aharfgen - Make an ancillary response function (ARF) file for the SXS or SXI, or a response matrix (RSP) file for the HXI
aharfgen xrtevtfile source_ra source_dec telescop instrume dattfile filtoffsetfile emapfile qefile contamifile gateevalvefile sampling rmffile erange onaxisffile onaxiscfile outfile regmode regionfile mirrorfile obstructfile frontreffile backreffile pcolreffile scatterfile numphoton sourcetype imgfile
The aharfgen task is a script that runs the tasks ahsxtarfgen or
hxirspeffimg. When aharfgen is used to run ahsxtarfgen, an
ancillary response function (ARF) file for the SXS + SXT-S (parameter
'instrume=SXS') or the SXI + SXT-I ('instrume=SXI') combination is
created. When aharfgen is used to run hxirspeffimg, a spectral
response matrix (RSP file) for the HXI1 + HXT-1 ('instrume=HXI1') or
HXI2 + HXT-2 ('instrume=HXI2') combination is created. The aharfgen task takes
as input an exposure map file created by the ahexpmap task. The
exposure map file contains information about the satellite attitude
and variation in the telescope optical axis pointing, as well as
spatial effective exposure time information. A standard SAO region
file input can be used to specify the region in RA/DEC or DET coordinates for
which the output ARF or RSP files are created (see 'regmode' and 'regionfile'
parameters). If the region is in RA/DEC coordinates, the script then creates a number of selection regions in
the DET coordinate system corresponding to discrete satellite
attitude intervals (or histogram bins), that are contained in the exposure map
file. The options for specifying the spatial distribution of the
X-ray source are: (1) point source ('sourcetype=POINT'), (2) uniform
emission from an extended circular region
('sourcetype=FLATCIRCLE') with a set radius (see 'flatradius'
parameter), (3) beta model ('sourcetype=BETAMODEL'; see 'betapars'
parameter), and (4) input image ('sourcetype=IMAGE'). The image
option, useful for extended sources, uses an input image file to
create a photon event list by using the simulator task heasim. This
event list is subsequently used to generate input for the raytracing code. The input
image file could be made from data from a different mission, or from a
model. The source position is input using the 'source_ra' and
'source_dec' parameters.
The aharfgen task runs the raytracing task xrtraytrace, using information
about the source and region selection to simulate photon paths through
the X-ray telescope. The photon paths, or events, along with the
source and region information, are passed onto ahsxtarfgen or
hxirspeffimg in order to enable the net effective area to be
calculated. Detector efficiencies are calculated in ahsxtarfgen and
hxirspeffimg, not in aharfgen. The raytracing file is saved and
can be used again to run either ahsxtarfgen or hxirspeffimg
without rerunning xrtraytrace. When aharfgen is executed, and it finds
that a raytracing file with the requested file name already exists,
aharfgen skips running the raytracing code again, and instead
passes the existing event file onto ahsxtarfgen or
hxirspeffimg. Running the raytracing code is very time-intensive, therefore
this feature avoids unnecessarily long run times whenever possible.
The event file from previous runs of the raytracing may be used if the ARF is recalculated
using a different energy binning (the binning is defined by the RMF), a
different region, or a different choice about whether to use the auxiliary transmission file
or not (see parameter 'auxtrans').
The number of photons injected into the raytracing code determines the statistical
accuracy of the effective area and detector efficiencies.
This number is controlled by the
parameter 'numphoton'. The total number of photons injected into the
raytracing code is determined by an algorithm that takes into account
the relative time intervals for each attitude bin as given in the
first extension of the exposure map file. Each row in the first
extension of the exposure map file corresponds to one attitude
bin. The value of the parameter 'numphoton' corresponds roughly to the
number of raytracing photons allocated to each attitude bin per energy
grid point. If any attitude bin has a time interval significantly
larger than the average time interval, aharfgen allocates
additional raytracing photons to that attitude position. Note that
raytracing is performed on a coarse energy grid for modeling the
spatial distribution of photons, which has a weak energy
dependence. The final effective area calculated by aharfgen combines
these coarse-grid results with some pre-calculated raytracing results
that were obtained on a fine energy grid that is
designed to capture all of the
atomic physics at a level of detail sufficient for the SXS.
