AEMKPINUDHK (Oct 2007) suzaku.xis AEMKPINUDHK (Oct 2007) NAME aemkpinudhk -- calculate PINUD for xisnxbgen ftools from HXD-HK file USAGE aemkpinudhk outfile hkfile reference orbit DESCRIPTION 'aemkpinudhk' calculate the PINUD count rate from the HXD-HK file, PINUD is a good indicator of the non X-ray background (NXB), as well as the COR (cut-off rigidity) stored in the extended HK (EHK) file made by 'aemkehk'. Typical count rate of PINUD is 100-500 c/s. The output of 'aemkpinudhk' can be utilized for the XIS NXB estimation by 'xisnxbgen'. See HXD hardware papers (Takahashi et al. 2007; Kokubun et al. 2007) and the XIS NXB paper (Tawa et al. 2008) for further reference. PINUD is defined as a sum of HK items of HXD_HKA_PINUD[0-3][0-3] (16 units) in unit of c/s. They are non-reset counters of the PIN silicon diodes upper discriminator at a threshold around 90 keV. The PINUD rate is averaged over each 32 s, and is written to the output FITS file in the following format: No. Type EXTNAME BITPIX Dimensions(columns) PCOUNT GCOUNT 0 PRIMARY 8 0 0 1 1 BINTABLE PINUD_HK 8 31(8) 3021 0 1 Column Name Format Dims Units TLMIN TLMAX 1 TIME 1D s 2 PINUD 1E c/s 3 PINUD_ERR 1E c/s 4 PINUD_EXP 1E s 5 PINUD_CTS 1I count 6 PINUD_BAD 1B 7 COR 1E GV 8 COR2 1E GV The TIME column is taken from a file specified by the "reference" parameter. PINUD_CTS and PINUD_EXP are actual count and exposure, so that PINUD = PINUD_CTS / PINUD_EXP, and PINUD_ERR = sqrt(PINUD_CTS) / PINUD_EXP. PINUD_BAD is set to non-zero value, when PINUD cannot be calculated at that time. COR and COR2 columns are calculated in the same way as 'aemkehk'. PARAMETERS outfile [file name] Name of output PINUD HK file. hkfile [file name] Name of the input HXD-HK file,, where 'NNNNNNNNN' is an observation ID. An intermediate format FITS file (see below) can be usable instead of the HXD-HK file itself. reference [file name] Time reference file, or NONE to write in the intermediate format, with columns of TIME, PERIOD, and CTS_ALL. This format is easier in handling because the original HK items are non-reset counters. orbit [file name] Name of the input orbit file, aeNNNNNNNNN.orb, where 'NNNNNNNNN' is an observation ID. (leapfile = CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits) [file name] Name of the leap second file. The default value is set to indicate that aemkehk will search for the file in CALDB first and then in the LHEA_DATA directory if necessary (the actual path for the HEADAS installation in use will be shown). (rigidity = CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/rigidity_20060421.fits) [file name] Location of the FITS rigidity data file for COR2 column, specified similarly to the leap second file. (pinud_cps_lo = 100) [real] Valid lower range of PIN-UD in unit of c/s. (pinud_cps_hi = 600) [real] Valid upper range of PIN-UD in unit of c/s. (pinud_period_lo = 0.8) [real] Valid lower range of HXD-HK period in unit of second. (pinud_period_hi = 35.0) [real] Valid upper range of HXD-HK period in unit of second. (time_col_name = TIME) [string] Time column name of the time reference file. (clobber = yes) [boolean] Overwrite output file if exists? (anl_verbose = 0) [integer] ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum). (anl_profile = no) [integer] Enable ANL module profiling. (num_event = -1) [integer] Number of event (-1=all, 0=exit). (event_freq = 10000) [integer] Event number printout frequency. (chatter = 2) [integer] Message chatter level (0:min,2:norm,5:max). EXAMPLES 1. Create from % aemkpinudhk \ ae123456789xi0.evt ae123456789.orb SEE ALSO xisnxbgen, aemkehk AUTHOR N.TAWA (Osaka Univ), Y.ISHISAKI (TMU), and the XIS team. LAST MODIFIED Oct 2007