ahpipeline - Hitomi HXI/SGD/SXS/SXI reprocessing tool


ahpipeline indir outdir steminputs stemoutputs entry_stage instrument


The ahpipeline task duplicates most of the Hitomi pipeline (in particular, it does not produce trend data). It allows the user to run all or part of the pipeline processing and to vary the calibration files and filtering (screening) criteria used. A number of other pipeline processing parameters can also be changed.

Pipeline Stages

The pipeline is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Calibration
  2. Data screening

Each stage may be run singly or in combination with the preceding stages. This is controlled by the 'entry_stage' and 'exit_stage' parameters.

HXI Stage 1 consists of the following ordered steps:

  1. Run cams2att
  2. Run hxisgdsff
  3. Run hxisgdpha
  4. Run hxisgdexpand
  5. Run hxievtid
  6. Run coordevt

SGD Stage 1 consists of the following steps:

  1. Run hxisgdsff
  2. Run hxisgdpha
  3. Run hxisgdexpand
  4. Run sgdevtid

SXI Stage 1 consists of the following steps:

    For each event file:
  1. (optional) Run coordevt on hot pixel file
  2. Run coordevt
  3. Run sxiphas
  4. Run sxiflagpix
  5. Run sxipi
  6. Run sxipi
    1. Create flickering pixel file
      1. Filter SXI events STATUS[1]==b0
      2. Run searchflickpix
      3. Run coordevt on flickering pixel events
  7. Run sxiflagpix with flickering pixels

SXS Stage 1 consists of the following steps:

  1. (optional) Calculate GTIFOUNDALL (gtiinvert on GTILOST)
  2. Run mxsgti
  3. Calculate <gaingti> GTI file:
  4. Run sxsanticopi
  5. For each event file:
    1. Run coordevt
    2. Run sxsflagpix
    3. Run sxssecid
  6. Calculate GHF (gain history file)
    1. Merge pointing and slew event files
    2. Select merged file
      • if 'linetocorrect' eq 'MnKa':
      • else:
    3. Run ftsort on filtered merged file
    4. Run sxsgain on filtered, sorted merged file
  7. For each event file:
    1. Run sxspha2pi (GHF input)
    2. Run sxsflagpix
    3. Run sxssecid
    4. Run sxsseccor
    5. Run sxspha2pi (GHF input)
    6. Run sxsperseus

The data screening (Stage 2) is identical to that in the production pipeline when default parameters are used. The ahpipeline task uses the individual instrument pipelines (hxipipeline, sgdpipeline, sxipipeline, sxspipeline) to screen the data. For details on the default screening applied to the events, see:


The ahpipeline task allows for the processing of data on an instrument-by-instrument basis. This is controlled by the 'instrument' parameter. Possible values are:

More than one value may be specified at a time.


The input to ahpipeline is specified using (at minimum) the 'indir' parameter. This should be specified as the top-level sequence directory, e.g.:

   ahpipeline indir=/path/to/100039010 ...

Paths to specific housekeeping and satellite data files can be specified using the 'attitude', 'housekeeping', 'extended_housekeeping', 'makefilter', 'orbit', and 'timfile' parameters, but this should NOT be necessary if 'indir' is specified correctly.

Note that errors can occur if a subdirectory of a sequence directory is used for the 'indir' parameter or if the output is stored within the sequence directory.



An output report is produced with the default name ahpipeline.log. The name of the log can be changed with the 'logfile' parameter. This lists all processing done in any particular run of ahpipeline. The level of detail of this report is controlled by the 'chatter' parameter.

Note that setting chatter to 3 can produce very large output reports.

File names, etc.

The number of output files depends on both pipeline processing stage(s) and the instrument(s) selected. All output files are written to the directory specified by the 'outdir' parameter. The archive directory structure is NOT reproduced (i.e. all output files are in a single directory).

The names of files produced are the same as those found in the HEASARC archive. However, the usual ahXXXXXXXXX prefix (where "XXXXXXXXX" is the sequence number) can be replaced by a character string set by the 'stemoutputs' parameter; this defaults to the value set by the 'steminputs' parameter.


indir = indir/ [string]
Directory containing the input data. This should be the full, or relative path to the top-level sequence directory, e.g.:

Note: Problems can arise if a subdirectory of the top-level sequence directory is used.

outdir = outdir/ [string]
Output directory used for all output data, as well as the report file. If 'clobber' is set to no, and this directory already exists, the task fails. This should NEVER be a subdirectory of the input directory (the top level sequence directory).

CAUTION: If 'clobber' is set to yes, and this directory already exists, this task overwrites files, as needed, in this directory.

steminputs = ah1001 [string]
Base (stem) for FITS input files (e.g., ah100039010). This string is used as the base file name for finding input files. For example, if 'steminputs=ah100039010', then to find the attitude file, ahpipeline matches the regular expression /ah100039010\.att(\..+)?$/ against all files found in the 'indir' directory.

When doing this matching, ahpipeline prefers files that match the original archive directory structure over files with the same name that do not. For example, if the files:


both exist, ahpipeline uses the first file, and not the second. If two files of the same name are found and neither one resides in an archive directory structure, ahpipeline exits with an error.

Note: The above file finding issues can be avoided if the downloaded archive data set is left "pristine", by specifying an output directory outside of the input directory tree.