As a rough guide, one should aim for a minimum total of 3 million
photons over the whole energy range, and 'numphoton' can be estimated by
numphoton~(total number of photons/number of attitude bins/X), where
X~16 for SXS or SXI over the nominal energy range 0.4-15 keV, and X~270 for
the HXI over the nominal energy range 4-70 keV. The run time for the
raytracing code is approximately 1 minute per 100,000 photons. The
energy range for which aharfgen calculates the ARF or RSP files is
selectable by the user, and ranges wider than the nominal ranges just
mentioned may be specified. For the SXS, the energy range can span 0.03
to 30 keV, and for the SXI, 0.03 to 24 keV. For the HXI, the energy
range can span from 2 to 120 keV. However, the calibration outside of the
nominal energy ranges quoted above is not reliable, so it is not recommended to
choose wider ranges the nominal ones; this would also result in a
substantial increase in the run time.
Note that SXS region files made by ahmkregion should not be used as input to aharfgen.
This is because ahmkregion creates DET coordinate regions for SXS that have overlapping pixel regions.
- xrtevtfile = xrtraytrace_sxt_events.fits [filename]
- Name of event/history file created by the raytracing program
xrtraytrace, and used by aharfgen. If 'xrtevtfile' does not exist,
aharfgen creates it by running xrtraytrace. If 'xrtevtfile' is
the name of an existing file that was previously created by
aharfgen, this file is used instead of creating a new one.
- source_ra = 150.0 [double]
- Right ascension (RA, degrees) of the X-ray source for which the ARF
is to be created. For 'sourcetype=FLATCIRCLE' or 'sourcetype=BETAMODEL', 'source_ra' is the RA of
the center of the source. For 'sourcetype=IMAGE', the parameter
'source_ra' represents the RA position of the targeted source within the image.
If there is no obvious source, 'source_ra' should be set to the RA position
of the center of the image.
- source_dec = 50.0 [double]
- Declination (DEC, degrees) of the X-ray source for which the ARF
is to be created. For 'sourcetype=FLATCIRCLE' or 'sourcetype=BETAMODEL', 'source_dec' is
the DEC value of the center of the source. For 'sourcetype=IMAGE', the
parameter 'source_dec' represents the DEC position of the targeted source within
the image. If there is no obvious source in the image, 'source_dec' should be
set to the DEC position of the center of the image.
- (nompntpars = 43.0 65.0 130.0 43.0 65.0) [string]
- This parameter is only used if no exposure map is input to
aharfgen ('emapfile=NONE'). The parameter consists of a string of
five numbers as follows: (1) RA of satellite pointing direction,
(2) DEC of satellite pointing direction, (3) roll angle of
satellite, (4) RA of the telescope optical axis, and (5) DEC of the
telescope optical axis.
- telescop = HITOMI [string]
- Mission name (value to write in header keyword TELESCOP for
- instrume = SXI [string SXS|SXI|HXI1|HXI2]
- Instrument for which the ARF is to be made.
- (teldeffile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the telescope definition (teldef) file appropriate for the
instrument for which the ARF is to be made. If the parameter is set to
CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database (CalDB).
- dattfile = deltatt.fits [filename]
- Name of the CAMS delta-attitude file describing the position of
the optical axis in [RAWX, RAWY] as a function of time. This parameter
is only used if 'instrume=HXI1' or 'instrume=HXI2'. The columns
- filtoffsetfile = filtoffset.fits [filename]
- Name of the delta-attitude file describing the CAMS motion with columns DELTARAWX, DELTARAWY,
SINANGLE, COSANGLE, as a function of time. The file is made by running cams2att with
- emapfile = expmap.fits [filename]
- Name of the exposure map file (created by the task ahexpmap)
containaing histograms of satellite attitude and related quantities, as
well as good time intervals (GTI) for the attitude bins. In the case
of SXI or SXS, there is also an effective exposure time image in
the primary extension of the exposure map.
