coordinator - converts raw coordinates to detector and sky coordinates
coordinator eventfile attfile teldef
This is a mission-independent tool for taking raw coordinate columns
in an event file and converting them to detector and sky coordinates.
In other words it fills the appropriate coordinate columns.
Note that the details of which columns to read and write are specified
in the "teldef" calibration file.
- eventfile [string]
- This is the name of the event file containing raw coordinates
and to which detector and sky coordinates will be written.
- (eventext = EVENT) [string]
- This is the name of the FITS file extension containing the event list.
- (timecol = TIME) [string]
- This is the name of the FITS column containing time values.
- (skyxnull = 0) [integer]
- "Null" value to be written to the sky X column when the coordinates
are outside the field of view or if the current attitude is unknown.
- (skyynull = 0) [integer]
- "Null" value to be written to the sky Y column when the coordinates
are outside the field of view or if the current attitude is unknown.
- attfile [filename]
- Name of the attitude file to be used to fill the sky coordinate
columns. If set to "NONE", the sky coordinate columns will not be filled.
- teldef [filename]
- Name of the "Telescope Definition" calibration file or CALDB.
- (aberration = yes) [boolean]
Should the effects of aberration be taken into account when
calculating the sky coordinate values? Aberration is the
apparent bending of light due to the Earth's orbit around the
Sun. This is at most a ~20 arcsec effect.
- (follow_sun = yes) [boolean]
Should aberration be recalculated for each event time? If set
to "no" the aberration at the time given by the MJDOBS keyword
will be used for all events. Setting this to "no" is acceptable
except for very long observations and will make the program run
slightly faster. The "yes" setting should be used for highest
- ra [real]
- This is the Right Ascension in decimal degrees of the point
to appear in the center of sky coordinate images.
- dec [real]
- This is the Declination in decimal degrees of the point
to appear in the center of sky coordinate images.
- (randomize = yes) [boolean]
- If this is set to "no" the program will assume that each event
occured at the center of its raw coordinate pixel. If it is set
to "yes", the detector and sky coordinates will be calculated
assuming a random location within the raw pixel. In general
this should be set to "yes", however, randomization may be
undesirable if the raw pixels are much larger than the detector
or sky pixels.
- (seed = -1956) [integer]
- Random number generator seed to be used if the "randomize" flag
is set to "yes". For a given seed value, the same results will be
produced each time the program is run.
- (timemargin = 32.0) [real]
- Allowed time to extrapolate the spacecraft attitude before the
first or after the last row in the attitude file. Events beyond
the time margin will have their coordinates set to the "skyxnull"
and "skyynull" values.
- (interpolation = LINEAR) [string]
- Attitude interpolation method. The value LINEAR results in
the attitude being linearly interpolated to the event time. The
value CONSTANT results in the attitude being taken from the nearest
attitude record.
- (history = yes) [boolean]
- Write parameter history?
- (chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
- Standard HEAdas chatter parameter.
September 2005