(stemoutputs = ah1001) [string]
Base (stem) output name used for creating output files. If set to DEFAULT, 'steminputs' is used.

entry_stage = 1 [integer 1|2]
Entry stage, 1 or 2.

Stage 1: Re-calibrate unfiltered event files.

Stage 2: Start from existing unfiltered event files.

exit_stage = 2 [integer 1|2]
Exit stage, 1 or 2.

Stage 1: Produces calibrated unfiltered event files.

Stage 2: Produces screened event files.

instrument = ALL [string ALL|HXI|HXI1|HXI2|SGD|SGD1|SGD2|SXS|SXI]
Comma-delimited list of which instruments to process. More than one value may be specified at one time.

verify_input = no [boolean yes|no]
If 'verify_input=yes', input FITS files are verified with ftverify.

(attitude = DEFAULT) [string]
Attitude file.

(housekeeping = DEFAULT) [string]
Housekeeping file.

(extended_housekeeping = DEFAULT) [string]
Extended housekeeping file.

(makefilter = DEFAULT) [string]
Makefilter file.

(orbit = DEFAULT) [string]
Orbit file.

(timfile = DEFAULT) [string]
Time file.

(obsgti = DEFAULT) [string]
Observation GTI file.

(calc_pointing = yes) [boolean yes|no]
If 'calc_pointing=yes', calculate nominal pointing.

(calc_optaxis = yes) [boolean yes|no]
If 'calc_optaxis=yes', calculate optical axis keywords.

(create_ehkmkf = no) [boolean yes|no]
If 'create_ehkmkf=yes', create the EHK and MKF files.

(makeregion = no) [boolean yes|no]
If 'makeregion=yes', a region file for data product extraction is made for the imaging instruments (i.e. not SGD). The region file is in SKY coordinates and corresponds to a circle of radius 130 SKY pixels (equivalent to ~3.83 arcmin and 1.71 arcmin for the SXT and HXT respectively), whose center is at the SKY position that corresponds the center of the SXS (based on nominal pointing keywords).

(ra = -999.99999) [double]
RA of nominal pointing [degrees]. If 'calc_pointing=yes', the 'ra' value is derived from the calculated nominal pointing. If 'calc_pointing=no', a valid value for 'ra' must be provided in place of the default value.

(dec = -999.99999) [double]
Dec of nominal pointing [degrees]. If 'calc_pointing=yes', the 'dec' value is derived from the calculated nominal pointing. If 'calc_pointing=no', a valid value for 'dec' must be provided in place of the default value.

(roll = 0.0) [double]
Roll angle of nominal pointing [degrees].

(leapsecfile = REFDATA) [filename CALDB|REFDATA|file name]
Name of the leap second file. If set to CALDB or REFDATA, the file in the calibration database or in the REFDATA area, respectively, is used.

(selectfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
The file containing selection expressions. If 'selectfile' is set to CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database.

(mkfconf = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Input mkfilter configuration file.
If 'mkfconf' is set to CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database.

(cor2file = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for ahmkehk: Input cutoff rigidity Suzaku file.

(cor3file = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for ahmkehk: Input cutoff rigidity IGRF 2016 file.

(saafile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for ahmkehk: Input SAA vertices for each instrument.

(hxi_start = 0.0) [double]
Earliest validity time for HXI calibration files.

(hx1_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt and cams2att: HXI1 teldef file.

(hx2_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt and cams2att: HXI2 teldef file.

(hxi_remapfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdsff and hxievtid: Remapping file for HXI.

(hxi_gainfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdpha: File containing PHA calibration functions for HXI.

(hxi_badpixfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdpha, hxievtid: File containing the energy threshold defining a real signal for each readout. If the parameter is set to CALDB, the file is read from the calibration database.

(hxi_fluorefile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxievtid: Input fluorescence file for HXI.

(hxi_enecutfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxievtid: Input energy cut file for HXI.

(cm1_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for cams2att: CAMS1 teldef file.

(cm2_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for cams2att: CAMS2 teldef file.

(camstempxy = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for cams2att: CAMS temperature correction file.

(sgd_start = 0.0) [double]
Earliest validity time for SGD calibration files.

(sg1_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt: SGD1 teldef file.

(sg2_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt: SGD2 teldef file.

(sgd_remapfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdsff, sgdevtid: Remapping file for SGD.

(sgd_gainfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdpha: PHA calibration functions for SGD.

(sgd_badpixfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for hxisgdpha, sgdevtid: File containing the energy threshold defining a real signal for each readout.

(sgd_fluorefile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Input fluorescence file for SGD.

(sgd_probseqfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Sequence probability file for SGD.

(sgd_probfovfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sgdevtid: FOV probability file for SGD.

(sxi_start = 0.0) [double]
Earliest validity time for SXI calibration files.

(sxi_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt: SXI teldef file.

(sxi_badpixfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Bad pixel file for SXI.

(sxi_maskfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Mask file for SXI.

(sxi_vtevnodd = CALDB) [filenam CALDB|file namee]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI 'evenodd' file.

(sxi_ctifile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI CTI file.

(sxi_chtrailfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI charge trail ('chtrail') file.

(sxi_spthfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI split threshold ('splitth') file.

(sxi_gainfile = CALDB) [filenam CALDB|file namee]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI gain file.