- qefile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the file containing the quantum efficiency (QE) for the
detector. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from the
CalDB. For SXI, the QE is combined with the optical
blocking layer (OBL) transmission.
- (obffile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the optical blocking filter file (needed for SXS only). If
the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from the CalDB.
- (fwfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the filter wheel filter file (needed for SXS only). If the
parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from the CalDB.
- contamifile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the file containing information to calculate the
transmission due to contaminants on the detector as a function of
time, energy, and detector position. If the parameter is set to CALDB,
the file is read from the CalDB.
- (abund = 1.0) [string]
- Relative abundances of contaminants modifier.
This number multiplies the abundances of all of the contaminant materials
in the CalDB.
- (cols = 0.0) [string]
- Additional column densities for contaminants [1E18 cm^{-2}]. The
column densities of all of the contaminant materials in the
calibration file are modified by adding the value of this
parameter to the value in contamifile.
- (covfac = 1.0) [string]
- Partial covering modifier for contaminant materials.
This number multiplies the partial covering factors of all of the
contaminant materials in the calibration file.
- gatevalvefile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of the SXS gate valve calibration file. This file is only
necessary for SXS observations, for which the value of the GATEVALV
keyword is equal to CLOSED. The file accounts for the blocking and
attenuation effects of the gatevalve. If 'gatevalvefile=CALDB', the gate
valve file in the CalDB is used.
- sampling = 4 [integer]
- This parameter is only necessary if 'instrume=HXI1' or 'instrume=HXI2'.
It is the sampling factor for the HXI CAMS delta-attitude
bins. If 'sampling=1', the original binning in the 'dattfile' is
used. If 'sampling=N', use the first bin, then the (N+1)th bin
- (baffle = 64.0 64.0 25.35 622.0 24.67 124.0) [string]
- This parameter is only necessary if 'instrume=HXI1' or 'instrume=HXI2'.
It is a string list of six numbers that specify parameters of
the HXI baffle model as follows: (1) baffle center RAWX coordinate,
(2) baffle center RAWY coordinate, (3) radius [mm] of top entrance of
baffle, (4) height [mm]of baffle entrance hole above focal plane,
(5) radius [mm] of bottom exit of baffle, and (6) height [mm] of exit hole
above focal plane.
- rmffile = sxi.rmf [filename CALDB|file name]
- Name of a response matrix file (RMF) valid for the instrument for which
the ARF is generated. For SXI and SXS, the 'rmffile' is always a single file,
generated either by sxirmf or sxsrmf (respectively), from which the energy grid
is read and used within aharfgen for the output energy grid of the ARF file.
For HXI, instead the 'rmffile' may be input as an ASCII file containing a list for
'rmffile', prefixed with "@", or as CALDB. The ASCII file contains one RMF file name
per line and in order to calculate the ARF, HXI requires 5 RMF, one for each of the detector
layers. If set to CALDB, the aharfgen task automatically retrives the correct RMF from the
- erange = 0.10 17.0 2.0 8.0 [string]
- A string containing four numbers. The first and second numbers
correspond to the minimum and maximum energy, respectively, of the
valid data in the output ARF or RSP file (points outside this range
are filled with zeros). Restricting the energy range in this way may
be used to shorten the run time if a restricted energy range is
sufficient for the application. The third and fourth numbers in the
input parameter string are only relevant if 'sourcetype=IMAGE' (one
of the extended source options), and are set to the lower and upper
energy bound, respectively, of the image data.
- onaxisffile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the file and extension that contains the on-axis telescope
effective area, appropriate for the instrument, pre-calculated on a fine
energy grid. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from
the CalDB.
- onaxiscfile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of file and extension that contains the on-axis telescope
effective area, appropriate for the instrument, pre-calculated on a
coarse energy grid. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read
from the CalDB.
