getwcs - extracts the WCS keywords for a teldef file coordinate system


getwcs teldef=<string> coord=<string> segment=<integer> ra=<real> dec=<real> outfile=<string>


This tool extracts the WCS keywords for a coordinates system specified in a teldef file. These keywords can be written to an existing image or into a new file with an empty image. The resulting WCS keywords assume no windowing or binning for the image. These may be applied using the transform_wcs tool.


coord [string]

The name of the corodinate system. These have three characters all caps, such as "RAW", "DET", or "SKY".

dec [real]

The declination of the center of the coordinate system if you request SKY coordinates.

outfile [string]

The file into which this tool will write the WCS keywords. If the file does not exist the tool will create a new one with an empty image.

ra [real]

The right asention of the center of the coordinate system if you request SKY coordinates.

segment [integer]

the detector segment number if RAW coordinates are requested in the coord parameter.

teldef [string]

The name of the teldef calibration file specifying the corodinate system properties.

(chatter = 1) [integer]

Output verbosity

(history = yes) [boolean]

Write HISTORY keywords to output?



transform_wcs, imagetrans,


April 2004