batdrmgen - computes BAT detector response matrix (RSP) for a known source position


batdrmgen infile outfile hkfile


batdrmgen is the BAT Detector Response Matrix (DRM) generator tool that computes the full BAT instrument response to incident photons, given the source position information read from an input PHA spectral file. The output FITS file contains a matrix that represents the mean response of a detector using mask-weighted analysis. Because BAT is very wide-field, it is not practical to separate the response into "ARF" and "RMF" components, and for this reason batdrmgen creates a single response with these components combined (so-called "RSP"). This file should be used in spectral analysis with software like XSPEC.

The batdrmgen tool accepts as input a pulse height spectrum file produced by the BAT binning tool 'batbinevt'. BAT spectra are required to have both a SPECTRUM extension and an EBOUNDS extension, which describes the energy bin edges used to produce it.

BAT spectra are required to have specific keywords which describe the position of the source in the field of view. Please note that, as documented in the BAT software manual, users must run the tasks 'batupdatephakw' and 'batphasyserr' on their spectra before running batdrmgen. These other tasks apply several instrument-related corrections which must be in place before the response matrix is computed.

The batdrmgen tool accepts both "Type I" and "Type II" spectral files. The most common type of file, Type I files contain a single spectrum (and are produced using the outtype=PHA1 option of batbinevt). Type II files contain multiple spectra in a single extension (and are produced using the outtype=PHA2 option of batbinevt). The 'row' option of batdrmgen allows the user to select which Type II spectrum to process.

Upon finishing, batdrmgen attempts to modify the input spectrum to record the file name of the newly created response matrix. By default, it uses the standard RESPFILE keyword for this purpose, but if a column named RESPFILE is present, it will use the column (and specified row) instead. This column behavior is useful for Type II spectra, but note that such a column must exist before calling batdrmgen, otherwise it falls back to using the keyword approach. The spectral fitting package XSPEC will use either the RESPFILE column or keyword to automatically load the response matrix.


For each incident photon energy bin, batdrmgen computes the BAT counts spectrum that would be measured if a mono-energetic stream of photons of unit photon flux with an energy at the bin midpoint were incident on the array. Repeating this calculation for each incident energy bin produces an N x M matrix, where N is the number of incident photon bins and M is the number of PHA counts bins. While the incident photon energy bin edges can be defined by the user, the output PHA counts spectrum bin edges are read from the EBOUNDS extension in the input PHA file.

The BAT DRM is calculated using the set of quasi-physical calibration parameters that are appropriate for the particular position of the photon source. These parameters were determined from least squares fits of the spectral model to actual ground calibration data measured using radioactive gamma-ray sources that were mounted in a variety of positions within the BAT field of view (FOV). The calculation also makes use of the detector charge trapping parameters measured during ground calibration tests. The angle dependent calibration parameters and the detector charge trapping parameters are stored in a calibration file managed by the CALDB utility.

Since batdrmgen models the signal loss due to charge trapping at different absorption depths within the CZT detectors, it requires a knowledge of the interaction depth probability distributions for 10-500 keV photons coming from anywhere within the BAT FOV. Simple Monte Carlo simulations of the absorption of 10-500 keV photons in a 2 mm thick CZT detector were used to create 1000-element tables of the probabilities of a photon interacting in each of the 2 mm/1000 = 2 micron thick CZT detector "slices." These 1000-element depth distribution vectors were determined over a moderately dense grid of energies and incident angles within the BAT FOV. The depth distribution used for a particular source position and energy is determined by interpolating within this table. This depth distribution information is highly compressed and stored in a second calibration file also managed using CALDB.

Users have the choice of 2 methods for DRM generation: The default method, "MEAN", accesses calibration parameters that are averaged over the entire BAT FOV. The alternative method is "TABLE", in which batdrmgen accesses a table of calibration parameters for different source positions and sorts the table with respect to the angular separation between the source direction vector and the position vector for each ground calibration measurement. batdrmgen then calculates the weighted average of the parameter values from the three closest calibration measurements. Thus, the ground calibration parameters from measurements closer to the source position will be weighted more heavily.


infile [filename]
Name of the PHA FITS input file containing the binned and mask-weighted BAT data as well as header keywords containing the source position and other information relevant to the response calculation.
outfile [filename]
Name of the output FITS response file (*.rsp) that will contain the N x M OGIP-compatible response matrix, usable with XSPEC.
hkfile [filename]
Name of the DAP Housekeeping file that contains detector bias voltage (column: BHVMon_Level) and electronic threshold (column: DM_HK_Vthr) values for the time interval of interest. If "NONE" is specified, batdrmgen uses the values specified by the hv_def and vthr_def parameters.