(sxi_patternfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxipi: SXI grade pattern file.

(sxs_start = 0.0) [double]
Earliest validity time for SXS calibration files.

(sxs_teldef = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for coordevt: SXS teldef file.

(sxs_coeftime = CALDB) [string CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxssamcnt: Input file with arrival time coeffs for SXS.

(sxs_pixdeffile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Input SXS electrical pixel map file.

(sxs_gainfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxspha2pi: Input SXS gain coefficients file.

(sxs_linefitfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxsgain: Input calibration line file for SXS.

(sxs_gainantfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxsanticopi: Input antico gain file for SXS.

(sxs_delayfile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for mxsgti: input instrument time delay file for SXS.

(hxi_mkflabel = HXISFFA1CAM) [string]
Label to use for HXI MKF GTI creation. For pseudo events PSE replaces CAM in the label.

(hxi_ehklabel = HXISFFA1CAM) [string]
Label to use for HXI EHK GTI creation. For pseudo events PSE replaces CAM in the label.

(hxi_evtlabel = HXISFFA1CAM) [string]
Label to use for HXI event screening. For pseudo events PSE replaces CAM in the label.

(sgd_mkflabel = SGDSFFA1#) [string]
Label to use for SGD MKF GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate Compton camera: CC1, CC2, or CC3. For pseudo events PSE is appended to the end of the label.

(sgd_ehklabel = SGDSFFA1#) [string]
Label to use for SGD EHK GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate Compton camera: CC1, CC2, or CC3. For pseudo events PSE is appended to the end of the label.

(sgd_evtlabel = SGDSFFA1#) [string]
Label to use for SGD event screening. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate Compton camera: CC1, CC2, or CC3. For pseudo events PSE is appended to the end of the label.

(sxi_mkflabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
Label to use for SXI MKF GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.

(sxi_ehklabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
Label to use for SXI EHK GTI creation. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.

(sxi_evtlabel = SXI#SCI) [string]
Label to use for SXI event screening. The hash is replaced by one of the following strings corresponding to the appropriate mode: CCDW1, CCD12WA, or CCD34WF.

(sxs_mkflabel = PIXELALL3) [string]
Label to use for SXS MKF GTI creation.

(sxs_ehklabel = PIXELALL3) [string]
Label to use for SXS EHK GTI creation.

(sxs_evtlabel = PIXELALL3) [string]
Label to use for SXS event screening.

(dattfile = datt.out) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Output delta-attitude file for HXI CAMS.

(coordevt_startsys = LOWEST) [string LOWEST|RAW|ACT|DET|FOC|SKY|HIGHEST]
Parameter for coordevt: Name of the intitial coordinate system for coordinate conversions.

Parameter for coordevt: Name of the final coordinate system for coordinate conversions.

(annaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
Parameter for coordevt: Apply annual aberration correction.

(followsun = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Recalculate the Sun position for each event.

(orbaber = no) [string yes|no|invert]
Parameter for coordevt: Apply satellite orbital aberration correction.

(attinterp = LINEAR) [string LINEAR|CONSTANT]
Parameter for coordevt: Sky attitude interpolation method.

(dattinterp = LINEAR) [string LINEAR|CONSTANT]
Parameter for coordevt: Delta attitude interpolation method.

(attdt = 32.0) [double]
Parameter for coordevt: Allowed margin for time extrapolation [s] in 'attfile'.

(dattdt = 0.5) [double]
Parameter for coordevt: Allowed margin for time extrapolation [s] in 'dattfile'.

(chkattgap = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Limit attitude interpolation if gaps are present.

(chkdattgap = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Limit delta attitude interpolation if gaps are present.

(attext = ATTITUDE) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Attitude extension name.

(attcol = QPARAM) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Attitude column name.

(attform = QUAT) [string QUAT|EULER]
Parameter for coordevt: Attitude format.

(orbext = ORBIT) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Orbit extension name.

(orbcol = VELOCITY) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity column name.

Parameter for coordevt: Orbital velocity format.

(coordevt_randomize = TELDEF) [string yes|no|teldef]
Parameter for coordevt: Randomize coordinates when rebinning.

Parameter for coordevt: Starting from coordinate system specified by 'randsys' (default specified in RANCOORD keyword in teldef file), coordinate conversions are randomized, up to the highest coordinate system.

(randscalesys = TELDEF) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Name of the coordinate system to determine the scaling factor for the randomization interval, +/- 0.5 of a pixel in that coordinate system. The default is to get the name from the RAN_SCL keyword in the teldef file.

(infileext = EVENTS) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Event extension name.

(inclfloatcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded coordinate columns.

(inclfloatskycol = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Write non-rounded SKY coordinate columns.

(floatcolsuffix = _FLOAT) [string]
Parameter for coordevt: Suffix for non-rounded coordinate columns.

(startwithfloat = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Start with non-rounded 'startsys' coordinates.

(blankcol = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for coordevt: Assign null values to columns not calculated.

(btnull = 255) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for byte (B) columns.

(itnull = -999) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for short (I) columns.

(jtnull = -999) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (J) columns.

(ktnull = -999) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for long (K) columns.

(sbtnull = 255) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for signed byte columns.

(uitnull = -999) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned short columns.

(ujtnull = -999) [integer]
Parameter for coordevt: TNULL for unsigned long columns.

(outnsubcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for hxisgdpha: Output the PHA_NSUB column.

(datamode = NONE) [string]
Parameter for hxisgdpha: If 'datamode' is not set to NONE (or an empty string), 'datamode' is used in place of the value of the keyword DATAMODE that is in the input event file.

(outcalfile = NONE) [filename NONE|file name]
Parameter for hxievtid: Name of output file containing the reconstruction information for each occurrence by detector side. This file is used for calibration and not used for science analysis.

(startstep = 1) [integer 1|2|3|4|5]
Parameter for cams2att: Starting step of the calculation done by cams2att.

(stopstep = 5) [integer 1|2|3|4|5]
Parameter for cams2att: Ending step of the calculation done by cams2att.

(inext = EVENTS) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Input extension.

(outext = CAMS_OFFSETS) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Output extension.

(flipsign = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for cams2att: Flip sign of output offsets and angles.

(prefiltfile1 = NONE) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Prefiltered file for CAMS1. This is an intermediate file that can be either input or output depending on 'startstep' and 'stopstep'.

(prefiltfile2 = NONE) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Prefiltered file for CAMS2. This is an intermediate file that can be either input or output depending on 'startstep' and 'stopstep'.

(filtoffset = NONE) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Filtered offset file. This is an intermediate file that can be either input or output depending on 'startstep' and 'stopstep'.

(prefiltexpr = DSP_UP==1 && IS_SAMPLING==1) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Expression to filter input files.

(filtexpr = BAD_UNITS==0) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Expression to filter offset file.

(gtiexpr0 = BAD_UNITS==0) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Expression to create GTI for both CAMS.

(gtiexpr1 = BAD_UNITS==2) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Expression to create GTI for CAMS1.

(gtiexpr2 = BAD_UNITS==1) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Expression to create GTI for CAMS2.

(startsys = RAW) [string RAW|FOC]
Parameter for cams2att: Starting coordinate system for transformation computed by det2att2.

(deltaxcol = DELTARAWX) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Column with change in detector x-coordinate in the file 'filtoffset'.

(deltaycol = DELTARAWY) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Column with change in detector y-coordinate in the file 'filtoffset'.

(sincol = SINANGLE) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Column with sine of rotation angle in the file 'filtoffset'.

(coscol = COSANGLE) [string]
Parameter for cams2att: Column with cosine of rotation angle in the file 'filtoffset'.

(outtracefile = NONE) [filename NONE|file name]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Output reconstruction tracing file.

(numsignal = 48) [integer]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Maximum number of signals for an occurrence that will be analyzed.

(d10 = 3.2) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Shortest distance [mm] between two adjacent pixels.

(d1a1a = 5.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Diagonal distance [mm] between two adjacent pixels in a layer.

(d1a1b = 5.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Distance [mm] between two layers (CdTe-CdTe fluor).

(d1a2 = 14.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Distance [mm] for combining Si-CdTe fluorescence.

(d1a3 = 5.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Distance [mm] for combining Si-Si electron scattering.

(a = 3.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Acceptance tolerance for F test in Step 2.

(b = 3.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Acceptance tolerance for G test in Step 2.

(probaccept2 = 0.1) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Probability threshold for M = 2 acceptance in Step 3.

(probaccept3 = 0.1) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Probability threshold for M = 3 acceptance in Step 3.

(probaccept4 = 0.1) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Probability threshold for M = 4 acceptance in Step 3.

(distz = 1000000.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Very large distance [mm] of target object in Step 4.

(paraoffset0 = 1.6) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Offset value used in step 4 to tune G[k,0], which is a component of the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(paraoffset1 = 1.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Offset value used in step 4 to tune G[k,1], which is a component of the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(paraoffset2 = 1.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Offset value used in step 4 to tune G[k,2], which is a component of the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(weight0 = 1.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Weight applied to G[k,0] in calculating the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(weight1 = 0.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Weight applied to G[k,1] in calculating the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(weight2 = 0.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Weight applied to G[k,2] in calculating the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(weight3 = 0.0) [double]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Weight applied to Prob[k], which is a component of the figure of merit for multiple-hit sequences.

(delgmethod = ANALYTIC) [string ANALYTIC|CORNER]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Method used to calculate delta cos(theta).

(skipreco = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sgdevtid: Skip reconstruction of READALL/CALMODE events.

(rejectbgo = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for hxievtid, sgdevtid: If 'rejectbgo=yes', reject events for which BGO trigger occurred. The BGO is the active anticoincidence shield made of bismuth germanium oxide.

(occurrenceid = -1) [integer]
Parameter for hxisgdexpand, hxievtid, sgdevtid: Occurrence to process (if >0).

(calc_hotpix = no) [boolean yes|no]
Run coordevt on hot pixel file.

(calc_modegti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Calculate SXI data mode GTI.

(colbound = -32768,-32767,32767) [string]
Parameter for sxiphas: TNULL, TLMIN, and TLMAX for PHAS.

(chipcol = CCD_ID) [string NONE|CCD identification]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Chip ID, or column (or NONE). If set to NONE, then all events are searched together for flickering pixels. Otherwise, events are searched separately by 'chipcol' grouping.

(xcol = ACTX) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: X-coordinate column.

(ycol = ACTY) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Y-coordinate column.