- outfile = sxi.arf [filename]
- Name of the output ARF or RSP file.
- regmode = DET [string RADEC|DET]
- Type of coordinate system associated with the region file ('regionfile'). For SXS you can only
use 'regmode=DET'.
- regionfile = extract.reg [filename]
- Name of the source region selection file, in RADEC (RA/DEC units) or DET
coordinates. The format is that of a standard SAO region file. However, SXS region
files made by ahmkregion should not be used as input to aharfgen, and the region file
must be in DET coordinates.
- mirrorfile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the telescope description file (TDF) and the extension
(e.g., MIRROR) that holds the geometrical description of primary and
secondary mirror foils. It is assumed that the name of the
pre-collimator extension is COLLIMATOR. If 'mirrorfile' is set to
CALDB, the file is read from the CalDB.
- obstructfile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the telescope description file (TDF) and the extension
(e.g., OBSTRUCT) that holds the geometrical description of the
telescope support structures. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the
file is read from the CalDB.
- frontreffile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the reflectivity file and the extension for the
front-side reflectivity of the mirror foils. The extension also
includes the thin surface film transmission. The names of the
reflectivity and transmission columns are linked to groups of mirror
foils that they apply to, by means of a column called FREFLECT in the
TDF. Note that the second extension in the reflectivity file contains
mass-absorption coefficients that are used by the raytracing code
xrtraytrace, to calculate transmission probabilities of the "thick"
materials (as opposed to thin films) in the telescope.
- backreffile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the reflectivity file and the extension for the
backside reflectivity of the mirror foils.
- pcolreffile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the reflectivity file and the extension for the
reflectivity of the pre-collimator blades/foils. The pre-collimator
reflectivity is the same for front-side and back-side reflection.
- scatterfile = CALDB [filename CALDB|file name and extension]
- Name of the file containing the scattering angle probability
distributions for the direction of reflected rays relative to regular
(incident angle = reflected angle)
specular reflection. The file contains data for the frontside of
mirror foils, the backside of mirror foils, and for the
pre-collimator blades. In general, foils in different physical regions
of the telescope can have different scattering distributions. The
column names are referenced in the SCATTER column in the TDF.
- numphoton = 20000 [integer]
- The value of the parameter 'numphoton' corresponds roughly to the
number of raytracing photons allocated to each attitude histogram bin
(in the exposure map file), per energy grid point. If any attitude bin
has a time interval significantly larger than the average time
interval, aharfgen allocates additional raytracing photons to that attitude position.
- (minphoton = 100) [integer]
- The minimum number of photons that successfully reach the
focal plane, per raytracing energy grid point, that is acceptable to
make a viable ARF. The number of focal plane photons that contribute
to the ARF must exceed 'minphoton' for every energy, otherwise the
program aborts.
Method for treatment of the spatial distribution of the X-ray
source. (1) POINT: Point source at infinity. Photons arrive at random
points on the active region of the telescope aperture. (2) FLATCIRCLE:
Extended source at infinity that has a spatial distribution with
uniform flux over a circular region (zero outside of the circle). (3)
BETAMODEL: Extended source at infinity that has a spatial distribution
described by the "beta model" (see 'betapars' parameter). (4) IMAGE: A
FITS image file (in RADEC coordinates) is used to create a photon
event list using the simulation code heasim. This event list is
subsequently input into the raytracing code by aharfgen. The input
image file may be made from data from a different mission, or from a
model. The name of the image file is given by the parameter 'imgfile'.
- (betapars = 0.50 0.60 5.0) [string]
- Parameters of the beta model if 'sourcetype=BETAMODEL' as follows:
(1) beta model core radius [arcmin], (2)
the index beta of the beta model, and (3) the maximum radius [arcmin]
of the source spatial distribution.
- (flatradius = 10.0) [double]
- The radius [arcmin] of the extended source for the flat
spatial distribution option 'sourcetype=FLATCIRCLE'.
