / time stop    (  -8.746519 s barycen corrected)
     PLEPHEM = 'JPL-DE200'          / Solar System ephemeris used for baryctr corr.
     RA_TDB  =            83.630800 / Target RA of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DEC_TDB =            22.072800 / Target DEC of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DATE    = '2006-07-28T07:44:14' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
     DATASUM = '1475743048'         / data unit checksum updated 2006-07-28T07:44:14
     CHECKSUM= 'UFjcXFgbUFgbUFgb'   / HDU checksum updated 2006-07-28T07:44:14
           [2] DONE
     NAXIS2=4, TIME=0, START=1, STOP=2
     (RA,DEC)= (83.6308,22.0728) = ( 83.630800 , 22.072800 )
     TIMESYS = 'TDB     '           / Time System (TDB: Barycentric Dynamical Time)
     TIMEREF = 'SOLARSYSTEM'        / Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter
     TSTART  =     180108720.637426 / time start   ( -10.760209 s barycen corrected)
     TSTOP   =     180128988.648570 / time stop    (  -8.746519 s barycen corrected)
     PLEPHEM = 'JPL-DE200'          / Solar System ephemeris used for baryctr corr.
     RA_TDB  =            83.630800 / Target RA of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DEC_TDB =            22.072800 / Target DEC of Barycentric Dynamical Time corr.
     DATE    = '2006-07-28T07:44:14' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
     DATASUM = '1869822757'         / data unit checksum updated 2006-07-28T07:44:14
     CHECKSUM= 'LAQlN3NlL9NlL9Nl'   / HDU checksum updated 2006-07-28T07:44:14
           [3] DONE


None reported




Y.Terada (Saitama-U), T.Enoto (UT), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU)


Mar 2007


Mar2008 ftools.suzaku