(chancol = PI) [string NONE|PI|PIE]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Name of output pulse height column. The column, in the PIXELS extension, contains average pulse height values of the flickering events for each detected pixel. Feature disabled if set to NONE.

(gradecol = GRADE) [string NONE|GRADE]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Name of output event grade column. Only events with specific grades given in the 'grade' parameter for searchflickpix are used in accumulating the chip image for the flickering pixel search. If set to NONE, all grades are used, and the 'grade' parameter is ignored.

(grade = 0,2,3,4,6) [string ALL|grade list]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Event grade(s) for cleaning. This is a list of grade values used in accumulating the chip image for the flickering pixel search. If set to ALL, all grades are used.

(n_division = 1) [integer]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Divide total observation time into the given number.

(cleanimg = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Output cleaned image for debugging.

(cellsize = 7) [integer]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Poisson clean cell size (odd integer > 1), in units of pixels. If set to 0 this invokes the simple counts-per-pixel cutoff.

(impfac = 320) [double]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Impact factor for the gamma function used for the Poisson search.

(logprob1 = -5.6) [double]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Log (base 10) Poisson probability threshold for the first step of the flickering pixel search (using the entire chip).

(logprob2 = -5.6) [double]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Log (base 10) of the Poisson probability threshold for the second step of the flickering pixel search (comparing to the surrounding pixels).

(iterate = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Iterate the second step of Poisson cleaning.

(flagedge = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for searchflickpix: If set to yes, pixels along the chip edge are flagged as flickering for the entire duration of the observation.

(bthresh = 3) [integer]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Zero background cutoff threshold, applied when the local mean background level is zero.

(duration = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Perform detailed search for flickering pixel duration.

(sigma = 3.0) [double]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Significance level for flickering pixel duration.

(firstchip = TLMIN) [string NONE|TLMIN]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum value for chip number in the 'chipcol' column.

(lastchip = TLMAX) [string NONE|TLMAX]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for chip number in the 'chipcol' column.

(xmin = TLMIN) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimium value for X-coordinate.

(xmax = TLMAX) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for X-coordinate.

(ymin = TLMIN) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum value for Y-coordinate.

(ymax = TLMAX) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum value for Y-coordinate.

(chanmin = TLMIN) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Minimum pulse height value (inclusive) for accumulating image to search for flickering pixels.

(chanmax = TLMAX) [string]
Parameter for searchflickpix: Maximum pulse height value inclusive) for accumulating image to search for flickering pixels.

(outbadpix = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: If 'outbadpix=yes', output bad pixel file(s) made by sxiflagpix. It is not possible to specifiy individual names of the bad pixel files. Although an individual run of sxiflagpix allows specifying an output file name, the task ahpipeline calls sxiflagpix multiple times and does not allow specifying the bad pixel name.

(outbadimg = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: If 'outbadimg=yes', bad pixel images are output. Note that in sxiflagpix this parameter is a file name, but here there can be multiple files and the user cannot specify the file names, only whether or not the files are output.

(npixnbr = 1) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Pixel distance defining a neighbor.

(nboundnbr = 1) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Pixel distance defining neighbor from CCD/window/segment boundary.

(citrailnbr = 2) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Pixel distance trailing CI row.

(ciprenbr = 1) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Pixel distance preceding CI row.

(echoflag = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Flag cosmic ray echo pixels.

(echomap = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Output cosmic ray echo pixel fraction map.

(echonbr = 2) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Distance in pixels from a cosmic ray echo pixel to flag a neighbor pixel.

(echomin = 6) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Minimum number of events for the cosmic ray echo fraction calculation.

(echospth = 15) [integer]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Split threshold for cosmic ray echo fraction calculation.

(echofrac = 0.7) [float]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Minimum fraction of hits defining a cosmic ray echo pixel. For any pixel contained in at least 'echomin' events, if at least a fraction 'echofrac' of those events have a pulse height above 'echospth', that pixel is considered a cosmic ray echo pixel.

(bad_status = 3:9,11,12,16:19,25:28,30,37) [string]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: List of STATUS flags which are considered bad. If any of these flags are set to 1 for an event, then STATUS flag 1 will also be set to 1 for that event. Colons can be used to specify a range (e.g., "3:5,7" is equivalent to "3,4,5,7").

(copyphas = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Copy original PHAS before processing.

(resetflags = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxiflagpix: Reset all sxiflagpix STATUS flags.

(hkext = HK_SXI_USR_USER_HK1) [string]
Parameter for sxipi: Name of HK extension with video temperatures.

(hkcolstem = SXI_USR_HKTBL_) [string]
Parameter for sxipi: Column name stem for video temperatures.

(hkvideoid = A,B,B,B) [string]
Parameter for sxipi: Video card IDs used for the even-odd correction for CCD1, CCD2, CCD3, and CCD4. This parameter must consist of a comma-separated list of 4 characters A or B.

Parameter for sxipi: Starting point of corrections to calculate PI.

(evnoddcor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Enable even-odd correction for SXI PI calculation.

(chtrailcor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Enable charge trail correction for SXI PI calculaton.

(cticor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Enable CTI correction for SXI PI calculation.

(gaincor = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Enable gain correction for SXI PI calculation.

(ctigrade = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Use grade information in SXI CTI correction.