At present, batdrmgen uses this file simply to check the hv values, make certain they are nominally 200V, and warn the user if they are not. Therefore, the default value of "NONE" is perfectly acceptable.

(row = 1) [integer]
If the input PHA file is a "Type II" spectrum (one spectrum per row of the PHA file), the row parameter specifies which row of the file contains the spectrum for which a response matrix is computed. For a "Type I" spectrum (single spectrum extension) the row parameter is ignored, but should be set to 1.
(calfile = CALDB) [filename]
Name of the FITS file that contains the spectral parameters for the response function. The default value is "CALDB" thus allowing the file to be managed by the CALDB utility.
(depthfile = CALDB) [filename]
Name of the FITS file that contains the compressed photon interaction depth distribution generated by Monte Carlo simulations. The default value is "CALDB" thus allowing the file to be managed by the CALDB utility.
(escale = CALDB) [string]
Desired form of the incident photon energy bin edges. Possible responses include:
the program reads in a FITS file containing the bin edges (see description of the efile parameter below);
linear binning
logarithmic binning.

Both LIN and LOG allow the user to specify the number of bins (see nphoton_bins below) and the energy range (see elimit_lo and elimit_hi listed below. )

(detmask = NONE) [string]
Name of a "mask weight" map (with dimensions of 286x173) which indicates which detectors were used to accumulate the spectrum. At present, this parameter is not used.
(method = MEAN) [string]
Computation method for DRM. The default method ("MEAN") accesses calibration parameters that are averaged over the entire BAT FOV. The alternative method is "TABLE", in which batdrmgen accesses a table of calibration parameters for different source positions and sorts the table with respect to the angular separation between the source direction vector and the position vector for each ground calibration measurement. batdrmgen then calculates the weighted average of the parameter values from the three closest calibration measurements. Thus, the ground calibration parameters from measurements closer to the source position will be weighted more heavily.
(flight_data = YES) [boolean]
Flag indicating whether the PHA file contains flight data as opposed to ground calibration data.
(nphoton_bins = 200) [integer]
The number of bins desired in the incident photon energy scale (used for escale = LIN or LOG as discussed above).
(elimit_lo = 10.0) [real]
The desired lower energy limit for the incident photon energy scale (used for escale = LIN or LOG as discussed above).
(elimit_hi = 500.0) [real]
The desired upper energy limit for the incident photon energy scale (used for escale = LIN or LOG as discussed above).
(efile = CALDB) [string]
File name for the user-specified FITS file containing the user's custom incident energy bin edges (used for escale = FILE as discussed above). The default value, "CALDB" indicates that the default incident bin edges will be used. This default bin edges have the energy range of 10 keV to 1000 keV divided into 200 logarithmically-spaced bins with bin edge adjustment made for the absorption edges of CdZnTe (26.711 keV for the Cd K edge and 31.814 for the Te K edge). As indicated, the file containing the default input bin edges is managed by the CALDB utility.
(hv_def = 200.0) [real]
The default detector bias voltage setting, in volts. This value is used if no hkfile is specified. If an hkfile is specified and some of the values contained in it are NULL, this value is substituted in place of the null values.
(vthr_def = 12.0) [real]
The default XA1 threshold setting, in millivolts. This value is used if no hkfile is specified. If an hkfile is specified and some of the values contained in it are NULL, this value is substituted in place of the null values.
(fudge = INDEF) [string]
A string specifying which correction should be applied to the response matrix calculation. Possible values are:
Apply default correction (equivalent to CRAB)
Apply correction derived by fitting the residuals of the uncorrected matrix to an on-axis crab spectrum
Do not apply a correction
(clobber = NO) [boolean]
If the output file already exists, then setting "clobber = yes" will cause it to be overwritten.
(chatter = 2) [integer, 0 - 5]
Controls the amount of informative text written to standard output. Setting chatter = 1 produces a basic summary of the task actions; chatter = 2 (default) additionally prints a summary of input parameters; chatter = 5 prints detailed debugging information.
(history = YES) [boolean]
If history = YES, then a set of HISTORY keywords will be written to the header of the specified HDU in the output file to record the value of all the task parameters that were used to produce the output file.


batdrmgen sw00050100004bsvo01f0g01f0.pha sw00050100004bsvo01f0g01f0.rsp NONE




Nov 2007