- imgfile = image.fits [filename]
- Name of the input image file to be used for raytracing if the
input parameter 'sourcetype=IMAGE'. The image should be in the primary extension and coordinate system should
be SKY (in RA/DEC units). The minimal mandatory keywords
required are the standard ones describing the X and Y grids:
- (auxtransfile = NONE) [filename NONE|CALDB|file name]
- Name of the input auxiliary transmission file.
This file is used to apply an additional transmission modifier to
the output ARF, corresponding to effects of unknown origin that are not accounted for in the telescope
calibration files used by the raytracing. The options are valid for HXI, SXI, and SXS.
If 'auxtransfile=CALDB', the file is read from the CalDB.
- (rmfthresh = 1.0e-10) [double]
This parameter is only valid for HXI, not for SXI or SXS.
The 'rmfthresh' parameter defines the lower threshold for writing non-zero matrix elements in the HXI output RSP file.
If the matrix element's value is less than the value of 'rmfthresh', the matrix element is set to 0.
It is not recommended to increase the value 'rmfthresh' above the default
value as it may reduce the compressibility of the output, making the matrix too large for the software to handle.
- (polydeg = DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10]
- The parameter 'polydeg'
defines the polynomial order for the fitting of an internal function. The allowed values
are 1 to 5 for HXI, and 1 to 10 for SXS and SXI. For HXI, the default value of 'polydeg' is
set to 5. For SXI and SXS, the default value is set to a value obtained internally by
testing for fitting stability.
- (seed = 29075) [integer]
- Random number generator seed; uses system time for 'seed=0'.
- (cleanup = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Delete temporary files.
- (clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.
- (chatter = 1) [integer 0|1|2|3]
- Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.
- (logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
- Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no log file is created.
- (debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
- Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.
- (history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
- Records task parameters in HISTORY.
- Make an ARF file for a point source in the SXI, given an RA/DEC
region selection file (src_sky.reg), and an exposure map file
(src_expmap.fits) made by the ahexpmap task. An example of the contents of the region file src_sky.reg is:
# Region file format: DS9 version 4.1
global color=green dashlist=8 3 width=1 font="helvetica 10 normal" select=1 high
lite=1 dash=0 fixed=0 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 include=1 source=1 wcs=wcs
In this example the source RA and DEC coordinates are 140 and 35
degrees respectively, and the extraction region is a circle centered
on the source, with a radius of 150 arcsec. The parameters 'source_ra'
and 'source_dec' that should be entered are equal to the values of the
corresponding source coordinates in the region file. For SXS or
SXI, ahsxtarfgen (called by aharfgen) only uses the energy grid in
'rmffile' and not the actual matrix data, therefore the particular RMF
specified for 'rmffile' is not important. The ARF made by
ahsxtarfgen is calculated on the exact energy grid in 'rmffile'.
aharfgen xrtevtfile=src_1_raytrace.fits
erange="0.4 15.0 0.4 15.0"
This example run produces the following output files: (1)
src_1_arf.fits, (2) aharfgen_region.lis (contains the names of region
files made in detector coordinates: src_1_arf.arfregion0.reg to
src_1_arf.arfregionN.reg, where N is the number of attitude histogram
bins in the exposure map file, extension 1), and (3) src_1_raytrace.fits.
- This example is essentially the same as above, with the exception that every
parameter that was set to CALDB above, is now replaced by a file name in order to
illustrate the types of files and extensions that can be input for the various file
aharfgen xrtevtfile=src_1_raytrace.fits
erange="0.4 15.0 0.4 15.0"
If aharfgen is run with 'sourcetype=IMAGE', the number of photons generated from the image in the initial event list should be equal to the input parameter 'numphoton', but this is not the case (although the two numbers match approximately). A way to mitigate the effects of this bug is to run aharfgen with the intended value of 'numphoton' and note in the screen output the number of actual source events generated by the task heasim. Then, interrupt aharfgen and run it again with a new value of 'numphoton' set to the original value squared, divided by the actual number of events generated by heasim.
February 25, 2024