(copygrade = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Copy existing GRADE and PHA columns to GRADE_COPY and PHA_COPY columns respectively.

(phcut = CALDB) [string]
Parameter for sxipi: Pulse height cut for CTI correction. If set to CALDB, the value from the header of the CTI CALDB file ('ctifile') is used.

(badpixopt = 2) [integer 1|2|3]
Parameter for sxipi: Options for events with bad pixels: ignore bad pixels (1), null bad pixels (2), or null whole event (3).

(spthiter = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Enable split threshold iteration.

(spthcaldb = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Use split thresholds from 'spthfile'.

(spthoffset = 15.) [double]
Parameter for sxipi: Split threshold offset value (if 'spthcaldb=no').

(spthslope = 0.) [double]
Parameter for sxipi: Split threshold slope value (if 'spthcaldb=no').

(evtthre = DEFAULT) [string]
Parameter for sxipi: Event threshold. If set to DEFAULT, the task uses the values in the 'infile' header keyword EVENTTHR, which contains a comma-separated list of values for each CCD_ID and SEGMENT combination.

(negthre = -5000) [integer]
Parameter for sxipi: Minimum PHAS value for normal event.

(deltatime = 8) [integer]
Parameter for sxipi: Maximum allowed time gap [s] in HK video temperature search.

(debugcol = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxipi: Write out the debuging columns.

sxs_resetflags = ALL [string ALL|NONE|PROX|CTEL|CTEL2|CTREC|ANT|GTI|MXS]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Reset selected SXS event STATUS flags before processing. Multiple values may be specified as a comma-separated list.

(adrgti = REFDATA) [filename REFDATA|file name]
Input ADR (Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator) GTI file. This is one of the GTI passed to ahscreen for SXS.

(acphaoffset = 0.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsanticopi: Average offset added to PHA values before applying the gain. A random offset is added to each PHA between -0.5+acphaoffset and +0.5+acphaoffset. Therefore, when 'acphaoffset=0.5', the random offset is between 0 and 1.

(pxphaoffset = 0.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxspha2pi: Average offset added to PHA values before applying the gain. A random offset is added to each PHA between -0.5+pxphaoffset and +0.5+pxphaoffset. Therefore, when 'pxphaoffset=0.5', the random offset is between 0 and 1.

(timecol = TIME) [string]
Parameter for coordevt, searchflickpix: Name of TIME column.

(stimecol = S_TIME) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Name of S_TIME column.

(tioncol = FWE_TI_LED#_ON) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Input TI columns with LED on (#=1-4).

(tioffcol = FWE_TI_LED#_OFF) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Input TI columns with LED off (#=1-4).

(plslencol = FWE_LED#_PLS_LEN) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Input pulse length columns (#=1-4).

(plsspccol = FWE_LED#_PLS_SPC) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Input pulse spacing columns (#=1-4).

(timeoncol = TIME_LED#_ON) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Output LED-on time columns (#=1-4).

(timeoffcol = TIME_LED#_OFF) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Output LED-off time columns (#=1-4).

(calctime = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for mxsgti: Perform time assignment.

(calcgti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for mxsgti: Produce MXS GTI files.

(afterglow = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for mxsgti: Add afterglow to fine GTI STOP times.

(dtdecay = CALDB) [string CALDB|time value]
Parameter for mxsgti: Afterglow time [s].

Parameter for mxsgti: Interpolation method.

(margingti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for mxsgti: Create GTI between 'tstart' and the first input GTI and between 'tstop' and the last input GTI.

(tstart = DEFAULT) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Value to use for 'tstart' [s], or if 'tstart=DEFAULT', take from 'infile'.

(tstop = DEFAULT) [string]
Parameter for mxsgti: Value to use for 'tstop' in seconds, or if 'tstop=DEFAULT', take from 'infile'.

(dt = 0.) [double]
Parameter for mxsgti: Time gap [s] between input GTI times and corresponding output GTI times. Output start times are later than the input stop times by 'dt', and output stop times are earlier than the input start times by 'dt'.

(antpsp = A) [string A|B]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Antico PSP to use for coincidence (A = PSP-A, B = PSP-B).

(antshift = CALDB) [string CALDB|time offset value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Time offset [s] between event time and central time for defining the window used for antico flagging.

(calcant = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Flag antico events.

(antdtpre = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Delta time [s] preceding an antico event.

(antdtfol = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Delta time [s] following an antico event.

(antphathr = 71) [integer]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: PHA threshold for antico events.

(antdurthr = 2) [integer]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Duration threshold for antico events in units of 80 microseconds.

(calcctrec = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: If 'calcctrec=yes', events are checked for recoil crosstalk flagging; if 'calcctrec=no', this is skipped.

(ctrecdt = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging recoil crosstalk.

(calcprox = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: If 'calcprox=yes', events are checked for basic temporal proximity with any other event.

(proxdt = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Time interval [s] between events required for proximity crosstalk to be flagged.

(calcctel = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: If 'calcctel=yes', events are checked for electrical crosstalk flagging using the 'cteldt' time interval.

(cteldt = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging electrical crosstalk.

(ctelnear = 1) [integer]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Number of nearby pixels to be checked for electrical crosstalk, where proximity is defined by 'pixdeffile' and restricted to quadrants of the SXS detector.

(calcctel2 = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: If 'calcctel2=yes', events are checked for electrical crosstalk flagging using the 'cteldt2' time interval.

(cteldt2 = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Delta time [s] for flagging electrical crosstalk 2.

(ctelnear2 = 1) [integer]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Number of nearby pixels to be checked for electrical crosstalk 2, where proximity is defined by 'pixdeffile' and restricted to quadrants of the SXS detector.

(pxpithr = 600) [integer]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Events with PI values below this threshold are excluded from flagging checks of the types listed by the 'usepxpithr' parameter.

(usepxpithr = ALL) [string ALL|NONE|PROX|CTEL|CTEL2|CTREC]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: A comma-delimited list specifying which flagging types should use the 'pxpithr' parameter for excluding events. Allowed values in the list are ALL, NONE, PROX (proximity), CTEL (electrical crosstalk), CTEL2 (2nd electrical crosstalk), and CTREC (recoil crosstalk). Events that do not belong to the types specified in the list are excluded from flagging regardless of their PI value.

(calcmxs = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: If 'calcmxs=yes', events are checked for coincidence with MXS events.

(calc_gtilost = no) [boolean yes|no]
Perform calculations on SXS lost GTI: (1) If no lost GTI file is found as part of the observation sequence, create one. (2) Compute the inverse of the lost GTI.

(screenlost = no) [boolean yes|no]
Screen events using the inverse of the lost GTI.

(mxsdt = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Time interval [s] by which the MXS pulse stop times given in the MXS GTI are extended to account for MXS afterglow.

(kalow = 5860.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Lower energy limit [eV] of Mn K-alpha for recoil PHA test.

(kahigh = 5930.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Upper energy limit [eV] of Mn K-alpha for recoil PHA test.

(kbeta = 6450.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Energy [eV] of Mn K-beta for recoil PHA test.

(dtflag = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsflagpix: Add additional columns to the output containing actual delta time values for crosstalk and antico.

(dtprimary = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxssecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes between primary and secondary events, used if 'regrade=yes'.

(dtlowmid = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxssecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes between low- and mid-resolution events, used if 'regrade=yes'.

(dtmidhigh = CALDB) [string CALDB|time interval value]
Parameter for sxssecid: Time interval [ms] that distinguishes high- and mid-resolution events, used if 'regrade=yes'.

(tol = 2.0) [double]
Parameter for sxssecid: Allowed tolerance [ns] for associating secondaries and primaries.

(regrade = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxssecid: If 'regrade=yes', the events are regraded based on their assigned times and the 'dtprimary', 'dtlowmid', and 'dtmidhigh' parameters. A newly calculated grade is written into the column specified by the 'itypecol' parameter.

(gaincoeff = H) [string H|M|L]
Parameter for sxsgain: Type of gain coefficients to use.

(linetocorrect = Mnka) [string MnKa|MnKb|CuKa|CuKb|CrKa|CrKb|AlKa|AlKb|MgKa|MgKb]
Parameter for sxsgain: Line to fit (HDU name in 'sxs_linefitfile').

(numevent = 250) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain: Maximum mumber of events collected for each spectrum used to calculate a single gain correction.

(minevent = 150) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain: Minimum mumber of events collected for each spectrum used to calculate a single gain correction.

(grpoverlap = 50.) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Percentage of overlap between adjacent groups.

(startenergy = -1.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Lower limit of energy range [eV] over which the spectra are collected (-1 = automatic).

(stopenergy = -1.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Upper limit of energy range [eV] over which the spectra are collected (-1 = automatic).

(extraspread = 40.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Energy [eV] by which the energy range is extended on either side, beyond the lowest and highest energies in 'sxs_linefitfile', for the selected calibration feature.

(broadening = 1.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: FWHM [eV] initial Gaussian broadening of calibration line profile. If 'fitwidth' is set to no, the profile width is fixed at this value.

(gridprofile = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: If 'gridprofile' is set to yes, only output the theoretical profile, including any convolution due to the broadening parameter; no fitting is conducted.

(fitwidth = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: Fit spectral line width.

(background = CONST) [string NONE|CONST|SLOPE]
Parameter for sxsgain: Fitted background type.

(spangti = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: If 'spangti' is set to yes, events in different time intervals in 'gtifile' may be collected in the same spectrum to be fitted.

(usemp = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: If 'usemp=no', only high-resolution primaries are included in the fitted spectra. If 'usemp=yes', mid-resolution primaries are also included.

(calcerr = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: Compute uncertainties on line SHIFT and WIDTH parameters.

(writeerrfunc = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain: Output uncertainty functions.

(avgwinrad = 30) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Radius of interval (in units of 'binwidth') used only to update the initial shift estimate prior to fitting, not used in calculating the average results.

(minwidth0 = 1.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Smallest width (in units of 'binwidth') allowed as the initial value in width fitting.

(maxitcycle = 5) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain: Maximum number of fitting iterations.

(r2tol = 0.001) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Convergence criterion for R-squared fitting coefficient.

(searchstepshift = 2.) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Step size ['binwidth'] when fitting shift.

(maxdshift = 5.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Largest allowed deviation ['binwidth'] from initial guess of shift.

(bisectolshift = 0.001) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: When the bisection method determines the energy shift to within this amount (in units of 'binwidth'), the fitting procedure is completed.

(searchstepwidth = 5.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Step size ['binwidth'] when fitting line width.

(maxdwidth = 10.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Largest allowed deviation ['binwidth'] during fitting, from initial guess of line width.

(bisectolwidth = 0.001) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: When the bisection method determines the convolution width to within this amount (in units of 'binwidth'), the fitting procedure is completed.

(minwidth = 0.5) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Smallest width ['binwidth'] to allow in width fitting.

(nerrshift = 100) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain: Number of shift values in uncertainty calculations.

(nerrwidth = 100) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain: Number of width values in uncertainty calculations.

(shifterrfac = 3.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Factor for determining the range of shift uncertainty arrays.

(widtherrfac = 4.0) [double]
Parameter for sxsgain: Factor for determining the range of width uncertainty arrays.

(sxs_pulsefile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxsseccor: Input file with pulse amplitudes.

(phaout = PHA2) [string]
Parameter for sxsseccor: Name of output PHA column.

(calcupi = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Calculate UPI column.

(sxs_scalefile = CALDB) [filename CALDB|file name]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Input EPI scale file for cal pixel.

(secphacol = PHA) [string]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Input PHA column to use for secondary correction.

(scaleepi = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Scale EPI values using data in the file 'scalefile'.

(scalegrade = 0) [string]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: List of grades to apply scale factors.

(calcpi = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Calculate PI column.

(addepicol = EPI2) [string]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Output energy column with secondary correction.

(method = FIT) [string FIT|AVERAGE]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Correction method. If 'method=FIT', the TEMP_FIT column in the 'drift' file made by sxsgain is used. If 'method=AVERAGE', the TEMP_AVG column is used.

(extended = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Use extended energy range if 'extended=yes'.

(binwidth = 0.5) [double]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: PI bin width [eV] for extended energy range.

(offset = 0.5) [double]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Offset [eV] for first PI for extended energy range.

(tlmax = 32767) [integer]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Maximum PI channel for extended energy range.

(writetemp = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxspha2pi: Output the temperature that was used in the gain determination for each event.

(dgfile = REFDATA) [filename]
Parameter for sxsperseus: Input gain coefficients file.

(offsetfile = REFDATA) [filename]
Parameter for sxsperseus: Calibration offset file.

(outrange = NULL) [filename NULL|CONST|EXTRAP]
Parameter for sxsperseus: How events are handled outside the time range.

(itypecol = ITYPE) [string]
Parameter for sxsextend, sxsgain, sxspha2pi, sxssecid, sxsseccor: Name of ITYPE column.

(ckctrec = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxssecid: Exclude events with recoil crosstalk.

(ckctel = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxssecid: Exclude events with electrical crosstalk.

(ckant = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxssecid: Exclude events with antico coincidence.

(ckrisetime = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxssecid, sxsflagpix: Do not use events with RISE_TIME > 127.

(tempidx = 2) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxspha2pi: Input temperature index for selecting gain.

(ntemp = 3) [integer]
Parameter for sxsgain, sxsextend, sxspha2pi: Number of temperatures from gain file to use in interpolation.

(gapdt = -1.0) [double]
Parameter for gain-fitting tasks (e.g. ahgainfit), sxspha2pi, sxsextend: Time [s] between events to define a gap (or <0).

(extrap = no) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for gain-fitting tasks (e.g. ahgainfit), sxspha2pi, sxsextend: Allow extrapolation when determining drift temperature.

(randomize = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Parameter for multiple tasks: Allow randomization.

(seed = 0) [integer]
Parameter for multiple tasks: Random number generator seed. If 'seed=0' the system time is used.

(startdate) [string]
Start date/time of ahpipeline (output).

(numerrs = 0) [string]
Number of errors from ahpipeline (output).

(cleanup = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Delete temporary files if 'cleanup=yes'.

(clobber = no) [boolean yes|no]
Overwrites the existing output file if set to yes.

(chatter = 2) [integer 0|1|2|3]
Chatter level for output. Set to 0 to suppress output, or to 1, 2, or 3 for increasing the chatter of the output.

(logfile = !DEFAULT) [string DEFAULT|NONE|file name]
Log file name. If set to DEFAULT, uses the name of the task and, if preceded by "!", overwrites the file if it exists. If set to NONE, no log file is created.

(debug = no) [boolean yes|no]
Diagnostic output is printed to the screen if set to yes.

(history = yes) [boolean yes|no]
Records tool parameters in HISTORY.


  1. The following command recalibrates (Stage 1) and re-screens (Stage 2) all HXI, SGD, SXS, and SXI data for sequence 100039010 that currently resides in the directory /data/100039010/. The output is stored in a directory called /data/100039010_reproc/.
    ahpipeline indir=/data/100039010 outdir=/data/100039010_reproc entry_stage=1 exit_stage=2 \ 
    steminputs=ah100039010 instrument=ALL
  2. The following example re-screens (Stage 2 only) HXI1 data for the same data set as in the previous example.
    ahpipeline indir=/data/100039010 outdir=/data/100039010_reproc entry_stage=2 \ 
    exit_stage=2 steminputs=ah100039010 instrument=HXI1


ahcalctime, hxipipeline, sgdpipeline, sxipipeline, sxspipeline, ahfilter, ahgtigen, ahscreen


February 21, 2024